Gov. Brown signs bill allowing felons to vote in jail

They will vote themselves out of prison, and then they will vote themselves out of getting hassled by cops.
They will vote themselves out of prisons and into power...oh wait, isn't that what the Democrats and crooked Hillary have been doing?
Gov. Brown Signs Bill Allowing Felons To Vote In Jail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails.


This guy has totally gone off the deep end of lunatic syndrome. You can bet most of them are Democratic morons no doubt.
I applaud JB for this move. Its amazing how you conservatives hate people having the right to vote.
Yeah, felons currently in jail for violating other people's rights, have a right to vote. Who woulda thunk it.
Makes sense. After all, only murderers, rapists, child molesters, and thieves would support Jerry Brown at this point.
I suspect most posters here can't even say what a felony is. It's any crime for which you could (not did, but could) have gotten a year or more in prison. That is a very low bar and should be raised to say 15 years.
Gov. Brown Signs Bill Allowing Felons To Vote In Jail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails.


This guy has totally gone off the deep end of lunatic syndrome. You can bet most of them are Democratic morons no doubt.

You had the
Gov. Brown Signs Bill Allowing Felons To Vote In Jail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails.


This guy has totally gone off the deep end of lunatic syndrome. You can bet most of them are Democratic morons no doubt.

You had the chance to say why you disagree but you wasn't able to get past an emotional response like "gone off the deep end".

Not very convincing
Gov. Brown Signs Bill Allowing Felons To Vote In Jail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails.


This guy has totally gone off the deep end of lunatic syndrome. You can bet most of them are Democratic morons no doubt.
I wonder which side of the political spectrum they're going to vote?

Since there are only 2 parties I'll say it's a 50-50 chance
Gov. Brown Signs Bill Allowing Felons To Vote In Jail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Gov. Jerry Brown has agreed to restore the voting rights of convicted felons serving time in county jails.


This guy has totally gone off the deep end of lunatic syndrome. You can bet most of them are Democratic morons no doubt.
I wonder which side of the political spectrum they're going to vote?

Since there are only 2 parties I'll say it's a 50-50 chance
Ha ha ha! You must be high.
I suspect most posters here can't even say what a felony is. It's any crime for which you could (not did, but could) have gotten a year or more in prison. That is a very low bar and should be raised to say 15 years.

Half these dumbasses don't even realize they commit 3 felonies a day.

no one should have their rights taken away.
When you violate the rights of other citizens by committing a crime, your's should get take away as well, part of which is the right to vote.

"Unlike most laws that burden the right of citizens to vote based on some form of social status, felony disenfranchisement laws have been held to be constitutional. In Richardson v. Ramirez (1974), the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of felon disenfranchisement statutes, finding that the practice did not deny equal protection to disenfranchised voters. The Court looked to Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which proclaims that States which deny the vote to male citizens, except by "participation in rebellion, or other crime," will suffer a reduction in representation. Based on this language, the Court found that this amounted to an "affirmative sanction" of the practice of felon disenfranchisement, and the 14th Amendment could not prohibit in one section that which is expressly authorized in another."
The laws of the land still apply to them, so their voice should not be silenced.

no one should have their rights taken away.
When you violate the rights of other citizens by committing a crime, your's should get take away as well, part of which is the right to vote.

"Unlike most laws that burden the right of citizens to vote based on some form of social status, felony disenfranchisement laws have been held to be constitutional. In Richardson v. Ramirez (1974), the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of felon disenfranchisement statutes, finding that the practice did not deny equal protection to disenfranchised voters. The Court looked to Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which proclaims that States which deny the vote to male citizens, except by "participation in rebellion, or other crime," will suffer a reduction in representation. Based on this language, the Court found that this amounted to an "affirmative sanction" of the practice of felon disenfranchisement, and the 14th Amendment could not prohibit in one section that which is expressly authorized in another."
The laws of the land still apply to them, so their voice should not be silenced.
The laws of the land say that your right to vote can get taken away when you take away other people's right to freedom, life, property, and Liberty.


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