GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years

As long as we talk about some of the coldest springs and winters in years also.

once again ideology over common sense.

Up grades to an old system of pipe lines,bringing needed energy products from friendly, nations, much needed jobs funded by others not tax payers, ya its a real dumb thing to do.
You guys may wish to check with NASA. I'm pretty sure they've got better info than you.

You might want to check with the Russians for permission first, as Obama felt the need to no longer have a shuttle program.

Oh yeah that was when Russia invaded Georgia over the pipeline....

When that happened I got into the Chinese and Russian servers - the propaganda was awesome... All posters were blaming the invasion on the US and Russians pretended like it was the second coming of Stalin.

Everyone is apparently a "comrade" over there... Thats how they refer to one another - "comrade."

Thank God I live in a free country... For now I suppose.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

Yep, let Obama Veto it, if he dares.

The Pipe line has had 3 solid years of study, more than any previous Pipe Line in our history. 2 Massive, Expensive Reports have both concluded it is safe to go ahead with. The so called sensitive areas it passes through are already Crossed by more than one other Pipe line. Obama's Excuse for Delaying it is pure Horse shit. he is simply trying to give a win to the Environmentalists in his Base.

Let him Veto the Tax Cuts based on the Pipe line, at his own Peril, Americans will see right through him.

Who is the Unreasonable Obstructionist now? Threatening a Veto over a Pipe line that has had more than enough Study, Been Given the Green light by those studies, and will add thousands of Jobs, and access to Oil from a Friendly ally is exactly the Behavior Obama accuses Republicans of engaging in. Putting our Entire Economic Future, and the Middle Class Tax cuts, in Doubt over an Unreasonable, Ideological Stance on the Pipe Line.

Yup. The Keystone project has been studied for THREE years. The main concern was that it will be going over an aquifer. The Canadians have said no problem. They will move it so the aquifer isn't affected in any way.

The Canadians are friendly allies. They could just as easily take this pipeline to the West and sell the oil to the Chinese. Instead they are sending it to the US. This will provide jobs all the way round.

Barry is just trying to ensure the enviro crowd support him in 2012. He doesn't give a rats ass about the jobs or the environment. Its all about his re-election.

Smart move on the part of the GOP. This bill passed the House and now Reid is having kittens because the Senate will have to do something. If its DOA in the Senate then I hope the GOP is shouting about this from the rooftops.

Let the Dems fuck this up at their peril.
Just too friggen hilarious..

The Republicans are offering the Obama his precious Tax cut along with bringing JOBS and ENEGRY to our country. And the Libs STILL BITCH about it.

you can't make this shit up folks
The bill is dead in the water

GOP knows it but plays the game anyway. What a useless Congress

Why would this bill be dead in the water? It gives the Democrats the payroll tax cuts extension AND extends unemployment benefits like they gives the Republicans jobs like they wanted. So why wouldn't this be voted for? Other than Obama wants to use not getting payroll tax cuts passed as an issue against the Republicans?

What's amusing to me, Winger is that you progressives on this board accused Republicans of being the Party of No when they did everything they could to stop ObamaCare...something that was quite plainly NOT wanted by a majority of the American people but then you turn around and accuse the Republicans of being the Party of No when they try to pass something that an overwhelming majority of Americans SUPPORT. It seems to me that the Republicans have become the Party of the People and the Democrats have become the Party of We Know Best.

Yup. Everything the House sends is DOA in the Senate.

This bill is a win, win for both parties. They both get what they want so lets just see what that flamming idiot Reid does next.
This pipeline would be a pretty huge 'Shovel-Ready Project' no? The President should be strongly in favor of this. This should be an easy deal to make for him and the Democrats. It's a Win/Win for everyone.
For Canada, yes.
The GOP care more about creating Canadian jobs than they do about struggling middle class Americans!!!

Try being honest ed. 1/3 of the jobs will be created in canada with 2/3's in the united states.

Paulitician they aren't "shovel ready" in the Obama admin's sense of the word because the jobs would be funded by private corporate money and not taxpayer money using govt friendly unions that donated to him ;).
It's not the federal governments job to create jobs...

This pipeline is NOT a stimulus job or federally funded job - it's a private sector job.

I'm 100% in favor of this pipeline - I'm NOT in favor of government redistributing taxpayer cash to the states so they can bailout pensions and hire unions to fix roads that don't need to be fixed.

Unlike the stimulus this will be no bailout....

All sounds good to me. I just wish the pipeline didn't run through the aquifer and I just thought it typical that a GOP sponsored project had to involve oil. So which private sector company gets to build the pipeline?

You do realize there are already a shitload of OLD pipelines running through the Ogallala Aquifer, right? And there's cities, farms, and industrial activity that all take place on it as well, right?
And this new, state of the art pipeline is the ecological disaster waiting to happen, even though it will have capacity to replace some old existing lines? Bullshit, it's politics plain and simple.

"Facts are stubborn things" ;)
Are people really still trying to tie the pipeline to global warming concerns? really?

That is so dishonest. Building this pipeline WILL NOT change the rate at which america consumes oil for things from fuel to plastics so to claim it will increase carbon/add to global warming is a completely invalid argument.
The Democrats whole "Party of No" narrative about the Republicans is in dire danger of becoming a political boomerang headed right back at the Dems if either Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate won't vote on this bill (like all the others)...or if President Obama vetos it. The American people are going to be scratching their heads and asking..."For the love of God...if they can't agree on THIS...then what ARE they going to agree on? This bill would extend the payroll tax cuts...extend unemployment benefits...create tens of thousands of high paying infrastructure jobs paid for by the private sector not tax dollars...and is supported by the vast majority of Americans and someone is refusing to pass it? What possible reason would those people have for doing so other than playing politics?
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Are people really still trying to tie the pipeline to global warming concerns? really?

That is so dishonest. Building this pipeline WILL NOT change the rate at which america consumes oil for things from fuel to plastics so to claim it will increase carbon/add to global warming is a completely invalid argument.

I posted a link to a study earlier in this or the other thread (not sure), showing no affect one way or the other on CO2. The libtards did exactly what they always do when presented with facts that contradict their opinions/talking points. They ignored it.
GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!
Yeah......they've always been quite "adept" at the whole rider-trip.....when they can't manage to get issues/legislation "passed" (on it's own merits).

[ame=]Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn - YouTube[/ame]

See: 5:00 thru 12:00
Are people really still trying to tie the pipeline to global warming concerns? really?

That is so dishonest. Building this pipeline WILL NOT change the rate at which america consumes oil for things from fuel to plastics so to claim it will increase carbon/add to global warming is a completely invalid argument.

It would mean purchasing less from the ME, and the likes of Chavaez, wait a minute.:eusa_whistle:
The democrats are depending on increasing the number of jobless to win the next election. They will never vote for a project that will create jobs.
The only issue here is Obama appeasing the eco-crazies in his base. The GOP has out-maneuvered him at every turn. That's what happens when you can't negotiate with the other side.
It's not a matter of "conservatives" not being able to negotiate with the other side, as-much-as them feeling entitled to get everything they want.....or, they'll throw a tantrum....


....with all the NO! NO! NO!(s) they can manage.


'Tis a perpetual/terminal weenie-lifestyle they pursue (from the safety o' shadows/bunkers).​
It's not a matter of conservatives not being able to negotiate with the other side, as-much-as them feeling entitled to get everything they want.....or, they'll throw a tantrum....

Like the Dems did in Wisconsin? Funny... I don't recall Republicans ever fleeing a state to avoid a vote.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

I approve of the move simply because the pipeline will create jobs and those jobs will create revenues for small business which will create more jobs.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight......just like
....were supposed-to.....huh??


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House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

I approve of the move simply because the pipeline will create jobs and those jobs will create revenues for small business which will create more jobs.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight......just like
....were supposed-to.....huh??

[ame=]You are so dumb. You are really dumb, for real! - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah because the pipeline will build itself without anyone getting hired or paying taxes on their new income from those jobs....yeah ok buddy :lol:
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It's going to hard for you to continue making the claim that it is Republicans that are throwing tantrums about not getting their way when the Republicans just gave the Democrats the payroll tax cut they wanted...the extension of unemployment benefits they wanted...and most infrastructure building job producer that supposededly EVERYONE wants...yet Harry Reid says that bill is "dead on arrival" and President Obama is threatening to veto it if it does make it through the Senate.

So who's being childish here?

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