GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

If we kill the Department of Defense, we could have a balanced budget.

Or, we could could cut Defense, SS, and Medicare/Medicaid by 33% each.

...or we could slowly cut the deficit each year and raise some more taxes from the filthy rich.

This would slowly decrease our yearly deficit.

We can't go to a balanced budget right away, as it would put us right back into a major Recession, lead to even less tax revenue, which would require even MORE budget cuts, which would mean even less revenue.

No, we can't do that.
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Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

You are making an assumption that most government spending is necessary.

It's not.

Get rid of corporate welfare and Big Government cronyism, and government spending can be shrunk dramatically. Then reform welfare/SS/Medicare to be for the truly indigent.

Federal spending relative to the size of the economy has increased 25% under Obama. NOBODY can justify that type of spending binge.
You are making an assumption that most government spending is necessary.

It's not.

Get rid of corporate welfare and Big Government cronyism, and government spending can be shrunk dramatically. Then reform welfare/SS/Medicare to be for the truly indigent.

Federal spending relative to the size of the economy has increased 25% under Obama. NOBODY can justify that type of spending binge.

The size of the economy also shrank under Obama due to the Great Recession, which wasn't his fault.
If we kill the Department of Defense, we could have a balanced budget.

Or, we could could cut Defense, SS, and Medicare/Medicaid by 33% each.
I see...Leave the Country open to attack. The longer WE go on here? The leaves fall off your tree.

Guess what jackwad? The Congress cannot it would fly in the face of Article 1, Section 8. CONGRESS is obligated to fund it.

READ the damned document.

But then a Jhihadist as YOU doesn't care.

oh, so THAT'S the childish game you're playing!!!!!!!!!

well when was the last time every single fucking House and Senate member voted to support a new program?????

You clearly stated ALL....You erred.
Deal with it.
The fact is the bill barely passed the house. And if that piker Scott Brown had any integrity whatsoever, the bill would not have passed the Senate.
But Brown was more interested in getting reelected, so he went with the Democrats. And he ended up LOSING his seat to a nobody.

Bullshit! Brown voted against the ACA! (He CAMPIGNED as the 41st vote against Obamacare!) Specter is the one who switched his vote!

Nope...there were only 39 no votes.
The nation suffered greatly just due to the Sequestration.

Cutting another 20% would be disastrous.


That is absolute nonsense. The only people who suffered are politicians and bureaucrats in DC, for whom it was just embarrassment at being proven wrong.

Real incomes in the DC area are up over 20% while they have dropped throughout the rest of the country. It's time to stop this Obamanation before we really do turn into the Hunger Games.
If we kill the Department of Defense, we could have a balanced budget.

Or, we could could cut Defense, SS, and Medicare/Medicaid by 33% each.
I see...Leave the Country open to attack. The longer WE go on here? The leaves fall off your tree.

Guess what jackwad? The Congress cannot it would fly in the face of Article 1, Section 8. CONGRESS is obligated to fund it.

READ the damned document.

But then a Jhihadist as YOU doesn't care.


Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.
Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

I honestly don't think that is even realistically possible someone even have the numbers to see if that can even be done?

Easy, roll back spending to the levels in place in 2008.
If we kill the Department of Defense, we could have a balanced budget.

Or, we could could cut Defense, SS, and Medicare/Medicaid by 33% each.

...or we could slowly cut the deficit each year and raise some more taxes from the filthy rich.

This would slowly decrease our yearly deficit.

We can't go to a balanced budget right away, as it would put us right back into a major Recession, lead to even less tax revenue, which would require even MORE budget cuts, which would mean even less revenue.

No, we can't do that.

Son? I am watching YOUR every post. YOU should be arrested.
in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

I honestly don't think that is even realistically possible someone even have the numbers to see if that can even be done?

Easy, roll back spending to the levels in place in 2008.

That would be the 75% or so needed?
If we kill the Department of Defense, we could have a balanced budget.

Or, we could could cut Defense, SS, and Medicare/Medicaid by 33% each.
I see...Leave the Country open to attack. The longer WE go on here? The leaves fall off your tree.

Guess what jackwad? The Congress cannot it would fly in the face of Article 1, Section 8. CONGRESS is obligated to fund it.

READ the damned document.

But then a Jhihadist as YOU doesn't care.


Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.
Has it? WHOM called for defunding (against Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution), the MILITARY?

TRY AGAIN, and maybe I won't NEG YOUR ASS into the stone age.

I see...Leave the Country open to attack. The longer WE go on here? The leaves fall off your tree.

Guess what jackwad? The Congress cannot it would fly in the face of Article 1, Section 8. CONGRESS is obligated to fund it.

READ the damned document.

But then a Jhihadist as YOU doesn't care.


Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.
Has it? WHOM called for defunding (against Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution), the MILITARY?

TRY AGAIN, and maybe I won't NEG YOUR ASS into the stone age.


Right your taking things a little to seriously the Defense budget is bloated and could be trimmed. Do what you will i could care less.
Right your taking things a little to seriously the Defense budget is bloated and could be trimmed. Do what you will i could care less.

of course Defense could be trimmed.

Conservatives love the Defense Dept. not cause it defends us, but because its a massive govt. tax-payer funded jobs program. Its Socialism, Southen' style. :)
Easy, roll back spending to the levels in place in 2008.

you want to cut all Federal programs by 28%?

how nice of you.

that would throw us right back into a major Recession.
That would pre-suppose that GUBMINT is responsible for growth, now wouldn't it?

Gubmint is responsible for the NEGATIVE growth due to regulation weights tied around the necks of free businesses. And that means OBAMACARE too assclown.

Gubmint has become an anethma...against itself. And here YOU sit and applaud it asking for MORE.

YOU are truly an idiot.
Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.

he's just mad I have him on Ignore.

Conservatives get VERY pissed when you ignore their irrational vomit.
Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.
Has it? WHOM called for defunding (against Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution), the MILITARY?

TRY AGAIN, and maybe I won't NEG YOUR ASS into the stone age.


Right your taking things a little to seriously the Defense budget is bloated and could be trimmed. Do what you will i could care less.
Nope. Government's FIRST TASK is defense of it's citizens and defending their LIBERTY.

READ the Founder's thoughts, the CONSTITUTION, Declaration Of Independence for Christ sake?

YOU TOO are a dangerous FUCK that I now have to deal with.
Lol Anytime you bring up Defense the Extreme righties lose there minds. But they want to cut through with everything else interesting.

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