GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

The majority of Americans support:
Coverage for prexisting conditions
healthcare exchanges
No lifetime limit on coverage
coverage of children to age 26

Yet despite that, they oppose the law. Which tells us they don't think the above benefits are worth the costs imposed by the total bill.

They oppose something called Obamacare yet support what is in it

Shows Republican propaganda is working

Don't be specious. Taken out of context, who would say no to any of those? What matters is the bottom line. Are those benefits worth the costs and drawbacks of ACA? Most people don't think so.
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Yet despite that, they oppose the law. Which tells us they don't think the above benefits are worth the costs imposed by the total bill.

They oppose something called Obamacare yet support what is in it

Shows Republican propaganda is working

Don't be specious. Taken out of context, who would say no to any of those? What matters is the bottom line. Are those benefits worth the costs and drawbacks of ACA? Most people don't think so.

Do you support.....
coverage of prexisting conditions
Exchanges for those not employed in big companies or self employed
Ending a lifetime limit of coverage
Allowing those 26 and other to be on parents policy?

What costs do you oppose?
They oppose something called Obamacare yet support what is in it

Shows Republican propaganda is working

Don't be specious. Taken out of context, who would say no to any of those? What matters is the bottom line. Are those benefits worth the costs and drawbacks of ACA? Most people don't think so.

Do you support.....
coverage of prexisting conditions
Exchanges for those not employed in big companies or self employed
Ending a lifetime limit of coverage
Allowing those 26 and other to be on parents policy?

Sure, absent any cost, why not?

What costs do you oppose?

The individual and employer mandates.
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

If the law will just be a debacle, Republicans should let it take effect, ride the catastrophe to overwhelming victory in the 2014 midterms, and then use their massive congressional majorities to repeal it.

Rather, as EJ Dionne writes, the real fear is that the law will succeed. Once Obamacare begins delivering health insurance to millions of Americans it will become effectively impossible to repeal. That's what's happened in every other country that's introduced a national health-care system. That's why the right needs to stop Obamacare before it begins. This is looking more and more like a last ditch effort of conservatives to stop the inevitable.

Wonkbook: Shutting down the government won?t stop Obamacare. It might even help it.

Yeah, the solution is for us to just let you have your way, and THEN get stuck trying to clean up your mess afterward. How about not?
Don't be specious. Taken out of context, who would say no to any of those? What matters is the bottom line. Are those benefits worth the costs and drawbacks of ACA? Most people don't think so.

Do you support.....
coverage of prexisting conditions
Exchanges for those not employed in big companies or self employed
Ending a lifetime limit of coverage
Allowing those 26 and other to be on parents policy?

Sure, absent any cost, why not?

What costs do you oppose?

The individual and employer mandates.

How do you propose to require coverage of prexisting conditions with no additional costs.....without mandates?
How do you propose to require coverage of prexisting conditions with no additional costs.....without mandates?

are you saying there is NO way to cover pre-existing conditions, not drop folks who get sick and not increase premiums for folks who get sick, without an individual mandate?

there has to be a way.
I think maybe we should remind everyone here that there are 2 houses of Congress and the Congress has to act as one body. The House doesn't get to pass things and the Senate doesn't get to pass things by itself.

People seem to have forgotten there is a Senate.
NO...SORRY... NOT how it works. Founders were smart MEN...I know it yanks you...and it should. Enjoy applauding your elected TYRANTS. THEY are about to be defeated by US.

Not how it works?

The House gets to pass legislation are obviously reading different founders than the rest of us
NOT what I stated you DOLT.

Reading COMP 101 for YOU?
How do you propose to require coverage of prexisting conditions with no additional costs.....without mandates?

are you saying there is NO way to cover pre-existing conditions, not drop folks who get sick and not increase premiums for folks who get sick, without an individual mandate?

there has to be a way.

Love to hear it
when the GOP loses seats in the House and the Senate in 2014, who will they blame?
Love to hear it

what if we offer private insurers a way to bid on covering the costs of Medicare and Medicaid recipients?

if they bid lower than it costs the govt. to do it, they win the bid.

that would help eat the costs of covering pre-existing conditions, and of not dropping or changing coverage for sick people.
when the GOP loses seats in the House and the Senate in 2014, who will they blame?

They should blame themselves if they pull this stunt and lose.

do you REALLY think they will allow the govt. to shutdown AND not raise the debt ceiling?

that would be very very bad for them. It would be 1994 all over again, except in reverse.
Considering how many people are losing their jobs and / or having their hours drastically cut thanks to Obama-care...

Those vote should be a Republican pick-up.
If the GOP forces a govt. shutdown AND a default on the debt, and don't lose a single seat in the House or Senate, I'll eat cat food.
Considering how many people are losing their jobs and / or having their hours drastically cut thanks to Obama-care...

Those vote should be a Republican pick-up.
Republicans have an EASY one here if they don't lose their spine.

Obama and REID have one HELL of a task to explain themselves out of saince the majority of the people are against OCare.

The OP is incredulous...HE is OWNED BY ME.
Republicans have an EASY one here if they don't lose their spine.

Obama and REID have one HELL of a task to explain themselves out of saince the majority of the people are against OCare.

The OP is incredulous...HE is OWNED BY ME.

you couldn't afford me.
if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

the proper way to kill a program, or Federal agency, or Federal dept., is to pass legislation that kills the program.

holding a continuing resolution hostage isn't the way to do it.

The American people understand this.

if the Dems give in now, next year the Republicans will do the exact same thing with the EPA, FEMA, the Department of Education, etc etc.

For someone who claims he doesn't hate America and the Constitution, you sure don't know shit about them.

This sort of situation is EXACTLY why Congress holds the power of the purse in this country.

James Madison in Federalist 78 said the House “holds the purse reducing all the overgrown prerogatives of the other branches of government.”

Such a pity that President Madison isn't around today so that you can tell him how the Constitution he fathered says that Congress has no control over what does and doesn't get funding.

Oh, and it's high time the GOP do the same thing to some of these insane, illegal usurpations of power by the federal government, so don't talk about it like you expect everyone to be as horrified by the loss of government bloat as you are.
And when this backfires and the GOP is sent packing in 2014 what then? If the extreme right platform didn't work in the last two Presidential elections why do you seriously think it will work for the house? Causing a shutdown over one bill will make the GOP look like what we already think.

if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

Didn't the american people already speak Obama won two terms. :confused:

Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

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