GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

I can understand the sentiment.

There was a time I wanted the best person for the job. After the last year and a half though now I think "anyone but a democrat". If the Hamburglar ran as a republican I'd vote for them over one of this new breed of democrats.
How bout these "fringe views"???
View attachment 626518

Do you think that "anonymous woman" would feel like her Pro-Putin views are a lot less "fringe" after reading GOP members expressing views like this??

How about this......seems to be a popular view with you folks....
View attachment 626519

Yea, just come out and say Democrats are worse because, they support Overtime pay protection, or expanding Voting Rights, or not wanting to strip healthcare away from people for shits and giggles -- because those things are totally worse than executing people in the streets like in Bucha...
Your dumb ass can't see that he is only making that statement....BECAUSE YOU ARE FORCING HIM TO CHOOSE.

You're dumb. What else can I say?
Your homo-erotic memes are neither pro-trump nor pro-putin. It's just more leftist hypocrisy that tries to mock the right with gay-bashing.
Your gaslighting is as boring as it is ineffective.
I remember a time when the slogan was "Better dead than red." But then the 60's and 70's happened: Progressives and liberal hipsters were walking around with Che, Mao, and Marx t-shirts, and leftist protesters were waving red hammer and sickle banners.

And now we're the "communists" because we wish we had a strong leader who wants to put his country first. Putin will always be a murdering commie shithead, but at least he's no globalist.

Damn, I miss Trump.

Putin is a mass murderer as witnessed by the atrocities committed in Ukraine. He is not a strong leader, he is a animal. I would rather have a globalist rather than a mass murderer. I hope you do not claim to believe in God. That would be a lie and you have a ticket straight to hell., Don't worry, Trump will be there to greet you.
Putin is a mass murderer as witnessed by the atrocities committed in Ukraine. He is not a strong leader, he is a animal. I would rather have a globalist rather than a mass murderer. I hope you do not claim to believe in God. That would be a lie and you have a ticket straight to hell., Don't worry, Trump will be there to greet you.

Too bad Zelensky wasn't black, you could have played the race card instead of the God card.

Still don't give a crap.
I'd choose a Putin-type strongman over a dem in a heartbeat. Sucks but there it is.

Thing is there might be a dem I could vote for somewhere but they will always bow to the extreme left of their party so why even bother.....Things would get progressively worse.

That and a Putin-type strongman could provide a solution to a bunch of problems that have been "neglected" for far too long.

Putin is a mass murderer. Apparently you are okay with that.

Republicans are bowing to right wing fascists. As a result, they are attacking voting rights, free speech rights and numerous other rights.
The DemoFascist DemNazi KKK do this all of the time. It's called discrediting by false association.
We aren't stupid. If we learned anything from 2016-2020 it's a couple of things.
1.) Putin and Xi completely own The DemNazi Party
2.) You are all Satanic Pathological Liars and your primary weapon against morality, ethics, and good people who want good things for this country are lies and deception.
3.) Most of you are going to Hell, and no we don't want any of you within 10 miles of our children you Evil Freaks.

No one has to do that. You discredit yourselves by your own statements. You are very stupid.

Show us your license from God to speak for him. By doing so, you are taking God's name in vain. The Nazi Party are Trump supporters who have taken over the Republican Party. You are one of them. You are the one who is evil and don't be surprised if you find yourself in hell.
I'm just right-leaning but I see the need. Evil dem scum have pushed me to that view.

Maybe Lincoln was right to have suspended the writ of habeas corpus and locked-up the Copperheads.

You are the evil scum. Apparently you want to lock up everyone with everyone you have political differences with. You are a full right wing fascist.
No one has to do that. You discredit yourselves by your own statements. You are very stupid.

Show us your license from God to speak for him. By doing so, you are taking God's name in vain. The Nazi Party are Trump supporters who have taken over the Republican Party. You are one of them. You are the one who is evil and don't be surprised if you find yourself in hell.

Stupid twatwaffle. I hope you find yourself in "Hell on earth" after we take the House and Senate in 2022, and Trump waltzes back into the WH. I will lubricate my guns with your tears.

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