GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

The OP is full of nonsense.

Interest on the Federal Debt is projected at $223B this year. Tax and other receipts are estimated at $2.8T. We can quite easily pay the interest on the debt and not default.

Federal Spending by the Numbers 2013

the debt ceiling reflects total debt, not just debt interest.

Yes, and the only thing we need to do to keep from defaulting is to pay the interest. The Fed rolls over the debt with new treasuries when current ones come due.
Yes, and the only thing we need to do to keep from defaulting is to pay the interest. The Fed rolls over the debt with new treasuries when current ones come due.

so why did Bush increase the debt limit 8 times?

so that we could keep borrowing without cutting spending.

we need to increase the debt so as to fund govt. spending.

we borrow right now, $650 billion a year to keep spending at current levels.

that's more than just the interest on the debt.
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Yes, and the only thing we need to do to keep from defaulting is to pay the interest. The Fed rolls over the debt with new treasuries when current ones come due.

so why did Bush increase the debt limit 8 times?

Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.
Yes, and the only thing we need to do to keep from defaulting is to pay the interest. The Fed rolls over the debt with new treasuries when current ones come due.

so why did Bush increase the debt limit 8 times?

Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

So your saying all i have to pay on my car is the interest and they won't Repo it? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
since FY 2009 which began during Bush's term, we've been borrowing more than $1 trillion a year to pay for spending.

if we don't increase the debt limit, we will have to cut spending for FY 2014, by at least $650 billion.

that's the interest on the debt x3!!!!!
The Senate represents the democratic popular will of The People of each state.

The House, however, represents backroom deals of gerrymandering and trying to keep people out of different Congressional districts.

Does the Tea Party represent the will and desire of the American people???

of course not. They are a small minority.
Does it really? TRY reading the Contstiution shitstain....


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.


TRY AGAIN SHITSTAIN...ARTICLE 1 Of the US Constitution...

Come back when you LEARN IT and can recite it BACWARDS Baron...

Get OUT of my sight.
so why did Bush increase the debt limit 8 times?

Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

So your saying all i have to pay on my car is the interest and they won't Repo it? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Thank you for proving you are a blithering idiot, and a hypocrite to boot. Try learning something about how our government does budgeting, accounting, and handled money.

They NEVER plan to pay down debt, they just pay interest and accumulate more.

If you can find someone to give you an interest only car loan and really want to NEVER pay off your car, go ahead.
Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

we will default on the debt if we stop meeting our interest payment obligations.

we have to increase the debt ceiling in order to do that.

even if we forget about paying interest payments on our debt, we still need to increase the debt ceiling or our govt. shuts down.

so we need to increase the debt ceiling to prevent default AND to prevent a govt. shutdown.
Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

we will default on the debt if we stop meeting our interest payment obligations.

we have to increase the debt ceiling in order to do that.

even if we forget about paying interest payments on our debt, we still need to increase the debt ceiling or our govt. shuts down.

so we need to increase the debt ceiling to prevent default AND to prevent a govt. shutdown.

Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.
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Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

So your saying all i have to pay on my car is the interest and they won't Repo it? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Thank you for proving you are a blithering idiot, and a hypocrite to boot. Try learning something about how our government does budgeting, accounting, and handled money.

They NEVER plan to pay down debt, they just pay interest and accumulate more.

If you can find someone to give you an interest only car loan and really want to NEVER pay off your car, go ahead.

More Personal attacks lol Care to actually disprove what i was saying? I didn't think so. Do tell how i am a hypocrite? :cuckoo:

Because How Money works for government and big business is fucked compared to how i or others are treated? Yeah thought so.
Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

we will default on the debt if we stop meeting our interest payment obligations.

we have to increase the debt ceiling in order to do that.

even if we forget about paying interest payments on our debt, we still need to increase the debt ceiling or our govt. shuts down.

so we need to increase the debt ceiling to prevent default AND to prevent a govt. shutdown.

Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

And do you seriously think that will happen? If you are honest with yourself the clear answer is No never.
So your saying all i have to pay on my car is the interest and they won't Repo it? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Thank you for proving you are a blithering idiot, and a hypocrite to boot. Try learning something about how our government does budgeting, accounting, and handled money.

They NEVER plan to pay down debt, they just pay interest and accumulate more.

If you can find someone to give you an interest only car loan and really want to NEVER pay off your car, go ahead.

More Personal attacks lol Care to actually disprove what i was saying? I didn't think so. Do tell how i am a hypocrite? :cuckoo:

Because How Money works for government and big business is fucked compared to how i or others are treated? Yeah thought so.

Then don't vote for the Big Govenment candidates, bub.
Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?
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Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 75%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 75%?

I am for stopping ALL spending and doing a reboot to Constitutional limits.

TRY that one on for size, Baron.
The nation suffered greatly just due to the Sequestration.

Cutting another 20% would be disastrous.
Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

I honestly don't think that is even realistically possible someone even have the numbers to see if that can even be done?

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