Gorsuch is a breathtakin retreat from the idea that Americans have fundamental Constitutional rights

Gorsuch’s record suggests he could impose significant new constraints on Americans' rights & civil liberties.
Republicans stole Barack Obama's Supreme Court seat. Democrats should return the favor.
It’s a stolen SCOTUS seat. Period. The Republicans’ excuse for not considering Merrick Garland is ahistorical bullshit.

Sourpuss Alert

Well, you know....

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Dems. no matter how hard many try to sound intelligent and reasonable they end up exposing their schizophrenia when pressed.

Indeed. Poor widdle boobies. No wonder they need Safe Spaces.
Gorsuch harkens back to the days when politicians restricted a people’s rights on a whim. That is a very dangerous view to our liberty. he is anti gay rights and anti euthanasia!
When did you graduate from oxford...you unmitigated dope.
Dimshitscum aren't showing up in committees or on the floor. Lets see now in the civil war there was precedent set and they were replaced by their governors in some of the states. Wonder how many have a Republican Governor? After one or two I would bet they make every meeting. I see a lock out of the dimshit, and a complete removal of them as any power in the DC game. GO TRUMP, a new day of rights for EVERYONE, not just the dimshit pets.
We've been listening for years about gridlock and how Republicans are holding Congress as hostage because poor Barry couldn't get his agenda thru.

How come word "gridlock" couldn't past a single journalist lips on single cable TV show, or network TV show or newspapers?

While Senate democrats are trying to block every one of Trump's nominations, they're suddenly not concerned about gridlock anymore, but just opposite, they love it.

We'll see how hearings and vote for Gorsuch will go. I expect gridlock, than nuclear option, just to see leftists heads explode.
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If Gorsuch respected the Constitution, he wouldn't accept the nomination for a stolen Supreme Court seat in the first place.
If Gorsuch respected the Constitution, he wouldn't accept the nomination for a stolen Supreme Court seat in the first place.

Smearing continues...

let me do it in Spanish...

Hoy más que nunca necesitamos un juez independiente, sin ideología, que preserve nuestra democracia y proteja nuestros valores fundamentales. GORSUCH ES UN BIGOT!
If Gorsuch respected the Constitution, he wouldn't accept the nomination for a stolen Supreme Court seat in the first place.

Smearing continues...

let me do it in Spanish...

Hoy más que nunca necesitamos un juez independiente, sin ideología, que preserve nuestra democracia y proteja nuestros valores fundamentales. GORSUCH ES UN BIGOT!

Actually, we don't need a justice who preserve democracy, we need a justice who preserve the constitution.

It's interesting how left is quiet about ideology of last two appointed justices.

There was a guy, can't remember his name, who said "elections have consequences".
Obstruct. Resist. Filibuster. Block.

Obstruct. Resist. Filibuster. Block.


Obstruct. Resist. Filibuster. Block.


Yeah and it looks like maybe a crow saw it and an Eagle shit on it

Listen whiner, anyone the Republicans want to put through, they can, even if YOU do not like it, period.

In my humble opinion, of the 3 that were the front runners, you got the best if you need moderation. You fool around to much and get this guy to walk away, your gonna end up with Pryor, and guess what---------> if want to be miserable because your leftist nonsense is stopped at every turn with a broad smile, then you will have it with Pryor!

See, this is the problem with all of us CONSERVATIVES. We tell these people the truth, and they keep on, and we keep answering them. Forget it! One answer, that is it! They want to keep playing snowflakes and melting, let them. They can't do ANYTHING, and after the Supreme Court is seated, California politicians are going to be prosecuted pronto. By the time this is over, the left may well be dismantled-)

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