Gov. of Mass can't explain why de doesn't like Hillary.

This thread is why people bash Clinton supporters so much. You are all dishonest.
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .
In rightwing circles, it's the PC thing to do. You HAVE to declare and openly express your hatred for Hillary Clinton, otherwise you can't be in their club.

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Word .

25 years of character assassination have taken their toll.

If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .
Oh make no mistake brother, in HIS mind, it's a "well-documented" fact.

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for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .

What lie did he make? Seems to me that any hesitation on his part might have been him trying to be politically correct. So there was no lie she is a pathological liar that is well documented.
Nah, she pretty much did it to herself.

Nah, you're doing it now, by calling her a liar without demonstrating any lies. That is, you're confirming the point of the OP.
It's called PC. If you're a self-proclaimed Republican, it's the politically correct thing to say, think and believe that Hillary is nothing but a liar.

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for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .
In rightwing circles, it's the PC thing to do. You HAVE to declare and openly express your hatred for Hillary Clinton, otherwise you can't be in their club.

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I am sorry but I didn't see hatred except in your post. So in your victim created world if a Republican doesn't agree with a Democrat then it is predicated on hate. You know why you think that way? Projection.
Nah, she pretty much did it to herself.

Nah, you're doing it now, by calling her a liar without demonstrating any lies. That is, you're confirming the point of the OP.
It's called PC. If you're a self-proclaimed Republican, it's the politically correct thing to say, think and believe that Hillary is nothing but a liar.

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I have no use for either bought and paid for political party but only a partisan shill with blinders can't see that Hitlery is a better fit for prison then sitting in the WH.
Word .

25 years of character assassination have taken their toll.

If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.
Post one then.

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Nah, she pretty much did it to herself.

Nah, you're doing it now, by calling her a liar without demonstrating any lies. That is, you're confirming the point of the OP.

This line of defense gets really really old. Look at my signature line there are at least 2 documented and without doubt lies. Her support for NAFTA, and her Sniper fire lie are two very easily seen lies.
If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.
Post one then.

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Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review
BTW the governor did give a reason unlike what the OP claimed. Does someone have to have a clear reason not to like someone?
Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.
Post one then.

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Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review
"National Review?"

That's what I thought.


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here you go
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .
So, other than the tarmac lie, the Hilalry-hating mewlers haven't been able to come up with a single actual lie.And nobody ever claimed she was perfect. Everyone lies, Hillary less than most politicians.

Conclusion: The Hillary-haters here have been busted, again, for being pathologically dishonest cultists. That's how the morality of cults works. Cultists believe any sleaze is justified when they're attacking enemies of the cult. It's why you can't trust any of those far-right-kook-fringe cultsts on any topic, being they will always proudly lie to push their cult agenda.

And yes, we are going to keep hammering on the pathologically dishonest nature of the Hillary Derangement Syndrome crowd. The fact that they cry so delightfully about being exposed is a big bonus. Just get used to saying it, HDS losers, "Madame President".
Word .

25 years of character assassination have taken their toll.

If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.
Word .

25 years of character assassination have taken their toll.

If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

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