GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

i don't hate america. i support american and the constitution. you clearly don't. you want the house to not have a voice. the house of REPRESENTATIVES.

if they can compromise, great. that is the whole purpose of checks and balances. you're almost ready to accept the truth.

you don't support the Constitution.

You think the House should be able to kill a program by holding hostage the entire country.

that's called legislative terrorism.

The House isn't holding the country hostage. It did its job. It's the Senate holding the country hostage be refusing to do ITS job until it gets everything it wants handed to it.

If you knew anything about the Constitution you purport to want to uphold, you'd know that this is the reason that Congress has the funding power, and the process for spending bills is set up the way that it is.
Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

do whatever he pleases???

Congress approved ObamaCare, bud.
The House isn't holding the country hostage. It did its job. It's the Senate holding the country hostage be refusing to do ITS job until it gets everything it wants handed to it.

If you knew anything about the Constitution you purport to want to uphold, you'd know that this is the reason that Congress has the funding power, and the process for spending bills is set up the way that it is.

The Senate approved a budget for FY 2014.

Has the House approved a budget yet?
Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

do whatever he pleases???

Congress approved ObamaCare, bud.
NO NOT ALL of the Congress...And guess what? That same bunch is gonna shut it down by DEFUNDING...Obama and REID will be responsible for what happens...

Are you this stupid in real life?
NO NOT ALL of the Congress...And guess what? That same bunch is gonna shut it down by DEFUNDING...Obama and REID will be responsible for what happens...

Are you this stupid in real life?

Yes my friend, ALL of Congress voted for and approved ObamaCare.

It passed in the House and it passed in the Senate.
NO NOT ALL of the Congress...And guess what? That same bunch is gonna shut it down by DEFUNDING...Obama and REID will be responsible for what happens...

Are you this stupid in real life?

Yes my friend, ALL of Congress voted for and approved ObamaCare.

It passed in the House and it passed in the Senate.
Really? NO not ALL of Congress voted for it. TRY again.
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

If the law will just be a debacle, Republicans should let it take effect, ride the catastrophe to overwhelming victory in the 2014 midterms, and then use their massive congressional majorities to repeal it.

Rather, as EJ Dionne writes, the real fear is that the law will succeed. Once Obamacare begins delivering health insurance to millions of Americans it will become effectively impossible to repeal. That's what's happened in every other country that's introduced a national health-care system. That's why the right needs to stop Obamacare before it begins. This is looking more and more like a last ditch effort of conservatives to stop the inevitable.

Wonkbook: Shutting down the government won?t stop Obamacare. It might even help it.

Nobody that has half a brain thinks Obamacare is going to work. The proof of that is that Obama delayed the employee mandate for a year by inventing a clause that gave him an out. You should point that simple truth out to the idiot that wrote the ridiculous argument that Republicans are afraid the bill is going to turn into a pot of gold.
Well if Obamacare is going to fail, then house republicans should simply allow it fail, claim a victory at polls and repeal it. However, this charade has nothing to do with Obamacare. It's about striking a deal with the Senate to reduce discretionary spending.
if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

Didn't the american people already speak Obama won two terms. :confused:

Mind showing me where the Constitution says that just because some jackass gets elected to the Presidency, he gets a blank check to do whatever he pleases, and the people get to shut up and sit down for the rest of his term?

Mind showing me where just because the GOP won the house gives them a blank check to do whatever they please?

Your logic.
ObamaCare was approved in the House and the Senate.

if they want to kill the program, they need to kill it in the House and the Senate.

if they don't have enough votes to kill it in the House and the Senate, they need to get enough votes to get more Congressmen and Senators to vote their way.

anything else is legislative terrorism.
nope....the house was created to do just what it did

the house is fighting the tyranny of the senate and WH, exactly what the founding fathers wanted. why do you hate the constitution?

THIS^^ We will never capitulate to tyranny. Leftists had better learn it and be ready for one HELL of a fight.

I guess that is better then not being productive and getting things that we actually need done? eh.

How are they being unproductive and not getting done what we need done? They passed a funding bill. Funded everything we need, and many things we don't. They also declined to fund something that's fundamentally broken, and even President Obama himself admits that - because there really is no other way to interpret such actions as illegally postponing the employer mandate and the scads of illegal waivers he's authorized. This puppy is hardly ready to function right off the assembly line, completely aside from the disaster it would be even if it WAS prepared to work the way it's intended to, and the House would be derelict in its duty if it didn't recognize how unready Obamacare is to actually go forward.
NEVER trifle with the will of the people...a lesson the left has YET to learn. WE are pissed. Boehner sees it. NO backing down.

GET READY for a reckoning.

The problem isn't the American people seeing and understanding what's really going on, or having the will to support it. The problem is, as always, the Republicans producing a complete set of nads amongst them.

So we'll see.
NEVER trifle with the will of the people...a lesson the left has YET to learn. WE are pissed. Boehner sees it. NO backing down.

GET READY for a reckoning.

The problem isn't the American people seeing and understanding what's really going on, or having the will to support it. The problem is, as always, the Republicans producing a complete set of nads amongst them.

So we'll see.
Bohener was dragged kicking to this table to GROW a set...We will see indeed. HIS days he sees are numbered IF he doesn't follow through.

OUR voices are loud enough to keep that capitulating RINO in line.
Really? NO not ALL of Congress voted for it. TRY again.

The House of Representatives and the Senate, is ALL of Congress.

American Government 101.

The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.
The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.

oh, so THAT'S the childish game you're playing!!!!!!!!!

well when was the last time every single fucking House and Senate member voted to support a new program?????
Really? NO not ALL of Congress voted for it. TRY again.

The House of Representatives and the Senate, is ALL of Congress.

American Government 101.

The final vote for passage of ACA as Obama signed it into law:

The final vote tally in the House was 219-212, with 34 Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. The Senate passed the bill 60 to 39.

So not all of Congress voted for it.
Thanks for the figures, Foxy...That poster knows it...HE expects US to buy into his OUR WAY or the HIGHWAY BS as to run roughshod over the people that didn't want this in the first place.

NOW he's BUTTHURT of the balking of the PEOPLE and that Obama WILL LOSE this battle. REID as well. THEY OWN this. It's theirs to lose. Hoffstra knows it.
THIS^^ We will never capitulate to tyranny. Leftists had better learn it and be ready for one HELL of a fight.

I guess that is better then not being productive and getting things that we actually need done? eh.

How are they being unproductive and not getting done what we need done? They passed a funding bill. Funded everything we need, and many things we don't. They also declined to fund something that's fundamentally broken, and even President Obama himself admits that - because there really is no other way to interpret such actions as illegally postponing the employer mandate and the scads of illegal waivers he's authorized. This puppy is hardly ready to function right off the assembly line, completely aside from the disaster it would be even if it WAS prepared to work the way it's intended to, and the House would be derelict in its duty if it didn't recognize how unready Obamacare is to actually go forward.

Tell me one bill that made it through both houses and actually does anything worth while for this country

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