GOP voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi

I doubt 360k adults in any state have no ID. We need ID to do just about anything in daily life. Where are these people who have no ID?

Plenty of people don't renew IDs for a variety of reasons at some point in life. If they're retired, and they don't drive, and they live in small towns where everyone knows everyone, there's simply no need for an ID. So, why should they spend a day traveling several miles to a bigger city in order to pay money to get an ID they don't need?
And people who want to purchase it will have to abide by the law required to get it. That applies to voting how again? Or do you want to go ahead and keep listing all the things you need an ID for without making a point about voting?

Choosing the leaders of the nation is the ONLY that doesn't require ID.

We know why, because democrats DEMAND election fraud.

You keep saying voter fraud. Where is it? Is it in America? Under your couch? Show everyone where it is so we can all see.
And those are not accepted at the voting booth. *buzzer* try again

I don't know every state's laws, but the ones I've looked at accept things like a utility bill - so I'm not buying your claims,

You lied about Texas a few posts back, so why would anyone believe you now?

Stop! What did I lie about? Heres where you dont answer

Take for instance, Texas, where former U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright was at first refused a voter identification card last weekend when his expired driver's license and Texas Christian University faculty card were deemed insufficient to prove his identity.

He had to later provide a birth certificate to prove he was entitled to vote - which he has been doing in Texas for longer than most of us have been alive.

Now in all fairness, you were posting the lies of a leftist blog, but the the above account is a deliberate falsehood printed with the intent to deceive, so that election fraud may be preserved.

Still, Texas ID requirements show that your claim is false.

The traitor Jim Wright is the last person I would believe about anything. Of course I think he should have been shot for treason in 1985, you know, considering that he was a Soviet agent working to create a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent.

Let's just say that I don't think he has the best interests of the country at heart...
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I don't know every state's laws, but the ones I've looked at accept things like a utility bill - so I'm not buying your claims,

You lied about Texas a few posts back, so why would anyone believe you now?

Stop! What did I lie about? Heres where you dont answer

Take for instance, Texas, where former U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright was at first refused a voter identification card last weekend when his expired driver's license and Texas Christian University faculty card were deemed insufficient to prove his identity.

He had to later provide a birth certificate to prove he was entitled to vote - which he has been doing in Texas for longer than most of us have been alive.

Now in all fairness, you were posting the lies of a leftist blog, but the the above account is a deliberate falsehood printed with the intent to device, so that election fraud may be preserved.

1. So I didnt lie, egg on your face
2. You havent shown how this is a lie
3. this isnt a blog its a news paper and I included the link: Which makes you the liar, but we knew that already

Still, Texas ID requirements show that your claim is false.

You forgot to include the proof its false

The traitor Jim Wright is the last person I would believe about anything. Of course I think he should have been shot for treason in 1985, you know, considering that he was a Soviet agent working to create a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent.

Let's just say that I don't think he has the best interests of the country at heart...

Um what? I thought you were going to show the lie...I guess you cant. Thanks for playing!
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You keep saying voter fraud. Where is it? Is it in America? Under your couch? Show everyone where it is so we can all see.

Election fraud is based on proxy voting. A person who is legally registered to vote either dies, or moves. The democratic party has another person cast a ballot using the registration of that person.

Because it is a legal registration - it is virtually never caught.

Only two things stop proxy fraud, voter ID - which democrats fight tooth and nail, and purging the registry of dead or ineligible voters.

Oh, and guess what?

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ?purge list? - The Washington Post

Oh fuck, who woulda guessed?

democrats DEMAND election fraud. You think it's your right to cheat in the elections.
So you cant prove it is what you're saying but it really really does happen. Just like Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness monster. It happens because I am emphatically telling you that it does
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.

Yep, if their too stupid to get an ID I damned sure don't want them voting, don't care which party they claim.

That's THEY'RE, but I totally agree with you!

I don't like them either, but I cannot agree they should be disenfranchised. If the only way to save the republic is to deny the vote to some, the republic has already failed. And, if so, we may just need to find our own putin or assad. still, I respect your honesty.
1. So I didnt lie, egg on your face


You posted a lie, whether you authored it or not.

2. You havent shown how this is a lie

Excuse me?

I listed the rather liberal forms of ID the old Soviet agent could use.

3. this isnt a blog its a news paper and I included the link: Which makes you the liar, but we knew that already

Right sparky...
You forgot to include the proof its false

No, I sure didn't.

Um what? I thought you were going to show the lie...I guess you cant. Thanks for playing!

Try again..

The old commie could have used;

Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:

Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS
United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph
United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph
United States passport

So Castro's bitch could have used a half-dozen ID's..

You know this.
1. So I didnt lie, egg on your face


You posted a lie, whether you authored it or not.

2. You havent shown how this is a lie

Excuse me?

I listed the rather liberal forms of ID the old Soviet agent could use.

Right sparky...
You forgot to include the proof its false

No, I sure didn't.

Um what? I thought you were going to show the lie...I guess you cant. Thanks for playing!

Try again..

The old commie could have used;

Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:

Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS
United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph
United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph
United States passport

So Castro's bitch could have used a half-dozen ID's..

You know this.

FYI, I just posted one link on the news story. It was reported on over five reputable paper and broadcast news sites.
Not if it prevents thousands of legitimate voters from voting

Voter ID has never prevented a single legitimate voter from casting a ballot. The ID shown to use food stamps and a cash grant for the EBT is fine for voting. The ID that must be shown when using Medicare is fine for voting.

You're throwing a hissy fit because ID stops illegals from casting proxy votes for dead people that your corrupt party sued to keep from being purged from registration rolls.

Opposition to voter ID is support of election fraud - pure and simple - no matter what lies you tell, it boils down to this.

If a voter was legitimately on the rolls and voted before ID was required, but then was prevented from voting because he had no ID it "prevented a legit voter from voting."

One can be for voter ID, but still call a spade a spade. (-:
Ever heard of a provisional ballot? If they are determined to be legit, it will count.
1. So I didnt lie, egg on your face


You posted a lie, whether you authored it or not.

2. You havent shown how this is a lie

Excuse me?

I listed the rather liberal forms of ID the old Soviet agent could use.

Right sparky...
You forgot to include the proof its false

No, I sure didn't.

Um what? I thought you were going to show the lie...I guess you cant. Thanks for playing!

Try again..

The old commie could have used;

Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:

Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
Texas concealed handgun license issued by DPS
United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph
United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph
United States passport

So Castro's bitch could have used a half-dozen ID's..

You know this.

Yeah he couldve used a lot of stuff. Where is the part that was a lie? Having trouble with that part eh?
We have roughly 2.9 million registered voters. All will now have to show picture IDs. Though, there is no actual case showing systemic voter fraud has occurred, and what fraud there is is most commonly with absentee ballots.

Some 360k registered voters have no ID. As the link indicates, the gop's means of providing ID's is .... not exactly working.

Mississippi voter ID distribution off to slow start (updated) |

As Gomer would say, "surprise surprise surprise."

So, my wife and I, who are card carrying republicans, ask ourselves .... "who the ef doesn't have an effing drivers' license?"

Well, one does have to be functionally literate to pass a driver's test. And, there are old people down here who never got a driver's license, and who depend on relatives for transportation.

I honestly have mixed feelings on this. It's wrong, but people can get elected on a platform of the gummit owes us reparations.
WHERE do YOUR voting rights come from ? (Especially in a FEDERAL Election)?
Even in the great state of Miss. you need a photo I.D. to cash a check, rent an apartment, get public assistance, enter a federal building, get a credit card or bank account and be freaking buried. Residents of Miss should be outraged when plantation democrats characterize them as sub-human.
Heres someone else. I'm sure you'll deny this as well because that the only play you've got

Middle name on ID flags Davis at polls - San Antonio Express-News

AUSTIN — Sen. Wendy Davis, the Democratic candidate for governor with a national profile, had to attest to her own identity under Texas' voter ID law when she cast an early ballot Monday on her home turf of Fort Worth.

Heres another: Prominent Texans Who Have Struggled To Vote Under Texas?s New Voter ID Law | Texas Monthly

Greg Abbott
The current Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott was required to sign an affidavit in order to vote because his full name is Gregory Wayne Abbott, and that name is what appears on his driver's license, while he's registered to vote as Greg Abbott. The process, for Abbott, was simple: He declared the issue of voter ID and affidavits to be "no big deal," and accused opponents of the law of overhyping it.

I bet you question all of these people. All these links. Dont believe anyone or anything.

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