Gov. Cuomo for President?

I don't agree with him on anything, but he's done what Trump has failed miserably to do. Make an emotional connection with the people.
With the implosion of their nominating process, a new Democratic star is rising: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is looking and talking more Presidential than any other Democrat (and maybe Trump, too). Look for Bernie to concede, Biden to withdraw and Cuomo to ride to the rescue. He can take credit for successes in fighting the Corona virus and blame Trump for any failures. Could be a winning combination if he doesn't pick a lunatic for his VP.
Hell no
WAY too many skeletons in the closet. NY is about as corrupt as a state can get, Cuomo and his father have been in the middle of that for decades. He would be an opposition research dream.
We shouldn't elect a liberal like Cuomo even if he does figure the Coronavirus thing out.
I like when Democrats select people so easy to beat.

Your King got 3,000,000 less votes.

So what? Is Hillary in the White House today? He won--you lost. Most of those excess votes came from one place--Commiefornia. You know, the state that allows illegals to get drivers license from the DMV that automatically registers you to vote???

My Side?
I'd vote an Honest (R), no problem

trump is a con man.
always has been, always be.
YOU, feel you must support him at ALL costs, even when his policies harm you.

Name one way that Trump has harmed anyone but cause TDS in libtards.
With the implosion of their nominating process, a new Democratic star is rising: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is looking and talking more Presidential than any other Democrat (and maybe Trump, too). Look for Bernie to concede, Biden to withdraw and Cuomo to ride to the rescue. He can take credit for successes in fighting the Corona virus and blame Trump for any failures. Could be a winning combination if he doesn't pick a lunatic for his VP.

The truth is that Fredo is probably one of the most "qualified" people in the Democrat Party, so more so than Crazy Bernie or Sleepy Joe.

But I can't see these other guys withdrawing.

Fredo....the immaculate shittalker!:9:

Good point. But he would still be better that Pennsylvania's ultraliberal governor Mr. Wolf and NJ's governor is physically fucked up with a serious cancer from my understanding.

A Cuomo-Kasich ticket, where the Dems recruit the Ohio Son of A Mailman to be VP, could be formidable.

Kasich is a black female?
I heard this rumor that there will be a brokered dem convention and Andy Boy will ride to the rescue and save the party from senile Joe.

This explains his toned down his anti-Trump rhetoric and non stop news briefs.
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I think maybe 2024

he did a 2 hour trump-style press conference two days ago and cbs and nbc are still re-airing it
You can tell he has the Napoleon complex. With the deep state behind him and many police/corrections/judicial fiefdoms also, he can wreak havoc on this nation.
I see Governor Cuomo giving news conferences very frequently these days. He does a good job, answering questions without the usual waffling that politicians do. I get the impression that he's positioning himself for a 2020 presidential draft if Biden goofs up too badly, or at least for a run in 2024. Anyone else get that impression?
I see Governor Cuomo giving news conferences very frequently these days. He does a good job, answering questions without the usual waffling that politicians do. I get the impression that he's positioning himself for a 2020 presidential draft if Biden goofs up too badly, or at least for a run in 2024. Anyone else get that impression?
I'm glad someone sees what an effective job a chief executive is doing. It makes Trump want to get the Preparation H out every time. Or Donnie Boy can lift off in 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 , 2, 1 like this guy....


  • Biden.jpg
    28.2 KB · Views: 45
"I am working very hard to help New York City & State. Dealing with both Mayor & Governor and producing tremendously for them, including four new medical centers and four new hospitals. Fake News that I won’t help them because I don’t like Cuomo (I do). Just sent 4000 ventilators!" - Trump
I don't agree with him on anything, but he's done what Trump has failed miserably to do. Make an emotional connection with the people.
Emotional, wise, and steady. Sometimes it takes a disaster to bring out real leadership
I see Governor Cuomo giving news conferences very frequently these days. He does a good job, answering questions without the usual waffling that politicians do. I get the impression that he's positioning himself for a 2020 presidential draft if Biden goofs up too badly, or at least for a run in 2024. Anyone else get that impression?
I think he's doing his JOB...the way it should be done.
I'd imagine Cuomo's "America was never that great" comments from 2018 wouldn't be very helpful.


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