Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

Market doesn’t work for healthcare. There is obviously no downward pressure on costs.
There's no downward pressure on costs because no one is paying for their own health care. That has nothing to to do with free markets, and everything to do with ill-conceived tax and regulatory polices.
There is no downward pressure because they can charge whatever they want. Nobody has ever been in the ambulance calling around for pricing. There are no free markets in healthcare.

Most health care doesn't happen in an ambulance, most health care can be price shopped. No one bothers because they aren't paying. There are free markets in health care wherever government doesn't interfere.
most health care can be price shopped.
Hmm, not really. There aren't that many hospitals and specialists to choose from. My metro area is about 300,000 people, and there is ONE sports medicine practice. And two hospital conglomerates.

Another problem with the idea of shopping for treatment is that , unless you have a chronic condition, one practice is not going to accept the diagnosis of another practice. So what you are suggesting is akin to going to 5 different mechanics and paying $150 at each to diagnose your car's problem, in hopes of saving a couple hundred bucks.
This is a losing proposition for the Republicans. Going back to pre-ACA days means no protections for pre-exisiring conditions, higher deductibles and exclusion of millions from Heath care.

The Republicans lost the House in 2018 because Americans want reliable health care, not dictates from insurance companies more concerned with the bottom line than the health of their policy holders.
most health care can be price shopped.
Hmm, not really. There aren't that many hospitals and specialists to choose from. My metro area is about 300,000 people, and there is ONE sports medicine practice. And two hospital conglomerates.

Another problem with the idea of shopping for treatment is that , unless you have a chronic condition, one practice is not going to accept the diagnosis of another practice. So what you are suggesting is akin to going to 5 different mechanics and paying $150 at each to diagnose your car's problem, in hopes of saving a couple hundred bucks.
If people were responsible for paying for most of their health care themselves, they'd deal with it differently. And so would service providers. They'd advertise prices for basic services. They compete to find the most cost effective means of delivering health care. None of that will happen if consumers of health care aren't the buyers of health care.

And that's why we're so fucked. Every single health care "reform" bill proposed starts with the fundamentally flawed premise that what society needs is more insurance coverage.
If people were responsible for paying for most of their health care themselves, they'd deal with it differently.
Yeah, we know, because those people already exist. They are the 20+ million uninsured. they would saddle everyone else with the costs of indigent care, wait too long to get conditions treated, and use ERs for their primary care. They would suffer worse health outcomes, lower life expectancy, and more chronic diseases.

You, sir, are in fantasyland.
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER
It served the majority of the population very well, but it did need attend to the problems of some people who were not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and didn't have insurance from their employer. Unfortunately the Democrats chose to politicize healthcare instead of dealing with it pragmatically.

It served SOME of the population reasonably well...and drove hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy

Market doesn’t work for healthcare. There is obviously no downward pressure on costs.
There's no downward pressure on costs because no one is paying for their own health care. That has nothing to to do with free markets, and everything to do with ill-conceived tax and regulatory polices.
There is no downward pressure because they can charge whatever they want. Nobody has ever been in the ambulance calling around for pricing. There are no free markets in healthcare.

Most health care doesn't happen in an ambulance, most health care can be price shopped. No one bothers because they aren't paying. There are free markets in health care wherever government doesn't interfere.
Nobody price shops. The biggest expenses are in emergency rooms and surgeries. Obviously you can't shop the emergency room. And nobody who needs surgery shops for bobs budget brain surgeries. People shop for what they think is best, they don't shop price. And I sure am paying. I have what is supposed to be good insurance, but you bet there is plenty of out of pocket.
most health care can be price shopped.
Hmm, not really. There aren't that many hospitals and specialists to choose from. My metro area is about 300,000 people, and there is ONE sports medicine practice. And two hospital conglomerates.

Another problem with the idea of shopping for treatment is that , unless you have a chronic condition, one practice is not going to accept the diagnosis of another practice. So what you are suggesting is akin to going to 5 different mechanics and paying $150 at each to diagnose your car's problem, in hopes of saving a couple hundred bucks.
If people were responsible for paying for most of their health care themselves, they'd deal with it differently. And so would service providers. They'd advertise prices for basic services. They compete to find the most cost effective means of delivering health care. None of that will happen if consumers of health care aren't the buyers of health care.

And that's why we're so fucked. Every single health care "reform" bill proposed starts with the fundamentally flawed premise that what society needs is more insurance coverage.
Their service is not like shopping for a car. It's pretty obvious the difference between a Civic and a Tesla model S. It's easy to determine if you can get by with the cheaper car or of you want more features. But nobody wants the budget quadruple bypass. If it goes wrong, you can't live with it.
Their service is not like shopping for a car. It's pretty obvious the difference between a Civic and a Tesla model S.
Not in terms of quality. That's why most people shopping for a car look to expert reviews and endorsements. Health care would be no different. This notion that we can't look out for our own well-being without government holding our hands is preposterous. Worse, it's just an excuse for those who seek power.
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER
It served the majority of the population very well, but it did need attend to the problems of some people who were not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and didn't have insurance from their employer. Unfortunately the Democrats chose to politicize healthcare instead of dealing with it pragmatically.

It served SOME of the population reasonably well...and drove hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy

Bullshit which is the stuff Obamacare was made of. The vast majority of Americans got their health insurance from their employer and polls showed they were satisfied with it. Only very poor people who were not quite poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and some people with who had pre existing conditions ran into problems, but these could easily have been resolved, as I previously pointed out to you, without a monstrosity like Obamacare. Obamacare didn't arise from the needs of the people but from the need of the Democratic Party to have a national issue.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families
If people were responsible for paying for most of their health care themselves, they'd deal with it differently.
Yeah, we know, because those people already exist. They are the 20+ million uninsured. they would saddle everyone else with the costs of indigent care, wait too long to get conditions treated, and use ERs for their primary care. They would suffer worse health outcomes, lower life expectancy, and more chronic diseases.
Yes, those are the people getting fucked the hardest by spiraling health care prices - prices driven ever higher by the group "insurance" scam.

The decision to cover or not to cover should be at the discretion of the insurance companies

Minimum coverages are set to protect the consumer.

Yes, yes. We're all too fucking stupid to by the kind of insurance we really want. We need to buy the kind of insurance that K-street thinks we should have.
Take away healthcare from 20 million Americans and what you have are 20 million voters who show up.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families
Nonsense, Trump is trying to keep his campaign promise of replacing Obamacare with a sustainable plan that will provide healthcare to all Americans, but since the Republicans in Congress have been unable to agree of what should replace it, he is lighting a fire under their feet that their constituents will demand they put out by finding a solution.

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