got a question about 9/11 hijacker(s) being found alive after 9/11


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
what is the story on this? I have seen to much contradictory stuff on it to understand the origin or its validity
they were found in South America living with Adolf Hitler and Jim Morrison.
what is the story on this? I have seen to much contradictory stuff on it to understand the origin or its validity

It was a case of mistaken identity; they found some people with the same names living. A short investigation cleared it all up.

Still Alive
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i think you need to keep in mind that in other countries it is extremely easy to create a new identity. there isnt the cross checking of information there is here in the USA. there isnt even reliable birth and death records in many places. here in the usa we are pretty much identified throughout our lives in one way or another. thats not the case everywhere.

for instance, i have a drivers license in one asian country and have never even visited a motor vehicle type office. i have no doubt i could also get a passport in that country. not a fake passport. an actual passport.

and i am not really even trying to do anything wrong or illegal. if i was trying to hide my identity, as some of the terrorists may have been, it would be very easy in most third world countries to get actual identification in any name i chose.

i guess my point is that it would be very easy to hide who you really are if thats what a terrorist wanted to do. so its not surprising to me that someone with the same name or something similar should pop up somewhere.
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What’s more, Saudi Arabia have now accepted that their citizens, as named by the US, were involved. Why would they do that if any of them were still alive, and so plainly innocent?

Saudi Arabia acknowledged for the first time that 15 of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers were Saudi citizens...

Previously, Saudi Arabia had said the citizenship of 15 of the 19 hijackers was in doubt despite U.S. insistence they were Saudis. But Interior Minister Prince Nayef told The Associated Press that Saudi leaders were shocked to learn 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

"The names that we got confirmed that," Nayef said in an interview. "Their families have been notified." - Official: 15 of 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi

And subsequently a video called “the 19 Martyrs” was released and partly aired on al Jazeera, which reportedly featured photographs of hijackers, and included bin Ladin giving a brief description of each. There was a detailed page on the video at , and that’s gone now, but we saved a copy locally for posterity. We don’t know if the video is real, or this is an accurate account of it, but if true then it is another indication that the named hijackers were involved, and they’re now all dead.

The webpage is featured below:

The 19 Martyrs Video

Just remember, these are the people NOT blamed by the twoofers. These are the people the twoofers say, "did nothing". These are the murderers who the twoofers want you to believe are all innocent.

Hate fills my heart when I read the shit on that link; I think it would on all real Americans.
i think you need to keep in mind that in other countries it is extremely easy to create a new identity. there isnt the cross checking of information there is here in the USA. there isnt even reliable birth and death records in many places. here in the usa we are pretty much identified throughout our lives in one way or another. thats not the case everywhere.

for instance, i have a drivers license in one asian country and have never even visited a motor vehicle type office. i have no doubt i could also get a passport in that country. not a fake passport. an actual passport.

and i am not really even trying to do anything wrong or illegal. if i was trying to hide my identity, as some of the terrorists may have been, it would be very easy in most third world countries to get actual identification in any name i chose.

i guess my point is that it would be very easy to hide who you really are if thats what a terrorist wanted to do. so its not surprising to me that someone with the same name or something similar should pop up somewhere.

indeed. I actually had some of this typed in my original post, but I wanted to see where people would go with it. its also asinine to think that the hijackers would use real names or anything that could trace back to their real identity
Hi Blu:

what is the story on this? I have seen to much contradictory stuff on it to understand the origin or its validity

[ame=]Begin Here[/ame]

Tracking The 911 Hijackers



Why do you continue to post? You have no credibility whatsoever. None of your predictions have EVER come true and you have admitted to becoming sucked up in hype which resulted in you posting stuff that you THOUGHT was true. To which you had to post and apology saying as much.

You're pathetic.

Come back when you have become more trustworthy.
Terral usually just posts the same tired treasonous lies time after time.
At least here he posted something a little different.

I think we should admire his tenacity that keeps him posting the same BS time after time with absolutely no regards for evidence or facts.

or it could just be mental illness
Hi Gamolon with Fizzle and CandyCornHolio mentioned:

Why do you continue to post?

Why does Gam refuse to accept Terral's Challenge (my Topic) and post 'your' evidence to support Official 9/11 Cover Story LIES????

My Flight 93 Topic
My Pentagon Topic
My WTC-7 CD Implosion Topic

Gamolon cannot post links to 'his' "Flight 93 Crashed Outside Shanksville," "AA77 Crashed Into The Pentagon" and "WTC-7 Collapsed By Fire" Topics, because no evidence exists to support that STUPIDITY.


This is what Gamolon calls a crashed 100-ton Jetliner, when all I see is another picture of the same ...


... EMPTY HOLE. This is Loyal Bushie/Obama LIAR has the nerve to continually show up to this USMB 'Conspiracy Theories' Forum to pretend that 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig) and make stupid claims like this:

You have no credibility whatsoever.

This sounds funny coming from a guy with no Topics started that support 'his' Official Govt LIES. Yes, this empty hole ...


.... is still very much EMPTY and we see 'no sign' whatsoever of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner!!!

US Geological Survey Photograph taken on April 20, 1994 << Click Here

The best part is that we have real U.S. Geological Survey Photographs of the same EMPTY HOLE taken on April 20, 1994 that Mr. Gamolon wants to completely ignore, because I (#3) have no credibility with him :)cuckoo:). Here is a News Flash for the resident idiot: Real credibility is coming to this fine USMB Board every day using your real name (Terral is my real name). What is a Gamolon :)confused:) anyway??? What is a Fizz or a CandyCorn :)lol:)???

None of your predictions have EVER come true and you have admitted to becoming sucked up in hype which resulted in you posting stuff that you THOUGHT was true.

Wrong. The H1N1 Bioweapon 'will' mutate into a terrible genocidal monster, but 'when' is difficult to nail down 'and' this EMPTY HOLE ...


... is just as empty as on 9/11. Of course, Mr. Gamolon 'can' click on My Flight 93 Topic and show us 'his' pictures of the crashed 100-ton Jetliner ...


... in this EMPTY FIELD:


Go for it hotshot! Make my day!!!! Then, show us 'your' pictures of a crashed AA77 in this EMPTY HOLE:


The second-story hole between Column #13 and Column #15 is exactly 18-feet 3-inches across. Start your AA77 Topic today showing us how a real 100-ton Jetliner vanished into thin air without ever coming out the rear C-ring hole ...


... that is only about 10-feet wide!!!! Where did your two (2) 6-Ton Rolls-Royce Engines come through this C-ring Wall (on left) ...


... to enter A/E Drive that runs between the C and D-ring walls??? Mr. Gamolon has no evidence that a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed in the empty Shanksville field NOR at the Pentagon, but he has the audacity to come out to this USMB Board and cast stones at a real 911Truther with more credibility is my little finger than Gamolon, Fizz and CandyAssCorn all put together. If you ever want to establish one shred of real 'credibility,' then stop hiding behind 'Gamolon' and 'Fizz' and 'CandyCorn' and start posting 'your' 911Truth Topics under your real names. That will never happen, because these idiots could not present a solid case for anything to save their sorry-azz souls ...

You're pathetic.

Come back when you have become more trustworthy.

Mr. Gamolon is my debating 'adversary' in all of these 911Truth Debates, because he comes here every day to support Official Govt LIES 'and' defend Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans; which makes him 'far' more than simply pathetic ...

This Is What Really Happened On 9/11

Where is Gamolon's Topic for the Official Cover Story LIE??? This idiot will never post anything like that, because he is a gutless coward sent here to defend the idiotic Official Cover Story using nothing more than name-calling nonsense and stupidity ...


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Hi Gam:

Why do you continue to post?

Why does Gam refuse to accept Terral's Challenge (my Topic) and post 'your' evidence to support Official 9/11 Cover Story LIES????

My Flight 93 Topic
My Pentagon Topic
My WTC-7 CD Implosion Topic

Gamolon cannot post links to 'his' "Flight 93 Crashed Outside Shanksville," "AA77 Crashed Into The Pentagon" and "WTC-7 Collapsed By Fire" Topics, because no evidence exists to support that STUPIDITY.


This is what Gamolon calls a crashed 100-ton Jetliner, when all I see is another picture of the same ...


... EMPTY HOLE. This is Loyal Bushie/Obama LIAR has the nerve to continually show up to this USMB 'Conspiracy Theories' Forum to pretend that 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig) and make stupid claims like this:

You have no credibility whatsoever.

This sounds funny coming from a guy with no Topics started that support 'his' Official Govt LIES. Yes, this empty hole ...


.... is still very much EMPTY and we see 'no sign' whatsoever of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner!!!

US Geological Survey Photograph taken on April 20, 1994 << Click Here

The best part is that we have real U.S. Geological Survey Photographs of the same EMPTY HOLE taken on April 20, 1994 that Mr. Gamolon wants to completely ignore, because I (#3) have no credibility with him :)cuckoo:). Here is a News Flash for the resident idiot: Real credibility is coming to this fine USMB Board every day using your real name (Terral is my real name). What is a Gamolon :)confused:) anyway??? What is a Fizz or a CandyCorn :)lol:)???

None of your predictions have EVER come true and you have admitted to becoming sucked up in hype which resulted in you posting stuff that you THOUGHT was true.

Wrong. The H1N1 Bioweapon 'will' mutate into a terrible genocidal monster, but 'when' is difficult to nail down 'and' this EMPTY HOLE ...


... is just as empty as on 9/11. Of course, Mr. Gamolon 'can' click on My Flight 93 Topic and show us 'his' pictures of the crashed 100-ton Jetliner ...


... in this EMPTY FIELD:


Go for it hotshot! Make my day!!!! Then, show us 'your' pictures of a crashed AA77 in this EMPTY HOLE:


The second-story hole between Column #13 and Column #15 is exactly 18-feet 3-inches across. Start your AA77 Topic today showing us how a real 100-ton Jetliner vanished into thin air without ever coming out the rear C-ring hole ...


... that is only about 10-feet wide!!!! Where did your two (2) 6-Ton Rolls-Royce Engines come through this C-ring Wall (on left) ...


... to enter A/E Drive that runs between the C and D-ring walls??? Mr. Gamolon has no evidence that a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed in the empty Shanksville field NOR at the Pentagon, but he has the audacity to come out to this USMB Board and cast stones at a real 911Truther with more credibility is my little finger than Gamolon, Fizz and CandyAssCorn all put together. If you ever want to establish one shred of real 'credibility,' then stop hiding behind 'Gamolon' and 'Fizz' and CandyCorn and start posting 'your' 911Truth Topics under your real names. That will never happen, because these idiots could not present a solid case for anything to save their sorry-azz souls ...

You're pathetic.

Come back when you have become more trustworthy.

Mr. Gamolon is my debating 'adversary' in all of these 911Truth Debates, because he comes here every day to support Official Govt LIES 'and' defend Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans; which makes him 'far' more than simply pathetic ...



Silly Terral.

I DID respond to your WTC7 thread, but after showing you how much of your evidence was crap (you even admitted a mistake in it), you ran off like a spanked child and refused to debate anymore.

You so much as told me you were "satisfied with your WTC7 evidence" and that was it.

I refuse to pick up another debate with you because once I start finding bullshit, you'll run like a coward again with your fingers in your ears saying "LALALALALALA".

Yeah, I can see why many people want to debate you. I mean ALL your subjects have been validated. Your predictions ALWAYS come true, you make NO mistakes, and you never EVER, get pulled in by any hype and push is as being truth.


Terral is SO well respected.


... EMPTY HOLE. This is Loyal Bushie/Obama LIAR has the nerve to continually show up to this USMB 'Conspiracy Theories' Forum to pretend that 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig)

since you keep claiming that this is an empty hole would you like to explain what this is in your picture? a rock?!! :lol:


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Hi Fizzle:

since you keep claiming that this is an empty hole would you like to explain what this is in your picture? a rock?!! :lol:

You are missing 100-tons of missing Flight 93 Jetliner:


Now compare the size of the little EMPTY HOLE to the amount of 'missing' evidence. Where did your 60-ton Titanium frame go??? Where are your two (2) 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines?


Where are the 200+ seats? Where can we find the indestructible landing gear or the massive tail section?

This idiot has nothing ... Do not even waste your breath ...


answer the question, jackass. what is that in your picture? is it a rock or not?
Hi Fizzle:

since you keep claiming that this is an empty hole would you like to explain what this is in your picture? a rock?!! :lol:

You are missing 100-tons of missing Flight 93 Jetliner:

Now compare the size of the little EMPTY HOLE to the amount of 'missing' evidence. Where did your 60-ton Titanium frame go??? Where are your two (2) 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines?

Where are the 200+ seats? Where can we find the indestructible landing gear or the massive tail section?

This idiot has nothing ... Do not even waste your breath ...


damn, you are a fucking IDIOT
Bush said he saw the fist plane hit the tower while sittng outside the school

what is the story on this? I have seen to much contradictory stuff on it to understand the origin or its validity

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