GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!

Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?
Be patient.

When we hit one o' those brief/infrequent cold-snaps you'll (then) hear them....

"HEY!! How 'bout that global-warming??!!!"


(...Quite analogous to their preference for Elementary-School-style humor.)

Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?
Be patient.

When we hit one o' those brief/infrequent cold-snaps you'll (then) hear them....

"HEY!! How 'bout that global-warming??!!!"


(...Quite analogous to their preference for Elementary-School-style humor.)


Explain how this pipeline will increase our carbon footprint as a nation.

How will it increase the amount of oil we already use and will be using for the foreseeable future?

Without explaining those the claim of an increased carbon footprint is very dishonest.
It's going to hard for you to continue making the claim that it is Republicans that are throwing tantrums about not getting their way when the Republicans just gave the Democrats the payroll tax cut they wanted...the extension of unemployment benefits they wanted...and most infrastructure building job producer that supposededly EVERYONE wants...yet Harry Reid says that bill is "dead on arrival" and President Obama is threatening to veto it if it does make it through the Senate.

So who's being childish here?

Republicans are offering a bill both parties already support. In order to pass a bill that has no opposition, they tack on an controversial rider and threaten to shut down government

This is the politics Newt Gingrich taught them
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

If we don't use that oil we will just buy it from our enemies in the middle east.....nice red herring though. The pipeline wont make us use more or less oil as a nation, it will just re-direct where our wealth goes to purchase what we will use.
Yeah.....into the pockets o' the usual.

Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

If we don't use that oil we will just buy it from our enemies in the middle east.....nice red herring though. The pipeline wont make us use more or less oil as a nation, it will just re-direct where our wealth goes to purchase what we will use.
Yeah.....into the pockets o' the usual.


Nice response not adressing the fact I posted, kudos to showing more of your hackery

[ame=]You're Really Dumb For Real - YouTube[/ame]
It's going to hard for you to continue making the claim that it is Republicans that are throwing tantrums about not getting their way when the Republicans just gave the Democrats the payroll tax cut they wanted...the extension of unemployment benefits they wanted...and most infrastructure building job producer that supposededly EVERYONE wants...yet Harry Reid says that bill is "dead on arrival" and President Obama is threatening to veto it if it does make it through the Senate.

So who's being childish here?

Republicans are offering a bill both parties already support. In order to pass a bill that has no opposition, they tack on an controversial rider and threaten to shut down government

This is the politics Newt Gingrich taught them

Wow... a bill with a rider.... how DARE they! No other party has EVER, in all of human history, done that! The nerve!
It's going to hard for you to continue making the claim that it is Republicans that are throwing tantrums about not getting their way when the Republicans just gave the Democrats the payroll tax cut they wanted...the extension of unemployment benefits they wanted...and most infrastructure building job producer that supposededly EVERYONE wants...yet Harry Reid says that bill is "dead on arrival" and President Obama is threatening to veto it if it does make it through the Senate.

So who's being childish here?

Republicans are offering a bill both parties already support. In order to pass a bill that has no opposition, they tack on an controversial rider and threaten to shut down government

This is the politics Newt Gingrich taught them

Democrats threw immediate fits when the term must be paid for came up.

It was a cute story though.
FACT: The very minute that the Keystone Pipeline is authorized, 2,000 jobs will be created instantaneously. These aren't government jobs. These aren't flipping burgers in McD's. These are jobs that pay OVER $60,000 a year. Half of these jobs will be UNION WELDERS and pipe fitters.

Now we're told that we can't build the pipeline, well because it's environmentally unsound. Hey dip stick, it is environmentally UNSOUND to allow 2,000 people to live in cardboard cities!

How stupid can you be?
You do realize that if we actually create jobs, we won't need as much unemployment money.

Believe it or not, some people would rather be working......
'Tis true....if you've got the patience for that BU$HCO 8-year ("We'll call you.") "waiting-period".

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Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Whatever.. I've been hearing this shit since the seventies.... we're gonna burn to death, we're gonna freeze to death, we're going to drown to death, we're gonna run out of water.

The enviro-Nazis are batting .000. AGW is bunk bullshit.... FACT. Lack of snow in one year or even ten, out of 4,500,000,000 years does not a trend make.
.....And, quoting Porky Limbaugh does not qualify as "research".....

It's going to hard for you to continue making the claim that it is Republicans that are throwing tantrums about not getting their way when the Republicans just gave the Democrats the payroll tax cut they wanted...the extension of unemployment benefits they wanted...and most infrastructure building job producer that supposededly EVERYONE wants...yet Harry Reid says that bill is "dead on arrival" and President Obama is threatening to veto it if it does make it through the Senate.

So who's being childish here?

Republicans are offering a bill both parties already support. In order to pass a bill that has no opposition, they tack on an controversial rider and threaten to shut down government

This is the politics Newt Gingrich taught them

The only reason it's "controversial" is that Obama is caught between his union supporters that want it...and his environmentalist supporters that hate it...which is why, even though it would provide badly needed jobs and make us less dependent on oil coming from the Middle East...Obama tried to duck the issue and put it off until after the 2012 elections. All the Republicans did was force his hand.
You see...being a "leader" means that you have to make tough calls from time to time...calls that will piss off some people. Obama tried to vote "present" like he was back in the State Senate in Illinois.
Gotta love the "science" crowd.. their futures are invested in batteries and windmills.
....And, that, there thinkin'-stuff, huh??

[ame=]Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki - YouTube[/ame]​
It's going to hard for you to continue making the claim that it is Republicans that are throwing tantrums about not getting their way when the Republicans just gave the Democrats the payroll tax cut they wanted...the extension of unemployment benefits they wanted...and most infrastructure building job producer that supposededly EVERYONE wants...yet Harry Reid says that bill is "dead on arrival" and President Obama is threatening to veto it if it does make it through the Senate.

So who's being childish here?

Republicans are offering a bill both parties already support. In order to pass a bill that has no opposition, they tack on an controversial rider and threaten to shut down government

This is the politics Newt Gingrich taught them

The only reason it's "controversial" is that Obama is caught between his union supporters that want it...and his environmentalist supporters that hate it...which is why, even though it would provide badly needed jobs and make us less dependent on oil coming from the Middle East...Obama tried to duck the issue and put it off until after the 2012 elections. All the Republicans did was force his hand.

People wonder why it takes so long to create jobs in America anymore. This is a perfect example of why. They've been waiting for regulatory approval for this thing for 2 1/2yrs already, and have held 20 hearings along the proposed route. This is in addition to the 90 or so public meetings, and hundreds of hours of testimony by Trans Canada.
Remember also that there are already about 20,000 miles of pipeline already on the Ogallala Aquifier, 2000 of which are hazardous liquid pipelines.

It's all fucking vote coddling bullshit.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Interesting how the House GOP hasn't shown much interest about jobs since they took the majority a year ago but now that oil is involved, they're all fired up.

Let's take it from a state level. Republicans in Texas have created more jobs than the other 49 states combined. Democrats in CA are losing jobs, businesses and rich people like no state has ever done in history. And their solution raise taxes on the rich and SUCCESSFUL small business owners (which is already at 10.1%), drive more businesses and rich people out of the state. Great move!

And government doesn't create jobs, rather they create environments for job growth. Over-taxation, over-regulation and over-government agency (like the EPA) oversite is what kills that environment!
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Are you aware that there was snow in July in the bread basket of America back in the late 1700's?

Are you aware that before this year, the hottest summer on record was decades ago?

I find those that are still fighting for this "global warming" turned to "global cooling" turned to "climate change" as silly "chikcen littles"

The ultimate irony is, they claim to take the high ground when it comes to science, even though, thoroughly ignoring pretty much all scientific data that contradicts their silly assumptions.

"It has the exact same symptoms you would see for future climate change events, and we're expecting to see more of them," he said later, agreeing to talk only if his name were not revealed, for security reasons. "We wanted to know: What are the conditions that lead to a situation like the Pakistan flooding? What are the important things for water flows, food security … radicalization, disease" and displaced people?

As intelligence officials assess key components of state stability, they are realizing that the norms they had been operating with — such as predictable river flows and crop yields — are shifting."


Stupid Teabaggers
You guys may wish to check with NASA. I'm pretty sure they've got better info than you.
Save your breath.

When it comes to NASA, the Teabaggers/Dead-O-Heads are (STILL) thinkin'....

[ame=]A Trip to the Moon / Le Voyage dans la lune - 1902 - YouTube[/ame]


For all others.....there's REALITY (BU$HCO's worst-enemy)....

[ame=]Global Warming and George Bush - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Devo - "Beautiful World" - YouTube[/ame]​
It's about the jobs. And many Americans need em. They're not interested in all the political squabbling. This pipeline provides thousands of 'Shovel-Ready Jobs' immediately. So what's the hold up? Just put the politics aside and do the deal. Tax Cuts & Many Jobs? Sounds pretty good to me. So just do it.
I see alot of uninformed people here spouting off things that don't make any sense. Here are some facts that people need to understand (though I have no doubt most will ignore):

1) The Keystone pipeline will NOT increase oil production. Pipelines do not produce oil, and Trans Canada is not involved in oil production. They maintain an infrastructure that is used to deliver the oil. That's it.

2) Oil production will not increase with the expansion of the Keystone pipeline into the US.

3) Current capacity to transport oil into the US from Canada already exceeds current demand. Analysts predict that if the Keystone pipeline is expanded into the US, pipelines will operate at abotu 50% capacity.

4) The Canadian portion of the Keystone pipeline has caused INCREASES in the cost of doing business for oil refineries, which are going to be passed along to the consumer. So much so, some refineries are suing Trans Canada to be released from their contracts.

All things considered, there is significant concern regarding the Keystone pipeline, and the issue of whether it will create any jobs, much less if those jobs will even be filled by Americans, is questionable at best. Increases in pump prices will lead companies to offset those costs by increasing their prices, laying off people, or both. I've heard (though I'm still looking for it) that there has been expert analysis done that predicts that the ultimate results would be that the Keystone pipeline would have an overall negative impact on employment numbers, with consuming companies laying off more people than the pipeline would hire. Even without such expert analysis at my fingertips, I tend to agree that, at the very least, that could be a very real possibility.

The Keystone pipeline needs to be looked at long and hard, and should not be approved at this point in time. There is still much information that needs to be collected and examined before we can take the risk.

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