Gorsuch should withdraw from his nomination

By remaining the nominee of a man who has no respect for the judicial branch of government, and of a party that spent 293 days completely de-legitimizing the process of replacing a SC justice. He hasn't even spoken out against it. He's a dishonorable fraud.
Where is your outrage at Ruth Bader Ginsburg and your demand for her to step down? She not only showed complete disrespect for the President of the United States and the executive branch, but she also disrespected the judicial branch and the Supreme Court when she threatened to step down if Donald Trump was elected. She was trying to influence the vote of the American people.

There are so many flaws in your "logic" here I don't even know where to begin. At the end of the day, it sounds to me like you're just butt-hurt over the realization that the Supreme Court will have another actual justice instead of a political activist for the Dumbocrat Party.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg should make good on her threat to step down. We need another originalist on the court.
Who would get to vote using 3/5ths additional voting power, garnered from what non-citizens would have had.
In other words - you don't have the slightest clue what the 3/5th's clause was or why it existed. Typical of that side of the aisle. And sad.
Liberal school systems who teach... Do as your told and reality is whatever we tell you it is.. Indoctrination rather than critical thinking skills..

After Trump's numerous attempts to delegitimize the judicial branch of our government and his multiple personal attacks against Gorsuch's colleagues... it would be dishonorable for Gorsuch to remain a candidate for Trump's Supreme Court pick.

Gorsuch cannot, in good faith, believe that Trump selected him for any other reason than to weaken our court system and increase his own power.

His hearings begin next week. It should be as entertaining as a WWE event.

/---- How did that campaign work out for you Spanky?
After Trump's numerous attempts to delegitimize the judicial branch of our government and his multiple personal attacks against Gorsuch's colleagues... it would be dishonorable for Gorsuch to remain a candidate for Trump's Supreme Court pick.

Gorsuch cannot, in good faith, believe that Trump selected him for any other reason than to weaken our court system and increase his own power.

His hearings begin next week. It should be as entertaining as a WWE event.

Justice Gorsuch. You lose pop.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg should make good on her threat to step down. We need another originalist on the court.
She should be forced to step down after attempting to influence the election and after promising to step down if Donald Trump won.

I agree in theory, but I don't think you CAN force a Justice to step down.
I know. It was sort of tongue-in-cheek. I mean, I do believe she should be forced to step down (in a perfect world). But I also know she can't be (in the real world).

Then again - the left violates the U.S. Constitution 24x7. Maybe we should too this time? Give them a taste of their own medicine? :dunno::
Ruth Bader Ginsburg should make good on her threat to step down. We need another originalist on the court.
She should be forced to step down after attempting to influence the election and after promising to step down if Donald Trump won.

I agree in theory, but I don't think you CAN force a Justice to step down.
I know. It was sort of tongue-in-cheek. I mean, I do believe she should be forced to step down (in a perfect world). But I also know she can't be (in the real world).

Then again - the left violates the U.S. Constitution 24x7. Maybe we should too this time? Give them a taste of their own medicine? :dunno::

Absolutely not. The point of the entire exercise is to return our country to Constitutional rule. Defeating leftists and watching their heads explode is just an ancillary reward that we get for doing it right.

Frankly, I would be in favor of impeaching any Justice who writes an opinion on a case that never once actually mentions US case law, let alone the Constitution. There is no point in a US Supreme Court decision that I want to hear a single word about what the law is in other countries.
Gorsuch will take the oath of office of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice on Monday 4/10/2017.

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Text of the Oaths of Office for Supreme Court Justices
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