gop willing to cut education to fund tax cuts for the rich


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
The Republican policy document urges officials to crack down on public institutions for being "zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left." "Ideological bias is deeply entrenched with the current university system," it claims, warning that trustees of state institutions have a responsibility to the public to ensure that public dollars not be used for "political indoctrination." Elsewhere, the platform reiterates Republican opposition to the Dream Act, which provides a way for undocumented students brought here as young children to go to college and work toward citizenship.

The Republican platform next turns to what in higher education is uppermost in Americans' minds—college costs and recent graduates' struggles to repay student loans while facing prospects of unemployment or underemployment. One answer from the Republicans: de-emphasize traditional higher education and, for the masses, create programs directly related to job opportunities. "New systems of learning are needed to compete with traditional four-year colleges: expanded community colleges and technical institutions, private training schools, online universities, life-long learning, and work-based learning in the private sector."

- See more at: GOP platform attacks higher education American Federation of Teachers

yes they are willing to make us all like them...uneducated the rich can get richer....
The Republican policy document urges officials to crack down on public institutions for being "zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left." "Ideological bias is deeply entrenched with the current university system," it claims, warning that trustees of state institutions have a responsibility to the public to ensure that public dollars not be used for "political indoctrination." Elsewhere, the platform reiterates Republican opposition to the Dream Act, which provides a way for undocumented students brought here as young children to go to college and work toward citizenship.

The Republican platform next turns to what in higher education is uppermost in Americans' minds—college costs and recent graduates' struggles to repay student loans while facing prospects of unemployment or underemployment. One answer from the Republicans: de-emphasize traditional higher education and, for the masses, create programs directly related to job opportunities. "New systems of learning are needed to compete with traditional four-year colleges: expanded community colleges and technical institutions, private training schools, online universities, life-long learning, and work-based learning in the private sector."

- See more at: GOP platform attacks higher education American Federation of Teachers

yes they are willing to make us all like them...uneducated the rich can get richer....
OK so your thread title is a complete lie. Why is that even surprising a little?
The underemployment/unemployment rate among recent college grads is nearly 50%. WHy do we want to encourage--and pay for--more people in that category?
Finally, just how stupid are you?
lets me think here ...the is giving tax cuts to the rich while cutting funds for higher education to the bone.....where in lies the lie?
lets me think here ...the is giving tax cuts to the rich while cutting funds for higher education to the bone.....where in lies the lie?
Please show what tax cuts for the wealthy the GOP is giving.
Please show what funds for education the GOP is cutting.
You're really not terribly smart are you?
The Republican policy document urges officials to crack down on public institutions for being "zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left." "Ideological bias is deeply entrenched with the current university system," it claims, warning that trustees of state institutions have a responsibility to the public to ensure that public dollars not be used for "political indoctrination." Elsewhere, the platform reiterates Republican opposition to the Dream Act, which provides a way for undocumented students brought here as young children to go to college and work toward citizenship.

The Republican platform next turns to what in higher education is uppermost in Americans' minds—college costs and recent graduates' struggles to repay student loans while facing prospects of unemployment or underemployment. One answer from the Republicans: de-emphasize traditional higher education and, for the masses, create programs directly related to job opportunities. "New systems of learning are needed to compete with traditional four-year colleges: expanded community colleges and technical institutions, private training schools, online universities, life-long learning, and work-based learning in the private sector."

- See more at: GOP platform attacks higher education American Federation of Teachers

yes they are willing to make us all like them...uneducated the rich can get richer....

You should change your screen name to Trollingbones because your OP title is a blatant LIE, yes I'm calling you out as a liar.

gop willing to cut education to fund tax cuts for the rich
The Republican policy document urges officials to crack down on public institutions for being "zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left." "Ideological bias is deeply entrenched with the current university system," it claims, warning that trustees of state institutions have a responsibility to the public to ensure that public dollars not be used for "political indoctrination." Elsewhere, the platform reiterates Republican opposition to the Dream Act, which provides a way for undocumented students brought here as young children to go to college and work toward citizenship.

The Republican platform next turns to what in higher education is uppermost in Americans' minds—college costs and recent graduates' struggles to repay student loans while facing prospects of unemployment or underemployment. One answer from the Republicans: de-emphasize traditional higher education and, for the masses, create programs directly related to job opportunities. "New systems of learning are needed to compete with traditional four-year colleges: expanded community colleges and technical institutions, private training schools, online universities, life-long learning, and work-based learning in the private sector."

- See more at: GOP platform attacks higher education American Federation of Teachers

yes they are willing to make us all like them...uneducated the rich can get richer....

You should change your screen name to Trollingbones because your OP title is a blatant LIE, yes I'm calling you out as a liar.

gop willing to cut education to fund tax cuts for the rich
He is a liar. And a very stupid one. Who posts lies that are refuted in the body of the thread?
The gop makes me sick. So you want us to be like mexico with a large lower class and a tiny rich??? You fools are going to lose again.
Just how stupid are you?

is that the best you have? seems no matter how stupid anyone is...they are still a wee bit smarter than you
You post lies in your thread titles. How stupd is that?
Where are the lies? And before you go to the my-name-is-rubber-yours-is-glue defense, consider precisely what the title of the thread is. How does cutting funding for higher education while cutting the taxes on the wealthy not justify this title?
here we go

gop has been in control for THREE whole months and already they want to cut education, ban abortions, make grandma eat dog food and starve all the children that don't happen to get ABORTED

DO they (Democrats/progressives/commies) ever run on their records? NO

fear mongering is their one and only dirty tactic they have down to a tee
The gop makes me sick. So you want us to be like mexico with a large lower class and a tiny rich??? You fools are going to lose again.
Just how stupid are you?

is that the best you have? seems no matter how stupid anyone is...they are still a wee bit smarter than you
You post lies in your thread titles. How stupd is that?
Where are the lies? And before you go to the my-name-is-rubber-yours-is-glue defense, consider precisely what the title of the thread is. How does cutting funding for higher education while cutting the taxes on the wealthy not justify this title?
You are really really dumn.
Please show what taxes for the wealthy are being cut
Please show what funds for education are being cut.
they could care less if our country goes bankrupt. as long as they can put fear in the people just so they can win an election
This is the stupidity of dimocrap scum.

If Education is a KNOWN impetus to higher Earnings......

If we KNOW FOR A FACT that better educated people make more money than lesser educated people.......

And we also know for a fact that the scum of the earth dimocraps pride themselves on being BETTER EDUCATED than Patriotic Conservatives....

Then HOW IN THE FUCK can we be the Party of The Rich?

How can Patriotic Conservative Americans be UNDER-EDUCATED AND THE PARTY OF THE RICH???????

dimocraps aren't just the scum of the earth..... People, they're just plain, down on the farm, stupid.

The world would truly be a much better place without dimocraps
they could care less if our country goes bankrupt. as long as they can put fear in the people just so they can win an election
Fox & Friends puts more fear in you people than anything else Stuphanie.

As to the OP, this is the GOP's M.O.- they get theirs then pull up the ladder.
Why is their never any concern for the astronomical increases in tuition and fees? It's just accepted? Why is that?
Because spending more on education means the quality is better. Right?

Since the govt has now nationalized student loans, the student is indebted to the govt for decades. Nice racket academia world and govt have together.
This is the stupidity of dimocrap scum.

If Education is a KNOWN impetus to higher Earnings......

If we KNOW FOR A FACT that better educated people make more money than lesser educated people.......

And we also know for a fact that the scum of the earth dimocraps pride themselves on being BETTER EDUCATED than Patriotic Conservatives....

Then HOW IN THE FUCK can we be the Party of The Rich?

How can Patriotic Conservative Americans be UNDER-EDUCATED AND THE PARTY OF THE RICH???????

dimocraps aren't just the scum of the earth..... People, they're just plain, down on the farm, stupid.

The world would truly be a much better place without dimocraps
Democrats are patriots too. But Conservatives (who seem to be wanting one party rule according to your little rant here) accomplices for wage disparity. Dupes. Rubes. Useful Idiots.

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