GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

How do you propose to require coverage of prexisting conditions with no additional costs.....without mandates?

are you saying there is NO way to cover pre-existing conditions, not drop folks who get sick and not increase premiums for folks who get sick, without an individual mandate?

there has to be a way.

Charge the people that want that, and let people that don't pay for less expensive insurance.
Whoa NO! Market forces that the LEFT decries? Gubmint CONTROL all the way baby!
if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

the proper way to kill a program, or Federal agency, or Federal dept., is to pass legislation that kills the program.

holding a continuing resolution hostage isn't the way to do it.

The American people understand this.

if the Dems give in now, next year the Republicans will do the exact same thing with the EPA, FEMA, the Department of Education, etc etc.

Do you know anything about history? Can you explain why one party should be able to not pass a budget, and then blame the other side when they use the non budget to get what they want?
Now the dems are running about in circles, their hands in the air, shouting, "They're shutting the government down! They're shutting the government down!"

They are a silly, excitable lot.
Do you know anything about history? Can you explain why one party should be able to not pass a budget, and then blame the other side when they use the non budget to get what they want?

The House and the Senate have to work together to pass a budget.

Its pretty silly for the House to send a budget to the Senate that they KNOW the Senate will not pass.

If the GOP wants to kill ObamaCare, they have to do it the normal way.
ObamaCare WILL be funded in 2013.

The debt ceiling WILL be raised in 2013.

anyone wanna take my bet?

Nope. You accuse the GOP of defaulting on the debt, when the Democrats, who had supermajorities in both houses until 2010 failed to do anything about the budget. Guess what they were doing, genius? Ramming Obamacare down people's throats. It seems as if you want to pin everything on the Republicans when you were the ones with the keys in your hands.
Please tell me your not this thick a Government shutdown means you would be screwing over the Military royally.

It would be a really good idea if you did a little research before you spew your talking points..
Wondering about a government shutdown? First thing to know: It all won?t disappear. - The Washington Post..
Just make a like a tree and get the fuck out of here.
A person as uninforned as you barely has a right to an opinion.
How did you ever get this stupid? Is it hereditary or an acquired skill?

That says nothing about the Military benefits...... :cuckoo:
Here ya go Mr Vapidity..
If President Barack Obama “shuts down” the government by vetoing a continuing resolution (CR) that funds all government operations with the exception of Obamacare, or the Senate fails to pass such a CR, crucial services will continue without interruption. That includes all services essential for national security and public safety—such as the military and law enforcement—as well as mandatory government payments such as Social Security and veterans’ benefits.

Yes it does. The article clearly indicated that all non discretionary spending would continue. That's by law. Don't play stupid.
Don't challenge people who are willing to research before they post. Unlike yourself.
Now you can scream you little lib talking points all you like. Makes no difference to the real world.
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Do you know anything about history? Can you explain why one party should be able to not pass a budget, and then blame the other side when they use the non budget to get what they want?

The House and the Senate have to work together to pass a budget.

Its pretty silly for the House to send a budget to the Senate that they KNOW the Senate will not pass.

If the GOP wants to kill ObamaCare, they have to do it the normal way.
Guess what? IMPASSE. HOUSE stated their plan...REID? Says it's dead. GUESS who will be responsible for default? It won't be the HOUSE. They gave away the proverbial FARM except ObamaCARE...

BALL is in their court. THEY will lose.
Do you know anything about history? Can you explain why one party should be able to not pass a budget, and then blame the other side when they use the non budget to get what they want?

The House and the Senate have to work together to pass a budget.

Its pretty silly for the House to send a budget to the Senate that they KNOW the Senate will not pass.

If the GOP wants to kill ObamaCare, they have to do it the normal way.

If the Democrats want to pass a budget, they have to do it the normal way. If the Senate rejects this continuing resolution, it's on the Democrats. They would rather fund Obamacare than fund the government. That's pretty sad.
If the Democrats want to pass a budget, they have to do it the normal way. If the Senate rejects this continuing resolution, it's on the Democrats. They would rather fund Obamacare than fund the government. That's pretty sad.

The continuing resolution doesn't fund all government programs.

The House needs to submit a budget to the Senate that funds all existing and Congressionally approved government programs.

If the Senate lets the GOP play this game, next year they will submit a CR that defunds the EPA, FEMA, or the Department of Education.

No, we cannot play that game.
So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits?

Where does it end?

Education can, and should, be funded locally. We don't need the feds to manage our municipal services.

SS is a pension plan. It needs to be replaced with something better, but it is not federal spending, rather it is a pension plan that is fully funded, via a pyramid scheme, by the citizens and their employers.

Military benefits are payment for services rendered. No one is asking or even intimating, other than you, and the scum like you, that we should screw over our military.

Please tell me your not this thick a Government shutdown means you would be screwing over the Military royally.

God, you just believe anything you're told, no matter how ridiculous it is, don't you? It must suck being this ignorant.

As a recent report by the Congressional Research Service[8] points out, an OMB memorandum from 1981 lays out examples of the many government functions of federal agencies that may continue during a funding lapse:

National security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property;
Benefit payments and the performance of contact obligations under no-year or multi-year appropriations or other funds remaining available for those purposes;
Medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care and activities essential for the safe use of food, drugs, and hazardous materials;
Air traffic control and other transportation safety functions;
Border and coastal protection and surveillance;
Protection of federal lands, buildings, waterways, and other property of the U.S.;
Care of prisoners and others in federal custody;
Law enforcement and criminal investigations;
Emergency and disaster assistance;
Activities essential to the preservation of the money and banking system of the U.S., including borrowing and tax collection;
Production of power and maintenance of the power distribution system; and
Protection of research property.

- from Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission.
Where you in a coma during 2009 and 2010?

Obamacare was approved in both the House and Senate

I even remember Obama signing it into law
DEMOCRAT TYRANTS like YOU...Forget that Sewerboy?

That law is about to be DEFUNDED. Get ready for it.

That is also when the Dems controlled both the House/Senate So yes they could force it and passed it because they could do it.

And now the House is defunding it, because they can do it. Why is one okay with you, but not the other?
Didn't the american people already speak Obama won two terms. :confused:

Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

Mind showing me where just because the GOP won the house gives them a blank check to do whatever they please?

Your logic.

Reverse logic will not get you anywhere.
No one stated or implied anything regarding a 'blank check'..
Look, go do some homework. Check out the various sites which explain how the federal government functions.
You don't get to keep insisting you are correct and everyone else is wrong without being challenged.
You would be wise to become more informed before you post.
I am assuming the Republicans never want to get back into the white house........

They force a shutdown and they will be literally fucked. Ask the millions of Americans who gave Obama another term. Pretty sure those on Social security and disability and the Veterans and military would just be so thrilled.

In what way are the REPUBLICANS forcing a shutdown? By passing a bill that fully funds every aspect of the government that was functioning last year at this time, and to which the people are accustomed?

GOP Clearly knows that passing a bill defunding the healthcare will never get through the senente or past Obama you are wasting everyone's time by even trying to put that on the table.

You're correct for once. The GOP DOES know that the Senate is not going to pass the funding bill without a fight, which means they're putting the onus of continuing the government on THEM, not on the House. Once again, they've done their job, and it ISN'T to pass bills based on whether the Senate will be happy with them.

YOU are wasting everyone's time by insisting that the GOP has some obligation to give the Democrats everything they demand to prevent the Democrats from refusing to do their jobs.

Oh, and call me the next time the Democrats put a bill on the table that the GOP doesn't like and doesn't want to agree with, because I fully expect you to be OUTRAGED at the Democrats for "wasting everyone's time". Actually, what I fully expect is to laugh derisively at you for being an ignorant hypocrite with his/her lips firmly wrapped around Obama's "branch of office".
The House will eventually fund ObamaCare and raise the debt ceiling.

We all know it. They know it.
The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.

oh, so THAT'S the childish game you're playing!!!!!!!!!

well when was the last time every single fucking House and Senate member voted to support a new program?????

You clearly stated ALL....You erred.
Deal with it.
The fact is the bill barely passed the house. And if that piker Scott Brown had any integrity whatsoever, the bill would not have passed the Senate.
But Brown was more interested in getting reelected, so he went with the Democrats. And he ended up LOSING his seat to a nobody.
If the Democrats want to pass a budget, they have to do it the normal way. If the Senate rejects this continuing resolution, it's on the Democrats. They would rather fund Obamacare than fund the government. That's pretty sad.

The continuing resolution doesn't fund all government programs.

The House needs to submit a budget to the Senate that funds all existing and Congressionally approved government programs.

If the Senate lets the GOP play this game, next year they will submit a CR that defunds the EPA, FEMA, or the Department of Education.

No, we cannot play that game.

WHY this CR nonsense? Why NOT a REAL BUDGET as the Congress is BOUND to do (via Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7)...

This CR shit is just that...chickenshit.

The HOUSE did it's duty.

Reid and the SENATE bear responsibility for default as does Obama.

TIME this crap came to an end. The HOUSE will NOT Budge. ONUS is on the Senate...and they play politics.

REID is toast. Obama is TOAST.
The PEOPLE are now tyrants? Really?

Son? SEWERGAS got to your brain. The PEOPLE said from DAY ONE...NO...

GET READY for a fight.

The PEOPLE are the ones who elected the Representatives who passed Bamacare

The TYRANTS are Republicans who are trying to overturn it without the will of THE PEOPLE who did not elect them to the majority

I think maybe we should remind everyone here that there are 2 houses of Congress and the Congress has to act as one body. The House doesn't get to pass things and the Senate doesn't get to pass things by itself.

People seem to have forgotten there is a Senate.

The Congress most assuredly does NOT "have to act as one body", you ignorant cow. If that was required, there would be no point in having TWO houses to it.

And no, we haven't forgotten there's a Senate. The whole point of this bill is to make them get off their lazy asses and start doing their jobs, or to at least make them explain to the American people why they're sitting up there drawing paychecks WITHOUT doing their jobs.

Honestly, does it hurt to be as stupid as a leftist? I'm really curious.
The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.

oh, so THAT'S the childish game you're playing!!!!!!!!!

well when was the last time every single fucking House and Senate member voted to support a new program?????

You clearly stated ALL....You erred.
Deal with it.
The fact is the bill barely passed the house. And if that piker Scott Brown had any integrity whatsoever, the bill would not have passed the Senate.
But Brown was more interested in getting reelected, so he went with the Democrats. And he ended up LOSING his seat to a nobody.
YES he DID state ALL...and therefore he is OWNED BY ALL of us for his err.

Get used to it Hoffstra you idiot.
If the Democrats want to pass a budget, they have to do it the normal way. If the Senate rejects this continuing resolution, it's on the Democrats. They would rather fund Obamacare than fund the government. That's pretty sad.

The continuing resolution doesn't fund all government programs.

The House needs to submit a budget to the Senate that funds all existing and Congressionally approved government programs.

If the Senate lets the GOP play this game, next year they will submit a CR that defunds the EPA, FEMA, or the Department of Education.

No, we cannot play that game.

You're spewing nothing but tripe. And I deem "congressionally approved programs" to be those that are passed with bipartisan votes in either or both houses. Obamacare was passed with no support from Republicans. None.

If the Senate rejects this bill, it will be their fault. Perhaps you aren't a fan of cause and effect, but the Democrats stubbornness will bite them in the backside this time. And if you haven't noticed, funding the government takes precedence over funding a defunct healthcare bill. The Democrats did nothing to pay down the debt, they did everything to ram a discombobulated healthcare bill down people's throats.
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Son? SEWERGAS got to your brain. The PEOPLE said from DAY ONE...NO...

GET READY for a fight.

why do you attack everyone?

this is what is wrong with politics in the USA.

it has lost all civility.

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