GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!

Nice strawman. Refining it in canada or the us doesn't change the total carbon footprint.

One strawman down, set up another i've got plenty of oil to burn it with :D
That doesn't change the fact that the Canadians don't want the refinery filth in the air they have to breath. It may not change the total carbon footprint but it will change the pollution footprint in the USA. Let the Canadians foul their own air.

So you do acknowledge that the carbon footprint talking point is bullshit....that was the claim I was challenging.
I acknowledge that tar sand is the dirtiest crude to refine and it will pollute the air any place it is refined, so let it pollute the Canadian air rather than the American air.
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.
That doesn't change the fact that the Canadians don't want the refinery filth in the air they have to breath. It may not change the total carbon footprint but it will change the pollution footprint in the USA. Let the Canadians foul their own air.

So you do acknowledge that the carbon footprint talking point is bullshit....that was the claim I was challenging.
I acknowledge that tar sand is the dirtiest crude to refine and it will pollute the air any place it is refined, so let it pollute the Canadian air rather than the American air.

Ok so you acknowledge that tar sand oil is the dirtiest crude and that people saying this pipeline will increase the carbon footprint are wrong.

Look we agree on something :cool:
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.

I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.

I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)

Hell yea. If GE or any of his other cronies were involved with this,it would have been approved a long time ago. So i guess they're gonna have to pay off some of his cronies to get this done. But i really do think it's all about politics. Obama and Democrats just can't stand the idea of Republicans getting any credit for creating jobs. I think it really is that simple. It's very sad.
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.

I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)

Get out of my head............none of his cronies or Union guys have a part in this. It won't require any federal $ so they can't set the wages to be paid through Davis-Bacon. In other words none of his guys can profit so they can add to his campaign chest.
So you do acknowledge that the carbon footprint talking point is bullshit....that was the claim I was challenging.
I acknowledge that tar sand is the dirtiest crude to refine and it will pollute the air any place it is refined, so let it pollute the Canadian air rather than the American air.

Ok so you acknowledge that tar sand oil is the dirtiest crude and that people saying this pipeline will increase the carbon footprint are wrong.

Look we agree on something :cool:
If it is refined in America it increases America's carbon footprint. If it is refined in Canada it will increase Canada's carbon footprint. Let it increase Canada's carbon footprint and pollute Canada's air. They can sell the refined products just as easily as the crude, maybe even more easily. Why is keeping Canada's air clean more important than our own?????
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.

I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)
December 08, 2011
RUSH: The unions want that pipeline, and the unions trump the environmentalist wackos every time. That's why if Obama wins, after the election, that pipeline is gonna be authorized. That pipeline's gonna be okayed. The unions want it. Obama's buddies. Right now that's just campaign donations, both sides of the issue. That's why. The last thing Barack Obama is ever going to do -- and I mean this as seriously as I've meant anything. The last thing he's gonna do is what's good for the country. That's not his objective. It's not who he is; it's not what he's about. It never has been, and it never will be.
I acknowledge that tar sand is the dirtiest crude to refine and it will pollute the air any place it is refined, so let it pollute the Canadian air rather than the American air.

Ok so you acknowledge that tar sand oil is the dirtiest crude and that people saying this pipeline will increase the carbon footprint are wrong.

Look we agree on something :cool:
If it is refined in America it increases America's carbon footprint. If it is refined in Canada it will increase Canada's carbon footprint. Let it increase Canada's carbon footprint and pollute Canada's air. They can sell the refined products just as easily as the crude, maybe even more easily. Why is keeping Canada's air clean more important than our own?????

Last i checked the jetstream swooped down from canada right into the united states all the time :eusa_whistle:
You see...being a "leader" means that you have to make tough calls from time to time...calls that will piss off some people. Obama tried to vote "present" like he was back in the State Senate in Illinois.

It's actually the REPUBLICAN governor of Nebraska who is pissing off his fellow Republicans by opposing the route of the pipeline and calling for a re-route. He's the one who pressured Obama into delaying the permit.

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman: Protecting Nebraska's Natural Resources

The key decision on this pipeline is the permitting decision that will be made by the Obama Administration. That’s why I have urged President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to deny the permit needed to be obtained through the U.S. Department of State. That will force a change in the route or the pipeline won’t be built. The Obama Administration could also approve the permit, but only if TransCanada changes the route. Either solution would be acceptable to most Nebraskans.

It's actually the REPUBLICAN governor of Nebraska who is pissing off his fellow Republicans by opposing the route of the pipeline and calling for a re-route. He's the one who pressured Obama into delaying the permit. .

He's just a scumbag politician trying to squeeze the administration for favors.

So much for both "States Rights" and that it's only Democrats holding this up.
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.

I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)
December 08, 2011
RUSH: The unions want that pipeline, and the unions trump the environmentalist wackos every time. That's why if Obama wins, after the election, that pipeline is gonna be authorized. That pipeline's gonna be okayed. The unions want it. Obama's buddies. Right now that's just campaign donations, both sides of the issue. That's why. The last thing Barack Obama is ever going to do -- and I mean this as seriously as I've meant anything. The last thing he's gonna do is what's good for the country. That's not his objective. It's not who he is; it's not what he's about. It never has been, and it never will be.

Yea i'm sure he's just duping is far Left 'Global Warming' base on this. He will agree to it eventually. After all,these are those 'Shovel-Ready Jobs' he promised but never delivered.
Ok so you acknowledge that tar sand oil is the dirtiest crude and that people saying this pipeline will increase the carbon footprint are wrong.

Look we agree on something :cool:
If it is refined in America it increases America's carbon footprint. If it is refined in Canada it will increase Canada's carbon footprint. Let it increase Canada's carbon footprint and pollute Canada's air. They can sell the refined products just as easily as the crude, maybe even more easily. Why is keeping Canada's air clean more important than our own?????

Last i checked the jetstream swooped down from canada right into the united states all the time :eusa_whistle:
Actually, it stays quite north in the Summer. And if they can't palm off their foul crude on us, they will not refine it in Canada and dirty their own air, they are not as stupid as CON$, they will sell it to China.
Let's be real. It's clear what this is all about. Obama and the Democrats cannot possibly allow the Republicans to get any credit for creating jobs. They would rather take all these jobs away from Americans than to see the Republicans get any credit. It's just more 'Party before Country' stuff coming from them. It was never about the jobs. It's all about him and the party. And it sucks hard. Shame on them.

I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)
December 08, 2011
RUSH: The unions want that pipeline, and the unions trump the environmentalist wackos every time. That's why if Obama wins, after the election, that pipeline is gonna be authorized. That pipeline's gonna be okayed. The unions want it. Obama's buddies. Right now that's just campaign donations, both sides of the issue. That's why. The last thing Barack Obama is ever going to do -- and I mean this as seriously as I've meant anything. The last thing he's gonna do is what's good for the country. That's not his objective. It's not who he is; it's not what he's about. It never has been, and it never will be.

And your point would be what exactly?

I did say the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama.
I bet if one of the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama were involved he would have pushed for it ;)
December 08, 2011
RUSH: The unions want that pipeline, and the unions trump the environmentalist wackos every time. That's why if Obama wins, after the election, that pipeline is gonna be authorized. That pipeline's gonna be okayed. The unions want it. Obama's buddies. Right now that's just campaign donations, both sides of the issue. That's why. The last thing Barack Obama is ever going to do -- and I mean this as seriously as I've meant anything. The last thing he's gonna do is what's good for the country. That's not his objective. It's not who he is; it's not what he's about. It never has been, and it never will be.

And your point would be what exactly?

I did say the unions or wall street companies that have donated millions to obama.
Are you saying that there are unions who don't donate to Obama? :cuckoo:
I acknowledge that tar sand is the dirtiest crude to refine and it will pollute the air any place it is refined, so let it pollute the Canadian air rather than the American air.

Ok so you acknowledge that tar sand oil is the dirtiest crude and that people saying this pipeline will increase the carbon footprint are wrong.

Look we agree on something :cool:
If it is refined in America it increases America's carbon footprint. If it is refined in Canada it will increase Canada's carbon footprint. Let it increase Canada's carbon footprint and pollute Canada's air. They can sell the refined products just as easily as the crude, maybe even more easily. Why is keeping Canada's air clean more important than our own?????

that not what the enviros are whining about, they are whining about the Sands run off ponds and the methods that the create sludge ponds etc.

and, to twist your own misunderstanding, I'll go with that- so a Q- whose refineries do you think are more efficient and 'clean'. China's, or ours?

and you do know that the particulates china outs out gets in the jet stream and rains down on us as well, right? And of course so would Canada's...

the enviros don't have a leg to stand on.
So much for both "States Rights" and that it's only Democrats holding this up.

When did you ever give a damn about states rights? The bottom line is that the federal government has the authority to make this decision. The issue of "states rights" is irrelevant except to turds trying to justify the unjustifiable.
I see alot of uninformed people here spouting off things that don't make any sense. Here are some facts that people need to understand (though I have no doubt most will ignore):

1) The Keystone pipeline will NOT increase oil production. Pipelines do not produce oil, and Trans Canada is not involved in oil production. They maintain an infrastructure that is used to deliver the oil. That's it.

2) Oil production will not increase with the expansion of the Keystone pipeline into the US.

3) Current capacity to transport oil into the US from Canada already exceeds current demand. Analysts predict that if the Keystone pipeline is expanded into the US, pipelines will operate at abotu 50% capacity.

4) The Canadian portion of the Keystone pipeline has caused INCREASES in the cost of doing business for oil refineries, which are going to be passed along to the consumer. So much so, some refineries are suing Trans Canada to be released from their contracts.

All things considered, there is significant concern regarding the Keystone pipeline, and the issue of whether it will create any jobs, much less if those jobs will even be filled by Americans, is questionable at best. Increases in pump prices will lead companies to offset those costs by increasing their prices, laying off people, or both. I've heard (though I'm still looking for it) that there has been expert analysis done that predicts that the ultimate results would be that the Keystone pipeline would have an overall negative impact on employment numbers, with consuming companies laying off more people than the pipeline would hire. Even without such expert analysis at my fingertips, I tend to agree that, at the very least, that could be a very real possibility.

The Keystone pipeline needs to be looked at long and hard, and should not be approved at this point in time. There is still much information that needs to be collected and examined before we can take the risk.

been to the Dirty Oil site I see?

not filled by Americans? wtf?

its been 3 years, everyone bought off, the state dept. approved it before obama asked them to go back and look again.

increasing our supply by 4% is a bad thing? why yes of course....:lol:
What gets me..the people complaining about oil. USE it everyday in their lives in some form or another.

Nothing like wanting to cut of your nose to spite your face I guess.
The Greedy Old People's party can't take a shit or a piss without lower taxes for the rich or kissing up to Big Oil.

It's what they do.
With each post you leave no doubt of your room temperature IQ.
You can't use the toilet until you've spewed a drive by post.

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