GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

I think this is a bad idea not saying i like the healthcare bill and i think it needs to go or be changed but causing a shutdown over one bill still seems kind of ludicrous to me.

You're right. So why are Harry Reid and the Democrats doing it? :eusa_eh:

Not sticking their noses up Ted Cruz's ass and blindly, stupidly, following along.

That's what's wrong with the GObP/pubs right now. They all sign stupid promises not to do their job, not to stand up for what's right. Instead, they just get shoved around by nutters like Grover Norquist and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Every one of them is owned by lobbyists and the radical far right.

Even Boehner has to call Limbaugh to find out what to do next.

Same with rw's. They can't think for themselves. They get their marching orders from fox, beck, limbaugh.
Thanks for the figures, Foxy...That poster knows it...HE expects US to buy into his OUR WAY or the HIGHWAY BS as to run roughshod over the people that didn't want this in the first place.

NOW he's BUTTHURT of the balking of the PEOPLE and that Obama WILL LOSE this battle. REID as well. THEY OWN this. It's theirs to lose. Hoffstra knows it.

a majority of the House voted for ObamaCare.

a SUPER majority of the Senate voted for ObamaCare.

that's how a bill becomes a law, dumby.
The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.

oh, so THAT'S the childish game you're playing!!!!!!!!!

well when was the last time every single fucking House and Senate member voted to support a new program?????

Childish? Really? Guess what skippy? The PEOPLE didn't want it. BE ALL the butthurt you wanna be...The PEOPLE are forcing this.

They didn't want it in the first place.

GET USED TO DEFEAT SON...It will BE your moniker from NOW henceforth.

the proper way to kill a program, or Federal agency, or Federal dept., is to pass legislation that kills the program.

holding a continuing resolution hostage isn't the way to do it.

The American people understand this.

if the Dems give in now, next year the Republicans will do the exact same thing with the EPA, FEMA, the Department of Education, etc etc.

wrong again. defunding happens all the time.

go tell your mom you need a civics book for 5th graders.

So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits?

Where does it end?

Wherever the Representatives of the People, and the people who put them in that position of power, decide it does.

What's the matter? You afraid the people are too stupid to run their own government, and need you benevolent elitist shitheads to babysit them?
Childish? Really? Guess what skippy? The PEOPLE didn't want it. BE ALL the butthurt you wanna be...The PEOPLE are forcing this.

They didn't want it in the first place.

GET USED TO DEFEAT SON...It will BE your moniker from NOW henceforth.


Actually, The People do want this.

That's why they re-elected Obama, and gave the Democrats more seats in the House & Senate in 2012.

If the 2012 Election was a referendum on ObamaCare, the Democrats won.

haa haa hee hee!!!! :)
Thanks for the figures, Foxy...That poster knows it...HE expects US to buy into his OUR WAY or the HIGHWAY BS as to run roughshod over the people that didn't want this in the first place.

NOW he's BUTTHURT of the balking of the PEOPLE and that Obama WILL LOSE this battle. REID as well. THEY OWN this. It's theirs to lose. Hoffstra knows it.

a majority of the House voted for ObamaCare.

a SUPER majority of the Senate voted for ObamaCare.

that's how a bill becomes a law, dumby.
So that means the people can be run roughshod over? REALLY?


WE are fighting BACK and it WILL be Defunded. Get used to it.
So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits?

Where does it end?

logical fallacy. where does your logic begin?

Not exactly but nice try. GOP has been trying to get rid of Social security for years. Here in Florida Rick Scott took a lot of money away from education and if a Gov Shutdown happens then Military benefits stop.

And once again, it comes down to who trusts the American people to wield the power that is rightfully theirs, and who wants to wrest it from their hands in order to build a monolithic, oppressive federal government that treats the people like retarded five-year-olds. :eusa_whistle:
So that means the people can be run roughshod over? REALLY?


WE are fighting BACK and it WILL be Defunded. Get used to it.

let's make a bet.

I bet that ObamaCare will NOT be defunded this year.

if I am wrong, I will leave the forum for a month.

But if YOUR are wrong, YOU will leave the forum for a month.

logical fallacy. where does your logic begin?

Not exactly but nice try. GOP has been trying to get rid of Social security for years. Here in Florida Rick Scott took a lot of money away from education and if a Gov Shutdown happens then Military benefits stop.

And once again, it comes down to who trusts the American people to wield the power that is rightfully theirs, and who wants to wrest it from their hands in order to build a monolithic, oppressive federal government that treats the people like retarded five-year-olds. :eusa_whistle:
Indeed. The PEOPLE like ME are sick of these elitists...Their come-uppance HAS arrived.

THEY aren't gonna like the result.
wrong again. defunding happens all the time.

go tell your mom you need a civics book for 5th graders.

So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits?

Where does it end?

Wherever the Representatives of the People, and the people who put them in that position of power, decide it does.

What's the matter? You afraid the people are too stupid to run their own government, and need you benevolent elitist shitheads to babysit them?

So basically wasting everyone's time? I thought so. Don't be so delusional any bill that the house tries to pass through that affects social services and the healthcare bill will be shot down in the Senente. Just like last time the GOP is pulling this stunt and they are going to back down or they will have it blow up in there face.
So that means the people can be run roughshod over? REALLY?


WE are fighting BACK and it WILL be Defunded. Get used to it.

let's make a bet.

I bet that ObamaCare will NOT be defunded this year.

if I am wrong, I will leave the forum for a month.

But if YOUR are wrong, YOU will leave the forum for a month.

I don't make BETS with Statists. Sorry. Just KNOW the people are hurting, they know WHY, and THEY are smarter than YOU.

Now get out of my face, SLAVE.
I bet anyone, that ObamaCare will NOT be defunded in 2013.

anyone wanna take my bet?

the loser, has to avoid the forum for a month.
So that means the people can be run roughshod over? REALLY?


WE are fighting BACK and it WILL be Defunded. Get used to it.

let's make a bet.

I bet that ObamaCare will NOT be defunded this year.

if I am wrong, I will leave the forum for a month.

But if YOUR are wrong, YOU will leave the forum for a month.

I don't make BETS with Statists. Sorry. Just KNOW the people are hurting, they know WHY, and THEY are smarter than YOU.

Now get out of my face, SLAVE.

Cuz you're a pussy little boy.
let's make a bet.

I bet that ObamaCare will NOT be defunded this year.

if I am wrong, I will leave the forum for a month.

But if YOUR are wrong, YOU will leave the forum for a month.

I don't make BETS with Statists. Sorry. Just KNOW the people are hurting, they know WHY, and THEY are smarter than YOU.

Now get out of my face, SLAVE.

Cuz you're a pussy little boy.

YOU know you love me...


How do you propose to require coverage of prexisting conditions with no additional costs.....without mandates?

are you saying there is NO way to cover pre-existing conditions, not drop folks who get sick and not increase premiums for folks who get sick, without an individual mandate?

there has to be a way.

Charge the people that want that, and let people that don't pay for less expensive insurance.
ObamaCare WILL be funded in 2013.

The debt ceiling WILL be raised in 2013.

anyone wanna take my bet?

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