GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

You are an idiot.

Why Putin hates Hillary

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power.

The 1980s called, they said Obama and Hillary are still idiots.
I'd choose a Putin-type strongman over a dem in a heartbeat. Sucks but there it is.

Thing is there might be a dem I could vote for somewhere but they will always bow to the extreme left of their party so why even bother.....Things would get progressively worse.

That and a Putin-type strongman could provide a solution to a bunch of problems that have been "neglected" for far too long.

Actually, the old school Dems have nothing to do with the new DementiacRats.
And the new DementiacRats won't even acknowledge the old school Dems existence.
Yes, it is a Republican problem. I voted for every Republican candidate for President from Ronald Reagan to Mitt Romney. It is the Republicans who escalated the partisanship. It manifested itself during George Bush's term with a bipartisan plan for immigration reform. Republicans were responsible for stopping it.

In 2008, was when the Republicans became hyperpartisan. Rush Limbaugh said that he hoped Obama failed. McConnell said Republicans would not pass any legislation Obama proposed. Then they started slowing down Obama's lower court nominations. That culminated in McConnell's refusal to hold hearings on Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court. Scalia's death occurred 8 months before the elections, yet Republicans concocted the idea that it should not be taken up until after the election which was bullshit.

Trump was not a President. He was a authoritarian who did not believe in checks and balances. He believed he could make up laws without the Congress passing them. He appointed a Supreme Court that has legislated from the bench and ignored the Constitution. We are still under attack as a country from Donald Trump. Our voting rights are under assault from Trump, our free speech rights are under attack from Trump and our privacy rights are under assault from the Trump led Supreme Court. We had the spectacle of Ginsburg dying a few weeks before the election and Republicans ignored the Garland precedent and rushed a nomination through.

The Republican party is seeking to take over this country and create a dictatorship. The Democrats have never tried anything like this. This is very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany that led to the rise of Hitler. Attacking foreigners, gays and transgenders are a part of this war the Republicans are waging against American democracy.

Rush Limbaugh said that he hoped Obama failed.

Everything Obama wanted was bad.

Scalia's death occurred 8 months before the elections, yet Republicans concocted the idea that it should not be taken up until after the election which was bullshit.

Not the first time a Senate controlled by an opposing party didn't approve a SCJ.

Trump was not a President. He was a authoritarian who did not believe in checks and balances. He believed he could make up laws without the Congress passing them

Phone and a pen, eh? Oh, wait, that was Obama.

We had the spectacle of Ginsburg dying a few weeks before the election and Republicans ignored the Garland precedent and rushed a nomination through.

Garland precedent? Senate and President were from the same party. No Garland precedent there.
Actually, the old school Dems have nothing to do with the new DementiacRats.
And the new DementiacRats won't even acknowledge the old school Dems existence.
In my neck of the woods they would have been called Blue-Dog dems and they were all primaried out by the dem crazies decades ago....There's a couple of "purple-dog" (not quite dem crazies but more liberal than blue-dogs) hold-outs in the Virginia Senate but they will likely be gone in 2023 when they get defeated by gop hopefuls.....I hope.....They are mostly held afloat by union slags.

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