Gov. Abbot of Texas Cut Funding for Local Food Banks by 44%

The gubnit just started sending it to you? You being the manly man conservative you are couldn't make ig on your own. How MAGA of you. Gubnit come save me because I won't go to work anymore!!!


No, government determined my multiple medical conditions precluded my ability to work. New bureaucratic regulations that took me out. It was a government doctor who refused to renew my government mandated medical card, it was government doctors that reviewed all my medical records which I happily surrendered to them, it was government who made the decision (based on their very own doctors determination) that I could no longer work. It was governments decision that I was more than qualified for disability benefits, again, a program I paid into my entire life.

Let's see what you do if you are ever plagued with serious medical conditions. Let's see if you collect Social Security and Medicare benefits when you retire. I'll bet my dollar to your dime you'll collect every penny you worked for.

You people are such hypocrites it makes me want to vomit.

So YOU are sucking on the gubnit tit and loving it. How MAGA of you.

That doesn't sound like Ray. He is happy to pay for his own insulin so he is quite independently minded.

Well then why doesn't he find a job and pay his own way like all manly man Rethugikkkons do? Not very MAGA is he?

So YOU are sucking on the gubnit tit and loving it. How MAGA of you.

Why complain to me? If you don't like our disability program, write to your commie representatives and tell them to end it. They put me out of work two years before I could retire. WTF could I do, especially at the beginning of a pandemic? All my professional experience is out the window. I'd be like a 18 year old high school kid looking for his first job in a 60 year old body. Who would hire me that pays a living wage? Soon afterwards, unemployment went up to 9%.

I'm not on any tit if I am collecting from a program I paid into my entire life. So once again I ask: When you retire, are you going to collect SS or use Medicare? Bet you won't answer that question hot shot.

My commie rep is a Rethugikkkon!!!
Why don't you man up and get a job you fucking manly man deadbeat?

So YOU are sucking on the gubnit tit and loving it. How MAGA of you.

Why complain to me? If you don't like our disability program, write to your commie representatives and tell them to end it. They put me out of work two years before I could retire. WTF could I do, especially at the beginning of a pandemic? All my professional experience is out the window. I'd be like a 18 year old high school kid looking for his first job in a 60 year old body. Who would hire me that pays a living wage? Soon afterwards, unemployment went up to 9%.

I'm not on any tit if I am collecting from a program I paid into my entire life. So once again I ask: When you retire, are you going to collect SS or use Medicare? Bet you won't answer that question hot shot.

Bet I will commie fuck. I sure will collect. I am not the 1 constantly pissing and moaning about others collecting from the gubnit.

why is the government f̶u̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶v̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶n̶i̶z̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶??
What you mean is:
Why is the government feeding hungry citizens?
not the governments job to feed hungry people,,, that always results in a weaker society,,,

Wow you missed the part of the constitution about maintaining the general welfare of our nation.

You russian trolls need to learn more about America and our constitution.
Sometimes the lazy dreg has to get off the government provided couch and maintain his own welfare right peahead??
Bet I will commie fuck. I sure will collect. I am not the 1 constantly pissing and moaning about others collecting from the gubnit.

And that's exactly what I'm doing. Why should I not collect from a program I paid into (just like you did) if I was forced out of work by the government?
Bet I will commie fuck. I sure will collect. I am not the 1 constantly pissing and moaning about others collecting from the gubnit.

And that's exactly what I'm doing. Why should I not collect from a program I paid into (just like you did) if I was forced out of work by the government?

You were forced out of working as a truck driver. Man the fuck up like a good lil conservative and get another job.

My commie rep is a Rethugikkkon!!!
Why don't you man up and get a job you fucking manly man deadbeat?

You must really be fucken stupid. I already answered your question, but that mental block so prevalent in liberals stopped the message from getting to your brain.

Yes you told me you refuse to get a job and want to live on the gubnit tit. Man up manly man conservative.

It's right there in the Constitution.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say governments are responsible for feeding the people.

Sep 15, 2011 — The Preamble states that an overriding purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to promote the general welfare,” indicating that issues such as ...
The general welfare of the states not individuals.
Where does it say that? What about "we, the people"?
Yes you told me you refuse to get a job and want to live on the gubnit tit. Man up manly man conservative.

No, what I said is that at this age, it's impossible to start all over again. Nobody will hire a 60 year old guy with no experience at anything except his former profession that pays a livable wage. Hell, I put in a few applications in my profession when I was working. I have an impeccable work and driving record, and didn't get a call back. The only possible reason was my age. Employers think ahead like how much their medical coverage will go up with employees my age. They just won't do it.
You were forced out of working as a truck driver. Man the fuck up like a good lil conservative and get another job.

Ya know.......while I don't belong to any religion and usually don't wish ill will on anybody, I faithfully believe in God. Perhaps he will visit you some day, give you a disability that prevents you from working when you get older, and see what you do about it. I'd love to know the outcome of that. I'm sure as a leftist, you don't believe in God, so let's say Karma visits you instead.
Yes you told me you refuse to get a job and want to live on the gubnit tit. Man up manly man conservative.

No, what I said is that at this age, it's impossible to start all over again. Nobody will hire a 60 year old guy with no experience at anything except his former profession that pays a livable wage. Hell, I put in a few applications in my profession when I was working. I have an impeccable work and driving record, and didn't get a call back. The only possible reason was my age. Employers think ahead like how much their medical coverage will go up with employees my age. They just won't do it.

Get a job you freeloader. Health coverage wouldn't matter to employers if universal Healthcare existed in this country. Thank you for being a spokesperson for it.

You were forced out of working as a truck driver. Man the fuck up like a good lil conservative and get another job.

Ya know.......while I don't belong to any religion and usually don't wish ill will on anybody, I faithfully believe in God. Perhaps he will visit you some day, give you a disability that prevents you from working when you get older, and see what you do about it. I'd love to know the outcome of that. I'm sure as a leftist, you don't believe in God, so let's say Karma visits you instead.

I would do exactly as you did. Here is the big difference, I wouldn't bitch about all others who receive gubnit assistance, and also judge their worthiness for it.

I would do exactly as you did. Here is the big difference, I wouldn't bitch about all others who receive gubnit assistance, and also judge their worthiness for it.

That's because you're a stupid asshole that can't tell the difference between people who use systems like this because of no choice and people who abuse the system who have other options.

I've been on this service for six years, and I'll pay you ten thousand dollars if you can find one post of mine where I ever stated people with physical or mental disabilities that prevents them from working should not be getting government assistance. You commies love when young able bodied leftists don't work for most or all of their lives on taxpayers money, but hate it when taxpayers on the right use a system they paid into their entire lives.

Of course you would do the same. That's the point.
I would do exactly as you did. Here is the big difference, I wouldn't bitch about all others who receive gubnit assistance, and also judge their worthiness for it.

That's because you're a stupid asshole that can't tell the difference between people who use systems like this because of no choice and people who abuse the system who have other options.

I've been on this service for six years, and I'll pay you ten thousand dollars if you can find one post of mine where I ever stated people with physical or mental disabilities that prevents them from working should not be getting government assistance. You commies love when young able bodied leftists don't work for most or all of their lives on taxpayers money, but hate it when taxpayers on the right use a system they paid into their entire lives.

Of course you would do the same. That's the point.

And here you are using the system that yoy cry about others using because you deem them unworthy. Hiw truely MAGA of you!!!!

And here you are using the system that yoy cry about others using because you deem them unworthy. Hiw truely MAGA of you!!!!

Not the same system at all. Like I said, find where I ever did.

I've never complained about SS, disability, Medicare or any other programs tax payers use because they funded them. I have offered opinions of how they are not run properly, not funded properly, but not once complained when people collect, especially after paying into them for a lifetime.

Welfare, food stamps, HUD, Medicaid are all programs most who use them never paid a dime into. That's because those are funded by people who pay income tax, which nearly half of our population doesn't pay. And don't respond that they do, because sales and payroll taxes are not income taxes.
And here you are using the system that yoy cry about others using because you deem them unworthy. Hiw truely MAGA of you!!!!

Not the same system at all. Like I said, find where I ever did.

I've never complained about SS, disability, Medicare or any other programs tax payers use because they funded them. I have offered opinions of how they are not run properly, not funded properly, but not once complained when people collect, especially after paying into them for a lifetime.

Welfare, food stamps, HUD, Medicaid are all programs most who use them never paid a dime into. That's because those are funded by people who pay income tax, which nearly half of our population doesn't pay. And don't respond that they do, because sales and payroll taxes are not income taxes.

Glad your here to judge all peoples worthiness of these programs. My best friend from high schools son was born with Downs Syndrome. He has contributed nothing. He should be left on the streets to die.

You should Butch thd fuck up and get another job or 2 and not be a burden to society any longer.

Food stamps aren't enough? I mean come on, poor Americans are the fattest people in the world!
Everyone doesn't get food stamps..only like 13% and being Texass is what they are I doubt it is that high. We are the richest nation in the world and surely we can spare food for people...

Nah, let’em starve if they can not think outside the box!

Well isn’t that the Trumpican Motto?

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