GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies
A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

Tea Baggers believe only traitors and Communists compromise.
A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

Republicans fund 99 out of 100 and they're the ones not compromising?

A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

The senate is democrat, the president is democrat. Shutdown is the only way to deal with the democrats who shut out the republicans to implement Obama care. I'd be happy with a complete shutdown. I'd survive just fine. How about you?
A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

Republicans fund 99 out of 100 and they're the ones not compromising?


WTF are you talking about?
A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

The senate is democrat, the president is democrat. Shutdown is the only way to deal with the democrats who shut out the republicans to implement Obama care. I'd be happy with a complete shutdown. I'd survive just fine. How about you?

As a country, we were founded on a great compromise. We functioned for over 200 years on "I will give you this, if you will give us that"

We functioned without shutting down the government or defaulting on our debt

What the FUCK is the matter with Republicans over the last 20 years?
A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

The senate is democrat, the president is democrat. Shutdown is the only way to deal with the democrats who shut out the republicans to implement Obama care. I'd be happy with a complete shutdown. I'd survive just fine. How about you?

As a country, we were founded on a great compromise. We functioned for over 200 years on "I will give you this, if you will give us that"

We functioned without shutting down the government or defaulting on our debt

What the FUCK is the matter with Republicans over the last 20 years?

We have medicaid, we have medicare, we have "free" health care at hospital emergency rooms, we have free clinics, we have free abortions, we have 50million on welfare, we have SS, ....

When the fuck are we gonna compromise?
A man whose only tool is a hammer looks at every problem as a nail

What is with Republicans? Every time they gain power in Congress, they look at a shutdown or default on debt as their only way to get their way

Compromise? Compromise is for pussies

Republicans fund 99 out of 100 and they're the ones not compromising?


WTF are you talking about?

Actually, this current resolution funds EVERYTHING in the budget.

It just doesn't add a NEW line
The senate is democrat, the president is democrat. Shutdown is the only way to deal with the democrats who shut out the republicans to implement Obama care. I'd be happy with a complete shutdown. I'd survive just fine. How about you?

As a country, we were founded on a great compromise. We functioned for over 200 years on "I will give you this, if you will give us that"

We functioned without shutting down the government or defaulting on our debt

What the FUCK is the matter with Republicans over the last 20 years?

We have medicaid, we have medicare, we have "free" health care at hospital emergency rooms, we have free clinics, we have free abortions, we have 50million on welfare, we have SS, ....

When the fuck are we gonna compromise?

You don't want to compromise on taking care of sick people?
As a country, we were founded on a great compromise. We functioned for over 200 years on "I will give you this, if you will give us that"

We functioned without shutting down the government or defaulting on our debt

What the FUCK is the matter with Republicans over the last 20 years?

We have medicaid, we have medicare, we have "free" health care at hospital emergency rooms, we have free clinics, we have free abortions, we have 50million on welfare, we have SS, ....

When the fuck are we gonna compromise?

You don't want to compromise on taking care of sick people?
Huh? We already take care of sick people, what the fuck are you talking about? Obuma care isn't about taking care of people, it's about redistributing money to buy democrat votes, fuck over the working class people, and make Obama's chicago thug insurance companies rich.
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Huh? We already take care of sick people, what the fuck are you talking about? Obuma care isn't about taking care of people, it's about redistributing money to buy democrat votes.

and yet many Conservative Republicans will be eligible for ObamaCare tax subsidies.

Huh? We already take care of sick people, what the fuck are you talking about? Obuma care isn't about taking care of people, it's about redistributing money to buy democrat votes.

and yet many Conservative Republicans will be eligible for ObamaCare tax subsidies.


True. No doubt those folks may get addicted to the free crack and switch sides. I have no illusions, we are past the tipping point.
Huh? We already take care of sick people, what the fuck are you talking about? Obuma care isn't about taking care of people, it's about redistributing money to buy democrat votes.

and yet many Conservative Republicans will be eligible for ObamaCare tax subsidies.


Just because one can take from the public trough does not mean they must or would even wish to do so..
"If it's there, take it" is the exclusive province of the liberal mindset.
That's like trying to chop down a sequoia with a butter knife. The budget needs to be cut with a CHAINSAW!

yeah, that's really smart.

no one will be hurt by that.

why do you want to cut into your Medicaid and SNAP payments?

As soon as budget cuts are mentioned, the first thing you libs do is run entitlements up the flag pole. You complain, "what about these poor people?...OH MY what will they do?"
There is so much waste and misappropriation of tax dollars, there could be a whole clan of Samurai arisen from the dead to take their swords to the federal budget and the cuts would not even come close to your precious social entitlements.
Oh, when government simply does not have the money and cannot in good conscience tax more, EVERYONE must sacrifice.
Unlike you, I am not a parasite.

listen my unemployed, SNAP-using friend,

the American people don't want the govt. to be shutdown or the debt to be defaulted, just to defund ObamaCare.

maybe you should listen to the people.

Which people might those be?..
The 40% or so who are in some way either sucking off the taxpayer tit now, or will be in the not too distant future?
The bottom line is the only people that want this are the parasites and ones that WANT to be parasites.
The people who will be footing the bill for this are opposed.
And why not. We will be paying OUR bill and THEIR bill....Fuck that...
Why the fuck should we the producers support a law that will have us paying for ourselves while paying for others to get a better deal and better coverage that we the ones who get the bill would receive?...
Because we should be as you claim, "compassionate"....Fuck you.
I'm supposed to work my ass off and have my earnings butt fucked so some no education no skill asshole can work as a fucking ditch digger or worse, sit at home on his dead ass and HE gets a better deal that I do?....You're on crack, buddy...
You guys just don't get it, do you?

ObamaCare passed the House and Senate and was signed by Obama.

That makes it law.

If you want to kill ObamaCare, you need to repeal ObamaCare.

Threatening to not fund the rest of the govt. just to defund ObamaCare, ain't the way to do it.

When's the last time a Federal program was killed not by repealing it, but by holding up all other Federal spending?????

what the GOP is doing, is legislative terrorism. And Moderate GOPers are losing patience.

Oh, like "it's the law" is sacrosanct to you hypocrites when it's a law you don't like. Hey, Bubba, the immigration laws were passed by Congress, too, but I don't believe I've ever seen you excoriating Obama for issuing orders to not enforce them. :eusa_hand:

What the GOP is doing is what the Constitution is built to allow them to do, so how can that be "terrorism"? Hey, did you know that the Constitution is "the law" you were just prattling about, too?
Huh? We already take care of sick people, what the fuck are you talking about? Obuma care isn't about taking care of people, it's about redistributing money to buy democrat votes.

and yet many Conservative Republicans will be eligible for ObamaCare tax subsidies.


Self-interest only equals moral correctness in leftist minds. Conservatives know better.

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