Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

Of course there is and I outlined it in my post.

Anyone can post shit on the internet and claim it's a "solution".

It's not even worth picking apart because it's no more than a thought in your fuzzy head. Who the fuck are you anyway?

Get back to me when there is a fully fleshed out actual one in Congress that we can look at before you fuckers take away healthcare from millions...tens of millions.
Actually, my solution is clear and either you were unable to understand it or you have no interest in the subject of healthcare other than to politicize it.
"Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance."

Apparently neither side understands the concept of "private".
Actually, my solution is clear and either you were unable to understand it or you have no interest in the subject of healthcare other than to politicize it.

Get back to us when you get some Congressmen to sign on to your "solution".
Newsflash..even Medicare for all wouldn't end private insurance.

It would remove the NEED for it...but if you want'll be there

So let's start from an HONEST place here mmmmkay?
Newsflash..even Medicare for all wouldn't end private insurance.

It would remove the NEED for it...but if you want'll be there

So let's start from an HONEST place here mmmmkay?

You dont know much about Medicare do you?
I agree that Republicans have failed to find an adequate solution to the various healthcare problems some Americans have, but Obamacare was not the solution. It was based on lies and failed to provide universal healthcare or to keep cost down. The Democrats turned a serious issue into a giant political stunt that has been falling apart for years now.

The Democrats argued that if you are poor and you don't have health insurance you have no choice but to go to a hospital emergency room, but that was a lie. HHS runs thousands of clinics in partnerships with in all fifty states that provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding fee scale, so if you are poor, you pay nothing. Their services include tests and prescriptions on the same sliding scale. The problem with this system is that if you become sick enough to require hospital test or care, you cannot get Medicaid coverage until you spend down nearly everything you own and have virtually no income. That could have been remedied by allowing sick people who would not ordinarily qualify for Medicaid to qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis while they remained too sick to get their care from the clinics. This could have been done in two revenue bills that could not have been filibustered and which would have provided true universal healthcare at a fraction of the cost of Obamacare, which did not provide universal healthcare.

As they do with nearly all issues, the Democrats politicized healthcare and now we are seeing the fallout.

Indeed. They hijacked health care the same way they've hijacked global warming - using it as a vehicle to promote more big government. They aren't interested in solving problems nearly as much as increasing state power.
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER
Market doesn’t work for healthcare. There is obviously no downward pressure on costs.
Newsflash..even Medicare for all wouldn't end private insurance.

It would remove the NEED for it...but if you want'll be there

So let's start from an HONEST place here mmmmkay?
Obviously, you don't know where an honest place is. According to Sanders plan, which has been endorsed by Harris, private insurance would have to be banned for Medicare for all to work. In his plan, Sanders intends to cut fees to doctors by 40% to keep costs down, but few doctors would want accept that if private insurance were still available, so Sanders and Haris intend to ban it.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.
well I don't know why we can't just go to the fking doctor like we go to the store and buy blood work, or physical, or flu shot, etc and carry catastrophic insurance only like our cars and houses.
There is no GOP plan and the majority of what these on the board will now call rino's are not liking trumpster's plan to scrap obamacare.

House GOP leader urged Trump to hold off on latest ObamaCare assault
I can't pull up the link. But the gop senate and McCarthy don't want to take up HC. 19 mos without a recession gives them another SC seat and two more tax cuts for the 1%. That's why they accepted Trump in the first place.

And you have to give Trump credit. the Wall was mid campaign gimmick Stone pulled out of his ass, but Trump was always about killing anything with Obama's name attached. Trump has no clue about HC but he knows what he wants. LOL

And he's not all wrong on China and Nato

This is what the link says:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) recently told President Trump he didn't agree with the administration's effort to have the Affordable Care Act deemed invalid in federal court, according to a source familiar with the conversation.

McCarthy discussed with fellow GOP leaders how he voiced his disapproval to the president, the source said.

The California Republican, one of Trump’s closest allies in the House, would not confirm the contents of the conversation.

“I talk to the president all the time and I always keep my conversations private,” he told reporters, adding that GOP lawmakers are working to construct a health care bill.

Axios and The Washington Post reported on McCarthy's conversation with Trump earlier on Wednesday.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Monday unexpectedly announced that it is siding with a district court ruling that found the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. The move was seen as an escalation of the administration's legal battle against the 2010 health care law.

McCarthy deflected a question about the ObamaCare case at his leadership press conference earlier in the week, telling reporters to call his office.

Some Republicans have questioned aspects of the administration’s decision.

A senior GOP aide told The Hill that “it’s a political and timing concern, not a legal one.”

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said Democrats will ultimately be responsible if the courts decide to strike down former President Obama’s landmark legislation.

“They passed a bill that they knew was flawed. And so if the courts throw it out, OK, that's because Democrats wrote a flawed law. The bottom line is ObamaCare is failing people because costs are going up dramatically,” he told The Hill.

“Ultimately, the courts are going to decide whether or not it's constitutional — that's not our call. But if it is, then Nancy Pelosi ought to apologize to the American people for rushing through a bill that wasn't drafted properly and has failed millions of families across this country," he said.
Newsflash..even Medicare for all wouldn't end private insurance.

It would remove the NEED for it...but if you want'll be there

So let's start from an HONEST place here mmmmkay?
Obviously, you don't know where an honest place is. According to Sanders plan, which has been endorsed by Harris, private insurance would have to be banned for Medicare for all to work. In his plan, Sanders intends to cut fees to doctors by 40% to keep costs down, but few doctors would want accept that if private insurance were still available, so Sanders and Haris intend to ban it.

Bernie's plan sucks, a Medicare buy in at age 50 or anyone that is declined elsewhere for pre x might work and not with Medicare paying a 100% put some back on the insurance companies not on the govt.
A GP/MD deserves no more money than an architect and a heart/vascular surgeon deserves no more than a master cabinet/furniture design/ builder.
Both require equal time/education/experience and, generally speaking, one can not do the others type of work. Therin lies your problem....
OOOPS. SHALOM ! :alirulz:

I'll agree that YOUR doctor deserves far less than virtually any professional, since I don't value YOUR life in the slightest.

MY life, however, is worth quite a bit more.

And at no point in time has it EVER been any of your business to approve or disapprove of how much someone "deserves".
Newsflash..even Medicare for all wouldn't end private insurance.

It would remove the NEED for it...but if you want'll be there

So let's start from an HONEST place here mmmmkay?

Bernie and Harris plans certainly does eliminate private insurance companies with the full burden on the government, won't work.
Market doesn’t work for healthcare. There is obviously no downward pressure on costs.
There's no downward pressure on costs because no one is paying for their own health care. That has nothing to to do with free markets, and everything to do with ill-conceived tax and regulatory polices.
Market doesn’t work for healthcare. There is obviously no downward pressure on costs.
There's no downward pressure on costs because no one is paying for their own health care. That has nothing to to do with free markets, and everything to do with ill-conceived tax and regulatory polices.
There is no downward pressure because they can charge whatever they want. Nobody has ever been in the ambulance calling around for pricing. There are no free markets in healthcare.

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