Gov. Herbert of UT Up For Re-Election & Gay Adoption Denied Then Recanted: Related? Consequences?

Should children be legally deprived of either a mother or father in marriage?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Another Sil thumbsucker thread?

Sil, this is your personal obsession, the central focus of virtually everything you post.

Almost all of us genuinely don't give a shit. Your entire argument is predicated on us being as obsessed as you are. And none of us are.
Did you forget about this post?
I've only been here a little over a year. Why would I bookmark a thread I didn't even know existed until now? Could you post it here so could read it? .

Ask one of your coworkers then. They've been here collectively since the start of USMB. You guys trade off shifts. Surely one of them would remember. But here, I'll get you started.

One prediction that came true about the strapping the dems took in the 2014 election:

In 2013 Post #708 At: The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming | Page 71 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The democrats, as 2014 approaches, had better wake up and smell the wafts of outrage coming from the middle and the GOP on this willful erosion of democracy in California. Because if you think for one minute it has escaped their attention and they will just abide and sit by while 7 million potential voters in the largest electorial-state have their opposition to gay marriage and their rights to that opposition ripped away from them by what is essentially a democrat-cabal, think again....All those hispanics, 99% of them catholic. The last Pope just dethroned by a gay-cabal trying to destroy religion from the inside out.... Be afraid. Be very afraid. The Rainbow Steamroller is heading towards a chasm in the road and it's going to take down its champions with it: the democratic party. ...Goodbye 2014. Mark my words. You read it here first.

and here:

July 2014 Post #250 Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing? | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Fastest growing minority = hispanics...Hispanics = fiercely devout catholics....Fiercely devout catholoics = no gay marriage/lewd culture.....Does that answer your question?....Millions of hispanic votes can be harvested with one GOP commercial en Octubre en espanol, domingo al television'. And if the Pope himself chimes in, the dems might as well dissolve their party. They're finished...

and here:

August 2014, Post #329 Fascists Leaders in California Sense The Future: Attempt Another Coup on Democracy | Page 33 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The far lefties in my party [democrat] are making a foolish error. They're assuming that hispanics will vote democratic. Yet hispanics in California are the main reason Prop 8 PASSED. All it would take is one word from the Pope to sway any mind on the fence in the hispanic camp that gay marriage is not a good idea.
One word. Game over for democrats.
I would like to know what Silly is doing to take children away from single parents.
Did you forget about this post?
I've only been here a little over a year. Why would I bookmark a thread I didn't even know existed until now? Could you post it here so could read it? .

Ask one of your coworkers then. They've been here collectively since the start of USMB. You guys trade off shifts. Surely one of them would remember. But here, I'll get you started.

"Coworkers"? Holy shit,'ve invented yet *another* batshit conspiracy theory?
Did you forget about this post?
I've only been here a little over a year. Why would I bookmark a thread I didn't even know existed until now? Could you post it here so could read it? .

Ask one of your coworkers then. They've been here collectively since the start of USMB. You guys trade off shifts. Surely one of them would remember. But here, I'll get you started.

One prediction that came true about the strapping the dems took in the 2014 election:

In 2013 Post #708 At: The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming | Page 71 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The democrats, as 2014 approaches, had better wake up and smell the wafts of outrage coming from the middle and the GOP on this willful erosion of democracy in California. Because if you think for one minute it has escaped their attention and they will just abide and sit by while 7 million potential voters in the largest electorial-state have their opposition to gay marriage and their rights to that opposition ripped away from them by what is essentially a democrat-cabal, think again....All those hispanics, 99% of them catholic. The last Pope just dethroned by a gay-cabal trying to destroy religion from the inside out.... Be afraid. Be very afraid. The Rainbow Steamroller is heading towards a chasm in the road and it's going to take down its champions with it: the democratic party. ...Goodbye 2014. Mark my words. You read it here first.

and here:

July 2014 Post #250 Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing? | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Fastest growing minority = hispanics...Hispanics = fiercely devout catholics....Fiercely devout catholoics = no gay marriage/lewd culture.....Does that answer your question?....Millions of hispanic votes can be harvested with one GOP commercial en Octubre en espanol, domingo al television'. And if the Pope himself chimes in, the dems might as well dissolve their party. They're finished...

and here:

August 2014, Post #329 Fascists Leaders in California Sense The Future: Attempt Another Coup on Democracy | Page 33 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The far lefties in my party [democrat] are making a foolish error. They're assuming that hispanics will vote democratic. Yet hispanics in California are the main reason Prop 8 PASSED. All it would take is one word from the Pope to sway any mind on the fence in the hispanic camp that gay marriage is not a good idea.
One word. Game over for democrats.

No. Why did you forget to add my response? Not convenient to the narrative? lol.

You have yet to show that Hispanics jumped over to the GOP in the previous election as a result of the Pope not endorsing gay marriages. The Pope not supporting gay marriage isn't some 'hush hush' secret among Catholics. Why you are pretending like this some bombshell news is beyond me? It isn't. Show me numbers.
You have yet to show that Hispanics jumped over to the GOP in the previous election as a result of the Pope not endorsing gay marriages. The Pope not supporting gay marriage isn't some 'hush hush' secret among Catholics. Why you are pretending like this some bombshell news is beyond me? It isn't. Show me numbers.

Don't need to. The overwhelming majority of hispanics are catholic. The Pope is like a demi-God to them. He is "God's voice on earth" as far as they're concerned. So, at the polls, behind the curtain, are they going to gravitate towards the LGBT cult, which is synonymous with "democrat" or to God? You don't need a Phd to cipher that one out..

It's the same with the mormons. All that has to happen is a true conservative runs for governor in Utah and Herbert will get his walking papers. The politicians have yet to figure this one out, but after 2014 it's dawning on them slowly. If they are the most popular guy on earth and they make the mistake of signing onto the gay, the swift rebuke at the polls from their own and even middle consituents will send their head spinning. Your recommendation of course will be that they ignore 2014's results. My recommendation would be instead that they pay attention to them very closely. There's an over 80% disapproval of people in America agreeing with gays forcing Christians to accomodate gay marriage: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 996 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's a poll Governor Herbert might want to read after Kim Davis was just thrown in jail and as a result KY fell to a republican governor for the first time in 40 years...
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You have yet to show that Hispanics jumped over to the GOP in the previous election as a result of the Pope not endorsing gay marriages. The Pope not supporting gay marriage isn't some 'hush hush' secret among Catholics. Why you are pretending like this some bombshell news is beyond me? It isn't. Show me numbers.

Don't need to. The overwhelming majority of hispanics are catholic. The Pope is like a demi-God to them. He is "God's voice on earth" as far as they're concerned. So, at the polls, behind the curtain, are they going to gravitate towards the LGBT cult, which is synonymous with "democrat" or to God? You don't need a Phd to cipher that one out..

It's the same with the mormons. All that has to happen is a true conservative runs for governor in Utah and Herbert will get his walking papers.

How silly of me to assume you could/would prove your assertion. Why should now be any different?
How silly of me to assume you could/would prove your assertion. Why should now be any different?
Asking me to prove hispanics are loyal to the Pope is like you asking me to prove water is wet. It's an absurd request. And yes, it is silly of you.
How silly of me to assume you could/would prove your assertion. Why should now be any different?
Asking me to prove hispanics are loyal to the Pope is like you asking me to prove water is wet. It's an absurd request. And yes, it is silly of you.

Well if it is true for water then it must be true for your assertion. lol.

I am asking you to prove that Hispanics have started voting for the GOP in large numbers as result of gay marriage and The Pope. The reason you haven't been able to do so is b/c you are making shit up again.

By the way, if you are going to insist on falsely speaking for a group of people, can you at least learn how to spell Hispanics correctly?
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Looks like Governor Herbert crushed his opponent in Utah. 66.8% to 28.7% is quite the landslide. It appears the Judge reversing his own order had little impact on Herbert's cake-walk re-election. :lol:
Even 'liberal' states like California vote for such things as Prop 8 when an honest campaign of presenting the real facts about the Pedo-Friendlies and the various assortments of just how their mental disorder manifests itself are brought out and not censored. The entire hoax of a 'movement' would be dead in less than a month, forever, if censorship laws were suspended and factual coverage of what this imaginary 'gay community' considers 'normal' and 'acceptable'.
Another of Silhouette's "hate the gay's and hate children" Threads.

Nothing new to see here.

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