GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

I'm curious, do democrats think all Republicans are nazis or nazi supporters? Do you all think there are no anti nazi republican groups at all?

When asked who she would vote for, Biden or Putin, little Susie’a answer was simple: Putin.

What are your thoughts on the modern GOP?

Oh and in the video she also claims “George Bush was a Nazi”

The dems are a fat fat greater threat to our national security then a random russian
Whatever Sport but I know a enemy of the Republic when I see one.....Actually I prefer the stripping of citizenship and exile of your ilk to South Georgia Island.

Even though he's a murdering communist shithead, I will say one thing in Putin's defense: He's not the one who's going to arrest me for speaking out at a school board meeting, shoot me for protesting Biden's stealing an election, make me pay high prices for gasoline, food, and every damned thing else, or lock me up because I can't afford to pay my tax burden or because I own some 30-round magazines.
Makes you wonder why Hillary and Obama kissed his ass.
You are an idiot.

Why Putin hates Hillary

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power.
Even though he's a murdering communist shithead, I will say one thing in Putin's defense: He's not the one who's going to arrest me for speaking out at a school board meeting, shoot me for protesting Biden's stealing an election, make me pay high prices for gasoline, food, and every damned thing else, or lock me up because I can't afford to pay my tax burden or because I own some 30-round magazines.
Move to Russia and find out how Putin will throw you and your whole family into the goulag for violating their gun laws.

As of 2013 Russian citizens over 18 years of age can obtain a firearms license after attending gun-safety classes and passing a federal test and background check. Firearms may be acquired for self-defense, hunting, or sports activities, as well as for collection purposes. Carrying permits may be issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. Initially, purchases are limited to long smooth-bore firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules (18 ft⋅lbf). After five years of shotgun ownership, rifles may be purchased. Handguns are generally not allowed
Russia in recent years (e.g. IPSC), handgun ownership has now been allowed and the handguns have to be stored at a shooting club. Rifles and shotguns with barrels less than 500 mm (20 in) long are prohibited, as are firearms which shoot in bursts or have more than a 10-cartridge capacity
An individual cannot possess more than ten guns (up to five shotguns and up to five rifles) unless they are part of a registered gun collection
You are an idiot.

Why Putin hates Hillary

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power.

No honor among thieves. This is the same Hillary Clinton who gave Putin access to 25% of our Uranium, through a shady deal that netted her foundation a shitload of money.

We missed a 155mm bullet when she lost the election in 2016.
Even though he's a murdering communist shithead, I will say one thing in Putin's defense: He's not the one who's going to arrest me for ... or because I own some 30-round magazines.
In Russia, Putin will arrest you for having magazines bigger than 10 rounds.

Rifles and shotguns with barrels less than 500 mm (20 in) long are prohibited, as are firearms which shoot in bursts or have more than a 10-cartridge capacity.
Move to Russia and find out how Putin will throw you and your whole family into the goulag for violating their gun laws.

As of 2013 Russian citizens over 18 years of age can obtain a firearms license after attending gun-safety classes and passing a federal test and background check. Firearms may be acquired for self-defense, hunting, or sports activities, as well as for collection purposes. Carrying permits may be issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. Initially, purchases are limited to long smooth-bore firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules (18 ft⋅lbf). After five years of shotgun ownership, rifles may be purchased. Handguns are generally not allowed
Russia in recent years (e.g. IPSC), handgun ownership has now been allowed and the handguns have to be stored at a shooting club. Rifles and shotguns with barrels less than 500 mm (20 in) long are prohibited, as are firearms which shoot in bursts or have more than a 10-cartridge capacity
An individual cannot possess more than ten guns (up to five shotguns and up to five rifles) unless they are part of a registered gun collection

I don't give a fuck about Russian gun laws. My guns are just as capable of killing Russian commies as they are American commies. They don't discriminate on the basis of national origin.
No honor among thieves. This is the same Hillary Clinton who gave Putin access to 25% of our Uranium, through a shady deal that netted her foundation a shitload of money.

We missed a 155mm bullet when she lost the election in 2016.
Uranium One, a Canadian mining company with headquarters in Toronto
I don't give a fuck about Russian gun laws. My guns are just as capable of killing Russian commies as they are American commies. They don't discriminate on the basis of national origin.
You said Putin wouldn't arrest you for having a 30 round magazine.

Hey shithead. Putin would throw you in jail for any magazine more than 10 rounds.
I don't give a fuck about Russian gun laws. My guns are just as capable of killing Russian commies as they are American commies. They don't discriminate on the basis of national origin.

In russia you can't have handguns in your home.
In russia you can only have 5 shotguns, and 5 rifles. No more without special state permission.
This is why we can't have nice things.

It's also why we're failing as a nation.

But let's be clear, this isn't a Republican problem. It's a problem with our political division.

Democrats were just as insistent that Trump was NOT their President, and we know damned well many of them would have sided against him regardless of the consequences.

The problem is that the two-party culture war crap has pushed us into a state of cold civil war, where neither side can tolerate the other being in charge.

Yes, it is a Republican problem. I voted for every Republican candidate for President from Ronald Reagan to Mitt Romney. It is the Republicans who escalated the partisanship. It manifested itself during George Bush's term with a bipartisan plan for immigration reform. Republicans were responsible for stopping it.

In 2008, was when the Republicans became hyperpartisan. Rush Limbaugh said that he hoped Obama failed. McConnell said Republicans would not pass any legislation Obama proposed. Then they started slowing down Obama's lower court nominations. That culminated in McConnell's refusal to hold hearings on Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court. Scalia's death occurred 8 months before the elections, yet Republicans concocted the idea that it should not be taken up until after the election which was bullshit.

Trump was not a President. He was a authoritarian who did not believe in checks and balances. He believed he could make up laws without the Congress passing them. He appointed a Supreme Court that has legislated from the bench and ignored the Constitution. We are still under attack as a country from Donald Trump. Our voting rights are under assault from Trump, our free speech rights are under attack from Trump and our privacy rights are under assault from the Trump led Supreme Court. We had the spectacle of Ginsburg dying a few weeks before the election and Republicans ignored the Garland precedent and rushed a nomination through.

The Republican party is seeking to take over this country and create a dictatorship. The Democrats have never tried anything like this. This is very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany that led to the rise of Hitler. Attacking foreigners, gays and transgenders are a part of this war the Republicans are waging against American democracy.
I don't give a fuck about Russian gun laws. My guns are just as capable of killing Russian commies as they are American commies. They don't discriminate on the basis of national origin.
Is this why you love Putin, who enacted gun laws 1,000 times stricter than anything in the US.

Putin was elected president (2nd time) in 2012. Draconian gun laws were put in place in 2013.

Yeah. That's why you love Putin, he's for strict gun control?
I don't give a fuck about Russian gun laws. My guns are just as capable of killing Russian commies as they are American commies. They don't discriminate on the basis of national origin.

The type of gun, its intended purpose and caliber are all kept on record, with magazine capacity is capped at no more than 10 rounds.

Your hero Putin's gun laws.
These republicans worship Putin, because they don't know Putin.
They see Putin carrying a hunting rifle, and think he's the poster boy for the 2nd amendment.
Actually it's a matter of being able to judge someones character. And Putin has always been the enemy of the US. He's KGB with aspirations of power and of reforming the soviet union back to it's glory days.

If you didn't see it, you're a bad a judge of Putin as George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump.

Putin certainly was a good judge of character when he supported Trump in 2016 and 2020. He knew Trump was a authoritarian at heart who would divide America to the point of a attempted takeover which is still going on. This is what these anti-voting bills are about.
Wrong. The reason it didn't pass was obstruction.
Normally you would get liberal republicans to cross the aisle and support a democratic measure. I can show you decades of that. But after the contract with America, republicans took an obstruction position.
Like McConnell stopping the appointment of supreme court judges close to an election , but only when democrats are in power.
As you pointed out, Manchin and Seinema are the question, because republicans have already pledged lockstep obstruction with 50 opposing votes.
Maybe you should ask, why republicans take opposing anything the democrats propose as their standing policy.

You just nailed it. Republicans are hyperpartisan. Democrats are not. Every Republican, including so-called moderates, voted to put this country into a financial crisis by refusing to raise the debt limit.

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