GOPer Mary Matalin converts to the Libertarian Party!

You already knew that the bitch is crazy since she is screwing James Carville.
Some dipshit defects? Meaningless...

"Defects" ... a most revealing verb.

Defect. Abandon. Switch. Betray. Jump ship. Whatever. Lots more where that came from, in this narrow context.


What difference do you think it makes?

Oh I agree, those are all synonyms, and revealing of the same syndrome.

It reveals in effect the same thing the term "RINO" does --- a belief on the part of the user that the underlying goal is not the well being of the nation, or its people, or its process, but rather how many points "our team" puts up on the board against "the enemy team". That's what it reveals.
Or, alternatively, you merely conjured a meaning into it that provides a segue - raggedy though that segue might be - to serve-up more partisan rhetoric on behalf of your own agenda?
Some dipshit defects? Meaningless...

"Defects" ... a most revealing verb.

Defect. Abandon. Switch. Betray. Jump ship. Whatever. Lots more where that came from, in this narrow context.


What difference do you think it makes?

Oh I agree, those are all synonyms, and revealing of the same syndrome.

It reveals in effect the same thing the term "RINO" does --- a belief on the part of the user that the underlying goal is not the well being of the nation, or its people, or its process, but rather how many points "our team" puts up on the board against "the enemy team". That's what it reveals.
Or, alternatively, you merely conjured a meaning into it that provides a segue - raggedy though that segue might be - to serve-up more partisan rhetoric on behalf of your own agenda?

Except I don't have an agenda. At least not one that involves points on a scoreboard.
Well, OK actually I do, but I keep that where it belongs --- in Sports.
we all love freedom. we all love each other. you can be in the Lib party and still vote for Wonderful Donald.

She's no Libertarian. She's a hack desperately seeking publicity.

Libertarian party has use for a SMALL number of talented hacks and political fixers. Gonna be a busy year for the Libertarian party.. Mary just might want to help us get Gary Johnson into the debates.. Call in some debts -- so to speak to open the FEC to the idea..

Could be a banner year for the Libertarian Party.
Some dipshit defects? Meaningless...

"Defects" ... a most revealing verb.

Defect. Abandon. Switch. Betray. Jump ship. Whatever. Lots more where that came from, in this narrow context.


What difference do you think it makes?

People dumping the Republican party just took 25 years longer than I did to figure it out. The defects are the ones still there

This is "defects", the present-tense singular verb... not the plural noun.

fallacy of equivocation
Some dipshit defects? Meaningless...

"Defects" ... a most revealing verb.

Defect. Abandon. Switch. Betray. Jump ship. Whatever. Lots more where that came from, in this narrow context.


What difference do you think it makes?

People dumping the Republican party just took 25 years longer than I did to figure it out. The defects are the ones still there

This is "defects", the present-tense singular verb... not the plural noun.

fallacy of equivocation

Don't sweat it. We all make mistakes.
we all love freedom. we all love each other. you can be in the Lib party and still vote for Wonderful Donald.

She's no Libertarian. She's a hack desperately seeking publicity.

Libertarian party has use for a SMALL number of talented hacks and political fixers. Gonna be a busy year for the Libertarian party.. Mary just might want to help us get Gary Johnson into the debates.. Call in some debts -- so to speak to open the FEC to the idea..

Just curious, do you consider John McAfee to be sort of the Donald Trump of the Libertarian Party?

John McAfee COULD buy the Libertarian Party with what he paid for his villa down in Costa Rico. Difference is -- we wouldn't let him. No matter how much "self-funding" he did. He's got the right principles, but he's not credible as a Prez candidate. The press would bury him about his former escort wife or the details of his "adventures"..

OTH -- A 2 term governor of New Mexico with impeccable fiscal governing credentials and a socially liberal attitude IS a credible candidate. And he is far more informed about the governing process and clear about his convictions than the other 2 choices.. It's gonna be an interesting campaign. The #neverhilary and #nevertrump groups are coming to their senses about the 2 party stranglehold. And my bet is -- Gary Johnson WILL be on the debate stage with Turumph and Hildebeast this summer.
we all love freedom. we all love each other. you can be in the Lib party and still vote for Wonderful Donald.

She's no Libertarian. She's a hack desperately seeking publicity.

Libertarian party has use for a SMALL number of talented hacks and political fixers. Gonna be a busy year for the Libertarian party.. Mary just might want to help us get Gary Johnson into the debates.. Call in some debts -- so to speak to open the FEC to the idea..

Could be a banner year for the Libertarian Party.

If we quit fighting about "purity" and who's the better Libertarian and actually focus on reality --- yeah.. It will be.
Could be WE benefit from the additional "politically homeless" turnout..
You already knew that the bitch is crazy since she is screwing James Carville.

The 2 of them are laughing their asses off at ALL Y'ALL.. They think everyone of you is a pawn in their game. And as they sip morning at their ranch in Virginny (or whereever) -- the political carnage they created PAYED for the cups, the sugar, the kitchen and the mortgage..

THAT'S what the 2 parties represent. A HUGE marketing operation intent on gaining a monopoly.. And WORSE -- colluding with each other to maintain exclusive control of their "market place"...

Would be no problem to have a Socialist Party and a Libertarian Party and a Constitutionalist Party. That's REAL choice. Almost 1/2 the voters cast a "wasted" vote right now when their team loses. And a lot of those "wasted" votes were not about principles. It's all about winning...
we all love freedom. we all love each other. you can be in the Lib party and still vote for Wonderful Donald.

She's no Libertarian. She's a hack desperately seeking publicity.

Libertarian party has use for a SMALL number of talented hacks and political fixers. Gonna be a busy year for the Libertarian party.. Mary just might want to help us get Gary Johnson into the debates.. Call in some debts -- so to speak to open the FEC to the idea..

Just curious, do you consider John McAfee to be sort of the Donald Trump of the Libertarian Party?

John McAfee COULD buy the Libertarian Party with what he paid for his villa down in Costa Rico. Difference is -- we wouldn't let him. No matter how much "self-funding" he did. He's got the right principles, but he's not credible as a Prez candidate. The press would bury him about his former escort wife or the details of his "adventures"..

OTH -- A 2 term governor of New Mexico with impeccable fiscal governing credentials and a socially liberal attitude IS a credible candidate. And he is far more informed about the governing process and clear about his convictions than the other 2 choices.. It's gonna be an interesting campaign. The #neverhilary and #nevertrump groups are coming to their senses about the 2 party stranglehold. And my bet is -- Gary Johnson WILL be on the debate stage with Turumph and Hildebeast this summer.

And my bet is -- Gary Johnson WILL be on the debate stage with Turumph and Hildebeast this summer.

That's very optimistic considering how the media serially tried to ignore Ron Paul in 2012 with all his popularity and name recognition. I think this is the year of the grotesque and out-sized ego in American politics.That's the media's preferred content.
we all love freedom. we all love each other. you can be in the Lib party and still vote for Wonderful Donald.

She's no Libertarian. She's a hack desperately seeking publicity.

Libertarian party has use for a SMALL number of talented hacks and political fixers. Gonna be a busy year for the Libertarian party.. Mary just might want to help us get Gary Johnson into the debates.. Call in some debts -- so to speak to open the FEC to the idea..

Could be a banner year for the Libertarian Party.

If we quit fighting about "purity" and who's the better Libertarian and actually focus on reality --- yeah.. It will be.
Could be WE benefit from the additional "politically homeless" turnout..

I think a fair amount of Republicans who can't bring themselves to vote for Trump will vote for Gary Johnson.

He might get 5% of the vote. Or more.

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