GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

I think this is a bad idea not saying i like the healthcare bill and i think it needs to go or be changed but causing a shutdown over one bill still seems kind of ludicrous to me.

You're right. So why are Harry Reid and the Democrats doing it? :eusa_eh:

Not sticking their noses up Ted Cruz's ass and blindly, stupidly, following along.

That's what's wrong with the GObP/pubs right now. They all sign stupid promises not to do their job, not to stand up for what's right. Instead, they just get shoved around by nutters like Grover Norquist and Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Every one of them is owned by lobbyists and the radical far right.

Even Boehner has to call Limbaugh to find out what to do next.

Same with rw's. They can't think for themselves. They get their marching orders from fox, beck, limbaugh.

SO there is a new breed in the GOP that refuses to kowtow to the old guard RINO establishment. Those pricks only care about party and keeping their seats because most of them could not survive in the private sector. Fuck 'em...Notice how they went along though on the House vote. Shitheads.
They are behind the scenes trying to scuttle this effort because they have no spines. They are just as limp wristed as the average liberal.
If a runaway dump truck crashes into your car and totals it would you accept an offer from the driver to repair your car, or would you insist that they replace it? Some things cannot be fixed.
The majority of Americans support:
Coverage for prexisting conditions
healthcare exchanges
No lifetime limit on coverage
coverage of children to age 26

Republicans want to repeal it

I wasn't super happy with the ACA--no dental or visual components. If the GOP has a better idea (or any idea), lets hear it.

You expect us to haul you into a highchair and spoonfeed it to you? Go look it up and stop being such a lazy twat.
Son? SEWERGAS got to your brain. The PEOPLE said from DAY ONE...NO...

GET READY for a fight.

why do you attack everyone?

this is what is wrong with politics in the USA.

it has lost all civility.
From you that's just funny.

Some people, it would seem, are betting and begging for a fight. You may be used to other countries that are willing to be subjects of emperors and kings. You'll find a great many Americans don't share the yellow streak you are so used to seeing in France and many other socialist nations.
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So The Senate passes bills and sends them to the President without any input from the House?

You're full of shit sonny boy. Go cook some meth or something else you're good at.
^^TRANSLATION? I Got under yer skin. GOOD. YOU have no fucking clue how government is supposed to work as written IN the Constitution.

GOT YA wench. Nice try. And uhmm? I don't DO such things...Go project on someone else and get OUT of my face skank.

I've forgotten more about government than you'll ever know. Your "internet tough guy" routine is played, old, ineffective, impotent, and stale.

Congress speaks as one voice legislatively sonny. Feel free to look it up.

Oh, is THAT what the problem is? You got senile and forgot everything? I knew there had to be SOME explanation for how frigging dumb you sound.
The PEOPLE are the ones who elected the Representatives who passed Bamacare

The TYRANTS are Republicans who are trying to overturn it without the will of THE PEOPLE who did not elect them to the majority

I think maybe we should remind everyone here that there are 2 houses of Congress and the Congress has to act as one body. The House doesn't get to pass things and the Senate doesn't get to pass things by itself.

People seem to have forgotten there is a Senate.

The Congress most assuredly does NOT "have to act as one body", you ignorant cow. If that was required, there would be no point in having TWO houses to it.

And no, we haven't forgotten there's a Senate. The whole point of this bill is to make them get off their lazy asses and start doing their jobs, or to at least make them explain to the American people why they're sitting up there drawing paychecks WITHOUT doing their jobs.

Honestly, does it hurt to be as stupid as a leftist? I'm really curious.
Precisely. One house, does NOT have to act in lock-step. These Statist creeps FAIL in civics. The Founders that Candy thinks are DEAD and don't matter...were rather explicit. But then SHE is one that views the Constitution as some moldy document that being written by a bunch of dead guys doesn't matter...

IF that's the case? ANARCHY is Candy's NAME.

But then SHE is a DOLT.

Good job.
Son? SEWERGAS got to your brain. The PEOPLE said from DAY ONE...NO...

GET READY for a fight.

why do you attack everyone?

this is what is wrong with politics in the USA.

it has lost all civility.
From you that's just funny.

Some people, it would seem, are betting and begging for a fight.

And I am LOOKING for a fight. It's time these Statists were sent packing.
why do you attack everyone?

this is what is wrong with politics in the USA.

it has lost all civility.
From you that's just funny.

Some people, it would seem, are betting and begging for a fight.

And I am LOOKING for a fight. It's time these Statists were sent packing.
Tar, feathers, rail, ... you know the drill. Meet me at the town square, we have work to do.
Son? SEWERGAS got to your brain. The PEOPLE said from DAY ONE...NO...

GET READY for a fight.

why do you attack everyone?

this is what is wrong with politics in the USA.

it has lost all civility.
Everyone Gracie? LOOK again...MOSTLY YOU...shitstain...YOU are dangerous to this Republic. GO look at your own thread and MY responses (especially to YOU), oh Baron of buttrust.
Childish? Really? Guess what skippy? The PEOPLE didn't want it. BE ALL the butthurt you wanna be...The PEOPLE are forcing this.

They didn't want it in the first place.

GET USED TO DEFEAT SON...It will BE your moniker from NOW henceforth.


Actually, The People do want this.

That's why they re-elected Obama, and gave the Democrats more seats in the House & Senate in 2012.

If the 2012 Election was a referendum on ObamaCare, the Democrats won.

haa haa hee hee!!!! :)

No it wasn't...Not in the least.
Your side LOST over 600 seats in 2010. That includes federal and state elections.
30 states have both houses and the governor in the GOP...
In fact, outside of major metro areas where House districts are bigger than postage stamps, democrats have little if any representation...
A referendum on Obama would be valid if the dems took back the House. Which they came no where close to doing. In fact, there are over 100 democrat held seats in the House and Senate which the dems consider vulnerable in 2014.
Your posts are nothing but wishful bliss. Keep dreaming.

Got a question....What's in this for you anyway? Why are you so willing to see a $2 trillion plan that will do very little of what it's sponsors stated it would? Why?
Are you going to be one of those who is subsidized? Getting 'free' shit?....
Or are you one of those well off people who likes to tell people they "care"?
Do you know anything about history? Can you explain why one party should be able to not pass a budget, and then blame the other side when they use the non budget to get what they want?

The House and the Senate have to work together to pass a budget.

Its pretty silly for the House to send a budget to the Senate that they KNOW the Senate will not pass.

If the GOP wants to kill ObamaCare, they have to do it the normal way.

That is the way it works, then the Senate passes a budget they know the House won't pass, and they work out the differences. Unfortunately, the Senate, controlled by Democrats, hasn't passed a budget in years.
let's make a bet.

I bet that ObamaCare will NOT be defunded this year.

if I am wrong, I will leave the forum for a month.

But if YOUR are wrong, YOU will leave the forum for a month.

I don't make BETS with Statists. Sorry. Just KNOW the people are hurting, they know WHY, and THEY are smarter than YOU.

Now get out of my face, SLAVE.

Cuz you're a pussy little boy.

Stop talking about your anatomy on here....That's really nasty.
Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

do whatever he pleases???

Congress approved ObamaCare, bud.

I am not your "bud". I don't make friends with lower life forms, with the exception of my dog, and you're not as cute as he is.

Aside from the argument about what Congress did or didn't approve before, they don't approve NOW. And neither do the American people. Hell, even OBAMA isn't approving of Obamacare now, judging by the way he keeps illegally rewriting it.

And by the way, this has fuck-all to do with the actual exchange of comments that you interjected it into, but I don't mind, since it's just another occasion to slap you upside your rock head.
If the Democrats want to pass a budget, they have to do it the normal way. If the Senate rejects this continuing resolution, it's on the Democrats. They would rather fund Obamacare than fund the government. That's pretty sad.

The continuing resolution doesn't fund all government programs.

The House needs to submit a budget to the Senate that funds all existing and Congressionally approved government programs.

If the Senate lets the GOP play this game, next year they will submit a CR that defunds the EPA, FEMA, or the Department of Education.

No, we cannot play that game.

Come back when you pass 2nd grade.
The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.

oh, so THAT'S the childish game you're playing!!!!!!!!!

well when was the last time every single fucking House and Senate member voted to support a new program?????

You clearly stated ALL....You erred.
Deal with it.
The fact is the bill barely passed the house. And if that piker Scott Brown had any integrity whatsoever, the bill would not have passed the Senate.
But Brown was more interested in getting reelected, so he went with the Democrats. And he ended up LOSING his seat to a nobody.

What is even worse, he lost his Senate seat to a make believe Native American.
Didn't the american people already speak Obama won two terms. :confused:

Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

Mind showing me where just because the GOP won the house gives them a blank check to do whatever they please?

Your logic.

Sorry, but that's not even remotely close to being analogous, but it's exactly what I would expect from an intellect as tiny as yours.

YOU are the one who said that Obama won his election, implying that he therefore gets to have whatever he wants without argument from Congress.

NO ONE has suggested that the House is getting, or should be getting, whatever it wants without objection. In fact, objection is not only expected, it is desired as a means of providing the American people with the open debate and input into the subject of Obamacare that they were denied as the Democrats rushed to ram it down our throats.

The House is merely doing its job, within the Constitutional boundaries set for it . . . the complete opposite of what YOU were suggesting for Obama.

Next time you try to use my logic, try making sure you're equipped to be logical first.
Do you know anything about history? Can you explain why one party should be able to not pass a budget, and then blame the other side when they use the non budget to get what they want?

The House and the Senate have to work together to pass a budget.

Its pretty silly for the House to send a budget to the Senate that they KNOW the Senate will not pass.

If the GOP wants to kill ObamaCare, they have to do it the normal way.

That is the way it works, then the Senate passes a budget they know the House won't pass, and they work out the differences. Unfortunately, the Senate, controlled by Democrats, hasn't passed a budget in years.
And THUS the CR that ISN"T A BUDGET as per the Constitution, and WE have let these creeps get away with it.
So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits?

Where does it end?

Wherever the Representatives of the People, and the people who put them in that position of power, decide it does.

What's the matter? You afraid the people are too stupid to run their own government, and need you benevolent elitist shitheads to babysit them?

So basically wasting everyone's time? I thought so. Don't be so delusional any bill that the house tries to pass through that affects social services and the healthcare bill will be shot down in the Senente. Just like last time the GOP is pulling this stunt and they are going to back down or they will have it blow up in there face.

I'd say that was a nice dodge, but it wasn't. It was clumsy, obvious, and pathetic.

So let's go back to what you were afraid to address, and we'll just keep going back to it until you grow a pair and address it, or until it's painfully obvious to everyone that you can't.

You say, "Where does the defunding end?"

And I say, "Where the people and their representatives decide it should."

Now the question is, why are YOU so afraid to let the people decide what programs they do and don't want? Why are you so determined to decide for the people which programs are and are not "essential", and therefore must be taken out of their reach, as though they're ignorant toddlers who can't be trusted not to hurt themselves?

By all means, give me another posting of your blank, parroted talking points with no relation to what I said. It was funny when you did it this time; it'll be fucking hilarious when you're forced to do it over and over. :badgrin:
Cuz you're a pussy little boy.


are you saying there is NO way to cover pre-existing conditions, not drop folks who get sick and not increase premiums for folks who get sick, without an individual mandate?

there has to be a way.

Sure there is...and it will bankrupt the system.
Now as far as dropping coverage for the chronically ill...There are contingencies in place for that. All the policy holder has to do is find a company willing to insure and pay the premium.
The fact is, those policies are expensive. And Obamacare does not have in it any provisions to cover the additional cost for long term issues.
The plans are what they are. They are defined benefit plans that have no limits on coverage, they also do not pay all of the cost of the treatment..
Health Insurance Plans: ObamaCare Health Care Plans

MOst people will opt for the Bronze plan which covers just 60% of all medical expenses. That means, a patient pays 40% of their costs before they use the insurance.
Silver pays 70% Gold pays 80% and Platinum plays 90%....As one goes up the scale of coverage, the premiums get more expensive.
Non subsidized individuals will pay the bulk of the cost across the board. While subsidized people, roughly 55% of the population will pay little or nothing. And that does not include the millions of people who are exempt. They pay nothing and do not contribute to the system.....The numbers indicate this cannot work. There are not nearly enough people paying for the system for it to function without cutting things. First to be reduced will be reimbursements for medical procedures. Professionals will be the first to see their costs rise dramatically. Their only course of action will be to reduce availability of care.
There are other bad things that come with ACA...Jobs will be lost. Businesses will struggle.

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