Gov. Herbert of UT Up For Re-Election & Gay Adoption Denied Then Recanted: Related? Consequences?

Should children be legally deprived of either a mother or father in marriage?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Like I said, you have no evidence Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his decision. You're literally making shit up to buttress you lame anti-gay narrative. Other than whining/lying on this message board, you can do shit about it.
Well then I guess a point-blank interview asking him his thoughts on the matter would clear up his position before election day, right?

His thoughts on the matter of what?

On the matter of "should Utah be adopting its wards out to cohabitating homes (married or not) that do not provide both a mother and father? Ask him that, get his answer, and add it to the traditional ad campaign October 2016..

And in what way does that prove Herbet forced a judge to reverse his decision? Oh wait, it doesn't. Keep spinning your tires. Herbert is wildly popular in Utah and if you think this case is going to have a serious impact on his reelection campaign than you are living on different planet.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

I am not 100% sure but I still predict Herbert will win quite easily and the judge reversing his order will have little to no impact on his reelection.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

I am not 100% sure but I still predict Herbert will win quite easily and the judge reversing his order will have little to no impact on his reelection.
Just like you're sure Server will be elected president? You have no objectivity.

The arc of history no longer favors entrenchment for Leftist Democrats or Republicans. Times have changed.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

I am not 100% sure but I still predict Herbert will win quite easily and the judge reversing his order will have little to no impact on his reelection.
Just like you're sure Server will be elected president? You have no objectivity.

The arc of history no longer favors entrenchment for Leftist Democrats or Republicans. Times have changed.

Who is Server? And how was I sure he(?) would be elected President? Either you have no idea what you are talking about or you are just assigning bullshit to me for the hell of it. Which is it?
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Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

Well I won't use as colorful language as that but essentially that's how the voters of Utah will see it.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

Well I won't use as colorful language as that but essentially that's how the voters of Utah will see it.

Remember you used to accuse SMDT of being a gay blogger trying to drum up sympathy b/c he used such language? Those were the days. lol
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

Well I won't use as colorful language as that but essentially that's how the voters of Utah will see it.

Remember you used to accuse SMDT of being a gay blogger trying to drum up sympathy b/c he used such language? Those were the days. lol
Trying for a strawman eh? The voters of Utah will see Gov. Herbert as SMDF said, essentially. Or at least an enemy of their faith. Either way the election is going to be tough for him.

And, the jury is still out on SMDT. His uber-willingness to start out slow and then rapidly progress to flame wars on "certain threads" still is suspect in my mind of trying to get "certain topics" locked or sent to dungeons here.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

Well I won't use as colorful language as that but essentially that's how the voters of Utah will see it.

Remember you used to accuse SMDT of being a gay blogger trying to drum up sympathy b/c he used such language? Those were the days. lol
Trying for a strawman eh? The voters of Utah will see Gov. Herbert as SMDF said, essentially. Or at least an enemy of their faith. Either way the election is going to be tough for him.

And, the jury is still out on SMDT. His uber-willingness to start out slow and then rapidly progress to flame wars on "certain threads" still is suspect in my mind of trying to get "certain topics" locked or sent to dungeons here.

Strawman? No, that is exactly what you did. The fact that you think SMDT is trying to get 'certain topics' locked or 'sent to the dungeons' is a only a testament to your lunacy.

Well see. Twelve months from now when Herbert likely wins in a cake-walk you'll ignore this thread like you do everything that doesn't buttress your narrative.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
As one that grew up in the Beehive state, I was ticked when he cave immediately after the SC ruling.
My conscience wouldn't allow me go along. I would have to resign or say I won't comply
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
As one that grew up in the Beehive state, I was ticked when he cave immediately after the SC ruling.
My conscience wouldn't allow me go along. I would have to resign or say I won't comply
It's gonna cost him the election in Utah just like the dem lost to a republican in Kentucky. RINOS who wear rainbow armbands are going to fall like flies when they come up for re-election to those who more accurately reflect the real sentiments of the vast majority of Americans who believe children need and deserve both a mother and father; or at least the promise of those in single hetero adopting parents.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
As one that grew up in the Beehive state, I was ticked when he cave immediately after the SC ruling.
My conscience wouldn't allow me go along. I would have to resign or say I won't comply
It's gonna cost him the election in Utah just like the dem lost to a republican in Kentucky. RINOS who wear rainbow armbands are going to fall like flies when they come up for re-election to those who more accurately reflect the real sentiments of the vast majority of Americans who believe children need and deserve both a mother and father; or at least the promise of those in single hetero adopting parents.
Herbert's personal beliefs are probably different from what he did. Although he should have stood up for what was right. He will win reelection. The state of Utah won't elect a Dem
What I would like to see Herbert do is unseal all 1950's adoption records like Kasich did.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

Well I won't use as colorful language as that but essentially that's how the voters of Utah will see it.

Remember you used to accuse SMDT of being a gay blogger trying to drum up sympathy b/c he used such language? Those were the days. lol
Trying for a strawman eh? The voters of Utah will see Gov. Herbert as SMDF said, essentially. Or at least an enemy of their faith. Either way the election is going to be tough for him.

And, the jury is still out on SMDT. His uber-willingness to start out slow and then rapidly progress to flame wars on "certain threads" still is suspect in my mind of trying to get "certain topics" locked or sent to dungeons here.

Strawman? No, that is exactly what you did. The fact that you think SMDT is trying to get 'certain topics' locked or 'sent to the dungeons' is a only a testament to your lunacy.

Well see. Twelve months from now when Herbert likely wins in a cake-walk you'll ignore this thread like you do everything that doesn't buttress your narrative.
Crazy people like Sil make this hobby worthwhile. I mean, how boring would this place be if we didn't toss in a few nutjobs to spice things up?

Of course the heavyweight champion is Jeremiah. She took Crazy and married it, had 3 kids with it, divorced it, took its house and 35 ft boat, and got remarried with its ugly cousin Psycho.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
He's announced his membership in the Fag Militia in one of the most conservative states in the union. Don't be so sure.

Well I won't use as colorful language as that but essentially that's how the voters of Utah will see it.

Remember you used to accuse SMDT of being a gay blogger trying to drum up sympathy b/c he used such language? Those were the days. lol
Trying for a strawman eh? The voters of Utah will see Gov. Herbert as SMDF said, essentially. Or at least an enemy of their faith. Either way the election is going to be tough for him.

And, the jury is still out on SMDT. His uber-willingness to start out slow and then rapidly progress to flame wars on "certain threads" still is suspect in my mind of trying to get "certain topics" locked or sent to dungeons here.

Strawman? No, that is exactly what you did. The fact that you think SMDT is trying to get 'certain topics' locked or 'sent to the dungeons' is a only a testament to your lunacy.

Well see. Twelve months from now when Herbert likely wins in a cake-walk you'll ignore this thread like you do everything that doesn't buttress your narrative.
Crazy people like Sil make this hobby worthwhile. I mean, how boring would this place be if we didn't toss in a few nutjobs to spice things up?

Of course the heavyweight champion is Jeremiah. She took Crazy and married it, had 3 kids with it, divorced it, took its house and 35 ft boat, and got remarried with its ugly cousin Psycho.

I couldn't agree more. They are all apart of the family that makes this place what is. However, if they get any nuttier I am going have to start keeping an EpiPen handy. lol.
Herbert's personal beliefs are probably different from what he did. Although he should have stood up for what was right. He will win reelection. The state of Utah won't elect a Dem
What I would like to see Herbert do is unseal all 1950's adoption records like Kasich did.

Who said a dem will run against Herbert? Seems like the GOP would want to weed out all the RINOS it could.

As soon as Utah voters understand that "RINO' means the same thing as "godless-lefty", they'll understand why Herbert has to go.. Every single Christian-derivative politician, be it a senator, congressperson or Governor, etc, KNOWS that homosexuality is not to be mainstreamed under threat of eternal damnation. They know it. They've read about it. They think they'll get a pass, first from voters, then from God. But they're wrong.

And every voter who supports a RINO or a dem who promotes lesbians adopting little girls or gay men adopting little boys, knows they won't get a pass with God either. That's why Herbert should be very nervous if a republican signs up to run in Utah against him next year.
This thread is going to be a riot in less than 12 months. I can't wait to see what poppycock Sil conjures up when Herbert wins.

This thread is going to be a riot in less than 12 months. I can't wait to see what poppycock Sil conjures up when Herbert wins.

You know, the same exact words were spoken a couple years back about my predictions that the Pope would show up in America addressing his flock as to the sanctity of traditional marriage only. Since a Pope has never done that before in our nation's history, the gales of laughter and mockery were up to a dull roar.

Then, the Pope showed up at the onset of next year's election, addressing Congress and our nation that traditional marriage is the only approvable marriage.

So, bookmark and laugh all you want. Did you bookmark my old threads on the Pope arriving here to do what he just did in September? How many hispanics or catholics will vote for a gay-promoter like Herbert? How many devout mormons? Can he overcome those numbers? We'll see..
This thread is going to be a riot in less than 12 months. I can't wait to see what poppycock Sil conjures up when Herbert wins.

You know, the same exact words were spoken a couple years back about my predictions that the Pope would show up in America addressing his flock as to the sanctity of traditional marriage only. Since a Pope has never done that before in our nation's history, the gales of laughter and mockery were up to a dull roar.

Then, the Pope showed up at the onset of next year's election, addressing Congress and our nation that traditional marriage is the only approvable marriage.

So, bookmark and laugh all you want. Did you bookmark my old threads on the Pope arriving here to do what he just did in September? How many hispanics or catholics will vote for a gay-promoter like Herbert? How many devout mormons? Can he overcome those numbers? We'll see..
I've only been here a little over a year. Why would I bookmark a thread I didn't even know existed until now? Could you post it here so could read it?

You've also predicted The Prince's Trust would sway the court, that two sitting Justices would be impeached, that Congress wil declare the June ruling void, that gays are killing people over gay marriage, that churches would be forced to marry gay people...

Even if I do believe what you posted above, your record of predictions stinks like weeks old trout.

Again, 12 months from now one of us is going to laughing our asses off and I don't believe it will be you.
I've only been here a little over a year. Why would I bookmark a thread I didn't even know existed until now? Could you post it here so could read it? .

Ask one of your coworkers then. They've been here collectively since the start of USMB. You guys trade off shifts. Surely one of them would remember. But here, I'll get you started.

One prediction that came true about the strapping the dems took in the 2014 election:

In 2013 Post #708 At: The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming | Page 71 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The democrats, as 2014 approaches, had better wake up and smell the wafts of outrage coming from the middle and the GOP on this willful erosion of democracy in California. Because if you think for one minute it has escaped their attention and they will just abide and sit by while 7 million potential voters in the largest electorial-state have their opposition to gay marriage and their rights to that opposition ripped away from them by what is essentially a democrat-cabal, think again....All those hispanics, 99% of them catholic. The last Pope just dethroned by a gay-cabal trying to destroy religion from the inside out.... Be afraid. Be very afraid. The Rainbow Steamroller is heading towards a chasm in the road and it's going to take down its champions with it: the democratic party. ...Goodbye 2014. Mark my words. You read it here first.

and here:

July 2014 Post #250 Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing? | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Fastest growing minority = hispanics...Hispanics = fiercely devout catholics....Fiercely devout catholoics = no gay marriage/lewd culture.....Does that answer your question?....Millions of hispanic votes can be harvested with one GOP commercial en Octubre en espanol, domingo al television'. And if the Pope himself chimes in, the dems might as well dissolve their party. They're finished...

and here:

August 2014, Post #329 Fascists Leaders in California Sense The Future: Attempt Another Coup on Democracy | Page 33 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The far lefties in my party [democrat] are making a foolish error. They're assuming that hispanics will vote democratic. Yet hispanics in California are the main reason Prop 8 PASSED. All it would take is one word from the Pope to sway any mind on the fence in the hispanic camp that gay marriage is not a good idea.
One word. Game over for democrats.
I've only been here a little over a year. Why would I bookmark a thread I didn't even know existed until now? Could you post it here so could read it? .

Ask one of your coworkers then. They've been here collectively since the start of USMB. You guys trade off shifts. Surely one of them would remember. But here, I'll get you started.

One prediction that came true about the strapping the dems took in the 2014 election:

In 2013 Post #708 At: The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming | Page 71 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The democrats, as 2014 approaches, had better wake up and smell the wafts of outrage coming from the middle and the GOP on this willful erosion of democracy in California. Because if you think for one minute it has escaped their attention and they will just abide and sit by while 7 million potential voters in the largest electorial-state have their opposition to gay marriage and their rights to that opposition ripped away from them by what is essentially a democrat-cabal, think again....All those hispanics, 99% of them catholic. The last Pope just dethroned by a gay-cabal trying to destroy religion from the inside out.... Be afraid. Be very afraid. The Rainbow Steamroller is heading towards a chasm in the road and it's going to take down its champions with it: the democratic party. ...Goodbye 2014. Mark my words. You read it here first.

and here:

July 2014 Post #250 Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing? | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Fastest growing minority = hispanics...Hispanics = fiercely devout catholics....Fiercely devout catholoics = no gay marriage/lewd culture.....Does that answer your question?....Millions of hispanic votes can be harvested with one GOP commercial en Octubre en espanol, domingo al television'. And if the Pope himself chimes in, the dems might as well dissolve their party. They're finished...

and here:

August 2014, Post #329 Fascists Leaders in California Sense The Future: Attempt Another Coup on Democracy | Page 33 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The far lefties in my party [democrat] are making a foolish error. They're assuming that hispanics will vote democratic. Yet hispanics in California are the main reason Prop 8 PASSED. All it would take is one word from the Pope to sway any mind on the fence in the hispanic camp that gay marriage is not a good idea.
One word. Game over for democrats.

I see. You've never been able to back up assertions so it was silly of me to think you would do so now.

It isn't all that shocking that Pope doesn't support same-sex marriage. You act as if this is some big secret in The Catholic Church. It isn't. The Pope is also opposes the usages of birth control but that doesn't stop Catholics in this nation from taking the pill or wearing condoms. Nevertheless, here is a poll that I am sure you will just dismiss b/c it doesn't fit your narrative:

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