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Gore Refuses to take The Pledge

I think it is really quite funny that you would quote my post pleading with you to please stop cutting and pasting all the time and start using your won words... and then immediately follow that quote with a cut and paste editorial.

Do you really have such an infantile understanding of the effects of global warming that you are unaware that, for example, polar ice cap melt would completely change the atlantic currents so that the gulf stream would NOT bring warm water north to moderate the winters in the northern hemispere and the result would be much colder winter conditions in the northeastern part of north america and all of europe?

Do you really think that because one place might be colder than it has been in the past, that that means that global warming is not occuring?

Are you really arguing that global warming is not happening? Because even the scientists who disagree with the majority all think that the globe is getting warmer, they just disagree about the extent of man's impact on that process.
I think it is really quite funny that you would quote my post pleading with you to please stop cutting and pasting all the time and start using your won words... and then immediately follow that quote with a cut and paste editorial.

Do you really have such an infantile understanding of the effects of global warming that you are unaware that, for example, polar ice cap melt would completely change the atlantic currents so that the gulf stream would NOT bring warm water north to moderate the winters in the northern hemispere and the result would be much colder winter conditions in the northeastern part of north america and all of europe?

Do you really think that because one place might be colder than it has been in the past, that that means that global warming is not occuring?

Are you really arguing that global warming is not happening? Because even the scientists who disagree with the majority all think that the globe is getting warmer, they just disagree about the extent of man's impact on that process.

When I see the limo liberals lowering their standard of living - I might listen to what they have to say

There is no crisis as the left constantly bellows
When I see the limo liberals lowering their standard of living - I might listen to what they have to say

There is no crisis as the left constantly bellows

gore uses green electricity and pays a hefty premium for it. that means that none of his electrical use impacts global warming one iota.

I use green electricity. I car pool. I recycle. I set my thermostat at 55 at night and only up to 62 from 5PM until 10PM. I do not use air conditioning in the summer. I have lowered my energy use substantially. I have shunk my own carbon footprint. Does that mean that you will listen to ME?
gore uses green electricity and pays a hefty premium for it. that means that none of his electrical use impacts global warming one iota.

I use green electricity. I car pool. I recycle. I set my thermostat at 55 at night and only up to 62 from 5PM until 10PM. I do not use air conditioning in the summer. I have lowered my energy use substantially. I have shunk my own carbon footprint. Does that mean that you will listen to ME?

You are not an elected offical nor are you on TV lecturing the rest of us as Uncle Al

Al is playing his followers for suckers and laughing all the way to bank
You are not an elected offical nor are you on TV lecturing the rest of us as Uncle Al

Al is playing his followers for suckers and laughing all the way to bank

I am a liberal.... and I have made sacrifices...why not follow my lead?

you said you would.
you really are a ignorant moron.

Why are you incapable of carrying on a conversation?

The global warming was dropping the temp inside - I had to go and crank up the heat

Right now global warming is causing snow flurries here - if the Earth is warming I wish it would start
gore uses green electricity and pays a hefty premium for it. that means that none of his electrical use impacts global warming one iota.

Not really - his employers subsidize his usage by paying for his carbon indulgences.

I use green electricity. I car pool. I recycle. I set my thermostat at 55 at night and only up to 62 from 5PM until 10PM. I do not use air conditioning in the summer. I have lowered my energy use substantially. I have shunk my own carbon footprint. Does that mean that you will listen to ME?

I take public transportation to work. I walk. I recycle. I set my thermostat at 55 at night and wear sweaters in the house when I am home. I upgraded my HVAC to zone the house so I can not heat or cool rooms that are not being used. I have shrunk my own carbon footprint substantially - so you should listen to me:

Global warming and cooling are natural phenomena that arc over centuries. This doesn't give us permission to be bad stewards of the planet. Ruining the global economy, however, would be counter-productive to good stewardship. Poverty and lack of resources cause poor land usage and pollution. We'd be better off encouraging voluntary improvements and incentives instead of trying to send most of the world back to subsistence farming as a way of life.
Bias 101: How to Impugn the Credibility of an Inconvenient Expert
Posted by Matthew Sheffield on April 7, 2007 - 13:38.
John at Power Line has an excellent post documenting just how a left-wing reporter can use neutral-sounding language to make a casual observer doubt the credibility of a leading global warming skeptic:

Sometimes media bias is blatant and grotesque; it can extend to flat misrepresentations, use of fake documents, etc. Much more often, it is relatively subtle, as reporters push their version of a story in small ways, day after day. Here is a textbook example, via Power Line News.

Yesterday, in an interview with the Associated Press, one of the world's leading weather experts, Dr. William Gray, blasted Al Gore for perpetrating global warming hysteria. Since Dr. Gray is generally recognized as the world's leading expert in the science of forecasting hurricanes, this is news. But let's examine how the AP handled it in the article that resulted from their interview. The AP begins in a straightforward manner:

A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming.
"He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said in an interview with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans, where he delivered the closing speech.

But watch where the story goes from there. First the subtle demeaning of the distinguished Dr. Gray:

Gray, an emeritus professor at the atmospheric science department at Colorado State University, has long railed against the theory that heat-trapping gases generated by human activity are causing the world to warm.
Gray is implicitly depicted as a crank; he "rails." Note that the hysterical and ill-informed Gore never "rails." Further, Gray "has long railed," which suggests that, rather than being a consistent critic of an unproven theory, he is a tiresome eccentric whose views have been heard and discounted. More on this later. The AP continues:

Gray's statements came the same day the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change approved a report that concludes the world will face dire consequences to food and water supplies, along with increased flooding and other dramatic weather events, unless nations adapt to climate change.
As we have noted elsewhere, the U.N.'s IPCC is a political body, not a scientific one, and its findings have been subject to withering criticism. But the AP implies that the U.N's report represents a scientific consensus.

Read the rest.

Not really - his employers subsidize his usage by paying for his carbon indulgences.

that has nothing to do with his use of green electricity - a completely separate issue, yet you righties continue to whine about his high electric bill.
Yes it does. He is getting subsidies for his higher than normal energy uses which then enable him to pay a small surcharge for green energy. He does not pay a fair market price for his entire energy consumption due to his use of Indulgences.

For a look at a former Senator from Tennessee who actually does take responsibility for his energy use, I suggest you review how Frist has upgraded his house. He invested a great deal of His Own Money to use green energy such as passive solar heating.
Not really - his employers subsidize his usage by paying for his carbon indulgences.

that has nothing to do with his use of green electricity - a completely separate issue, yet you righties continue to whine about his high electric bill.

and libs hate to read athe truth about Al being loud mouth hypocrite
Not really - his employers subsidize his usage by paying for his carbon indulgences.

that has nothing to do with his use of green electricity - a completely separate issue, yet you righties continue to whine about his high electric bill.

Do they subsidize his jet fuel? If so I take back everything I ever said about Al, he is obviously a great american!

You foks are so shallow man! I mean I hate to say it but it is true. Al Gore does not give a flying fuck about you, global warming, your children or any other issue. He is a propagandist. Clear and simple. Anyone simple enough to not see through that deserves to be the fish they are for his bullshit.

A politician is a politician, clear and simple! Al Gore is riding the GW train to another fortune.
Do they subsidize his jet fuel? If so I take back everything I ever said about Al, he is obviously a great american!

You foks are so shallow man! I mean I hate to say it but it is true. Al Gore does not give a flying fuck about you, global warming, your children or any other issue. He is a propagandist. Clear and simple. Anyone simple enough to not see through that deserves to be the fish they are for his bullshit.

A politician is a politician, clear and simple! Al Gore is riding the GW train to another fortune.

Libs will always give a pass to another lib

They will always attack anyone who points out their hyprocricy

Libs care about one things and one thing only - their power
Libs will always give a pass to another lib

They will always attack anyone who points out their hyprocricy

Libs care about one things and one thing only - their power

That isn't necessarily true RSR. John Edwards cares. He wants you and me to live better lives, just ask him. Every time he gets off the elevator in his living room he tries to think of some new prop to entice your vote. He just said the other day that he wants less people to have to figure their own taxes. Imagine the burden that will lift off thier shoulders man.

I can't wait to see what him and Hillary will have to argue about.
That isn't necessarily true RSR. John Edwards cares. He wants you and me to live better lives, just ask him. Every time he gets off the elevator in his living room he tries to think of some new prop to entice your vote. He just said the other day that he wants less people to have to figure their own taxes. Imagine the burden that will lift off thier shoulders man.

I can't wait to see what him and Hillary will have to argue about.

I am sure the Pretty Boy thinks about the poor everyday as he sits by the pool, stretches out in his sauna, flys in his private jet, and as he rides in the back of his limo
'World News Tonight' Kicks off Global Warming Series After Report on Record Cold Snap
Posted by Noel Sheppard on April 8, 2007 - 13:16.
This is really hysterical, and requires all sharp objects, food and drinking vessels to be properly stowed before proceeding.

On Saturday evening, ABC’s “World News Tonight” kicked off its new series “Going Green” with “fresh ideas for coping with the warming planet.”

Quite comically, this was just minutes after anchor David Muir led the program with a report captioned "Arctic Easter" detailing the “brutally cold temperatures across much of the Eastern half of the country…where there could be record lows overnight” (video available here).

Despite this historic cold snap, Muir -- with a straight face, no less! -- astoundingly began a seemingly contradictory segment just minutes later (video available here):

Tonight we kick off our new series "Going Green" -- fresh ideas for coping with the warming planet. Just yesterday, a panel of scientists released the most detailed report yet of what is to come. They say droughts and floods are inevitable and they say worse will follow if greenhouse gases are not reduced. The good news, some of this country's best brains are now working on the problem. ABC’s Brian Rooney is in Silicon Valley where high-tech wizards are "going green."

Timing is everything, isn’t it? After all, "fresh ideas for coping with the warming planet" seems a little absurd as folks are digging out their driveways during Passover and Easter.

Now, in fairness, there was nothing wrong with the alternative energy ideas presented by Rooney. I myself installed solar panels some years ago to heat my pool, and am a strong advocate for all Americans to do much more in this regard.

However, there is truly a delicious irony concerning the timing of: the release of the IPCC report; a major television network beginning a series on coping with global warming, and; record-breaking cold temperatures over most of the country.

Unfortunately, some NewsBusters members seemed to miss this marvelous dichotomy yesterday in the comments section of an article on this subject.

To be sure, extreme cold events like what we are experiencing do not disprove the existence of global warming, and nobody here is making that point. Instead, what is being addressed is the delicious irony of such occurring as the nation and the world is being warned of imminent doom at the hand of anthropogenic global warming.

Moreover, there is a distinct and disparate difference in how the recent cold snap is being reported as compared to the above-normal temperatures the same region experienced in early January.

At that time, the mainstream news outlets used those warm temperatures to support the premise of anthropogenic global warming as reported by NewsBusters here, here, and here. However, when extreme cold is experienced in virtually the same areas only three months later breaking records going back to the 1800s, there is absolutely no discussion about how this might impact climate change thinking.

Let’s understand that this cold snap that we are experiencing is every bit as extreme – maybe even more so – than the warm patch we had in January. Here are some examples in the South as reported by AccuWeather:

Some cities that have already broken records this morning include:

Atlanta, Ga. - old record of 32 in 1886
Charlotte, N.C. - old record of 30 in 1961
Augusta, Ga. - old record of 32 in 1971
Savannah, Ga. - old record of 35 in 1950
Jacksonville, Fla. - old record of 37 in 1971
Nashville, Tenn. - old record of 27 in 1990
Little Rock, Ark. - old record of 32 in 1971

Many locations also set record-low temperatures Saturday morning as well. Some of these cities and the new record-low temperatures include:

Shreveport, La. - 50
Abbeville, S.C. - 38
Monroe, La. - 51
Savannah, Ga. - 56
Charlotte, N.C. - 25
Decatur, Ala. - 27
Gadsden, Ala. - 28
Montgomery, Ala. - 36
Atlanta, Ga. - 28
Greenville, S.C. - 28
Columbus, Miss. - 27
Greenville, Miss. - 32
Memphis, Tenn. - 30
Jackson, Tenn. - 25
Knoxville, Tenn. - 26
Huntsville, Ala. -25
Now, once again, these lows are not evidence that global warming isn’t occurring. However, neither are the extreme highs that happen from time to time evidence that it is. And, an unbiased media would do a better job of making this clear rather than jumping on every hot spell to advance their agenda while pretending that the cold spells are irrelevant.

What follows is a full transcript of ABC’s “Going Green” report.

DAVID MUIR, ANCHOR ABC’S “WORLD NEWS SATURDAY”: Tonight we kick off our new series "Going Green" fresh ideas for coping with the warming planet. Just yesterday, a panel of scientists released the most detailed report yet of what is to come. They say droughts and floods are inevitable and they say worse will follow if greenhouse gases are not reduced. The good news, some of this country's best brains are now working on the problem. ABC’s Brian Rooney is in Silicon Valley where high-tech wizards are "going green."

BRIAN ROONEY, ABC CORRESPONDENT: These trucks from a company called Solar City are on their way to deliver the promise of affordable solar electricity for home owners.

UNKNOWN INDIVIDUAL: Looking at the world's biggest problems, software is not going to address it.

ROONEY: He used to be in the software business. But his new company is trying to flood California neighborhoods with solar power. Still smarting from the Internet bubble burst, some of the technical brain trust of Silicon Valley is turning to what may be the next big thing, alternative energy and solar power. An example, this new factory is rolling out what the company hopes will be mass-produced and affordable solar panels millions of Americans can install on their roof.

UNKNOWN INDIVIDUAL: Well, I'm somewhat of a serial entrepreneur. This is my sixth venture-backed company. And this is the most exciting market opportunity I've ever been in.

ROONEY: Investors are beginning to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into companies like these, hoping to catch the next wave at a time when cost, technology and the need for new energy are all coming together.

UNKNOWN INDIVIDUAL: It's a moment in time when the next great possibility is launched.

ROONEY: They're also working on fuel cells, more dependable electric cars and biomass, fuel made of plants like algae. But solar power is most promising right now. Silicon Valley has re-invented itself with every wave of technology, from the computer chip to the Internet. And now, on the brink of an energy revolution, one analyst says Silicon Valley could become solar valley.

Silicon Valley companies were involved in building this 11 megawatt solar electricity plant in Portugal, not huge, but proof that solar power is not off in some Buck Rogers' future.

UNKNOWN INDIVIDUAL: Today is kind of our 1983 for the chip industry, if you will.

ROONEY: You're on the cusp of becoming every day household technology.

UNKNOWN INDIVIDUAL: Yes, absolutely.

ROONEY: Hard to believe, but keep in mind, these are the people who changed the world before. Brian Rooney, ABC News, San Jose, California.

gore uses green electricity and pays a hefty premium for it. that means that none of his electrical use impacts global warming one iota.

I use green electricity. I car pool. I recycle. I set my thermostat at 55 at night and only up to 62 from 5PM until 10PM. I do not use air conditioning in the summer. I have lowered my energy use substantially. I have shunk my own carbon footprint. Does that mean that you will listen to ME?

Poor sea otters are dying due to global warming..............

Extreme Cold Endangering Alaskan Sea Otters: Will Media Report It?
Posted by Noel Sheppard on April 9, 2007 - 14:28.
Imagine for a moment that warmer-than-normal winter temperatures in Alaska were making it difficult for the endangered sea otter to find food, and making it easier for natural predators and illegal hunters to kill them.

Would the global warming alarmists in the media be all over this story as another example of how man-made “climate change” is destroying the planet and endangering species that are its inhabitants?

Well, as NewsBusters reported on April 5, it’s been pretty darned cold in Alaska this winter, so much so that the Anchorage Daily News reported Sunday that it’s wreaking havoc with the local sea otter population (emphasis added):

An extra-cold winter on the Alaska Peninsula has frozen sea otters out of the bay and pushed them onto the tundra near Port Heiden where they're easy prey for wolves, humans and hunger.

Some of the starving animals -- with ribs showing -- have waddled or belly-slid several miles inland, residents said. Others have been attacked by dogs near houses, killed by villagers for their hides, or died on sea ice where eagles and foxes pick at their remains.


Partially enclosed by spits of land, the bay hardened into a solid surface of ice this winter after a cold spell -- beginning in January and lasting through March -- dropped temperatures to zero and below, [village fire chief Mark Kosbruk] said.

Average winter temperatures usually hover in the 20s, producing only ice floes, he said. Spring temperatures have recently melted snow off tundra and opened cracks in the frozen bay miles from shore, but the sea otters are still coming on land.

Despite wire services such as UPI and AP covering this story, few media outlets have bothered to pick it up. As such, for argument’s sake, let’s reverse this report, and imagine how much attention it would have been given:

An extra-warm winter on the Alaska Peninsula has forced ice-loving sea otters out of the bay and pushed them onto the tundra near Port Heiden where they're easy prey for wolves, humans and hunger.

Some of the starving animals -- with ribs showing -- have waddled or belly-slid several miles inland, residents said. Others have been attacked by dogs near houses, killed by villagers for their hides, or died on sea ice where eagles and foxes pick at their remains.


Partially enclosed by spits of land, the bay thawed this winter after a hot spell -- beginning in January and lasting through March -- raising temperatures to 40 and above, [village fire chief Mark Kosbruk] said.

Average winter temperatures usually hover in the 20s, producing desirable ice floes, he said.

Think this would have drawn more attention from a media that disgracefully only report weather-related events which further anthropogenic global warming theories? Can't you see Meredith and Matt this morning going all gooey over these poor, unfortunate otters being destroyed by man's lust for SUV's and oil-profits? And, given the cold over the Eastern part of the nation, might this have been part of the lead story presented by Charles, Brian, and, of course, Katie this evening, complete with interviews from the locals?

Alas, to these folks, only species that are dying because of heat are relevant now.

What a disgrace.

are you aware that global warming can and does change ocean currents which impact and moderate weather patterns? Global warming may very well completely alter the gulf stream, for example, that will cause northern europe and the northeastern quadrant of north america to be colder. Do you understand that, or is it really just too complicated for you?

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