Gov. of Mass can't explain why de doesn't like Hillary.

Word .

25 years of character assassination have taken their toll.

If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

And most have been shown to be just more bullshit. I guess an accusation is enough for right wingers because they believe anything they hear even long after it has been discredited.
If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

And most have been shown to be just more bullshit. I guess an accusation is enough for right wingers because they believe anything they hear even long after it has been discredited.

They were weren't. They worked for didn't. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it didn't happen...get it?
Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

And most have been shown to be just more bullshit. I guess an accusation is enough for right wingers because they believe anything they hear even long after it has been discredited.

They were weren't. They worked for didn't. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it didn't happen...get it?

Accusations are easy. Accusations with a paycheck attached are even more so. Proof is the hard part, and there just isn't any.
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .
Update for ya.....W. Virginia vs Hillary lying Clinton.....need more proof?
Where has the freaking hypocrite left been? Sarah Palin is still under assault by the left. When she was a candidate the hysterical left attacked her husband and her family and they even sent a spy to rent a freaking house in the neighborhood and watch her through a telescope. The left knows that Hillary is an empty pants suit who enabled and supported her husband's abuse of women for her entire sorry adult life in exchange for reflected political power. Most of the chicken shit GOP would be afraid to attack her life as an enabler for her husband but once the real campaign starts she will become a laughing stock despite her coughing fits.
Where has the freaking hypocrite left been? Sarah Palin is still under assault by the left. When she was a candidate the hysterical left attacked her husband and her family and they even sent a spy to rent a freaking house in the neighborhood and watch her through a telescope. The left knows that Hillary is an empty pants suit who enabled and supported her husband's abuse of women for her entire sorry adult life in exchange for reflected political power. Most of the chicken shit GOP would be afraid to attack her life as an enabler for her husband but once the real campaign starts she will become a laughing stock despite her coughing fits.

First off, Sarah Payme.... deserved every ounce of criticism and then some that both she and her husband want to suck off the wallets of the american people than don't expect smiles while doing it. And yes Hillary deserves the same scrutiny as where's your beef? I think the reason the left doesn't attack her for because well, maybe just maybe they want to get the bitch elected....ya think?
Where has the freaking hypocrite left been? Sarah Palin is still under assault by the left. When she was a candidate the hysterical left attacked her husband and her family and they even sent a spy to rent a freaking house in the neighborhood and watch her through a telescope. The left knows that Hillary is an empty pants suit who enabled and supported her husband's abuse of women for her entire sorry adult life in exchange for reflected political power. Most of the chicken shit GOP would be afraid to attack her life as an enabler for her husband but once the real campaign starts she will become a laughing stock despite her coughing fits.

Oh really? Who is the "they" that sent a spy? I heard that some guy rented the house next door, in hopes of writing a book about them, but I doubt that had any type organization supporting him. Paparazzi have been digging in celebrity's garbage for a long time trying to find info.
Where has the freaking hypocrite left been? Sarah Palin is still under assault by the left. When she was a candidate the hysterical left attacked her husband and her family and they even sent a spy to rent a freaking house in the neighborhood and watch her through a telescope. The left knows that Hillary is an empty pants suit who enabled and supported her husband's abuse of women for her entire sorry adult life in exchange for reflected political power. Most of the chicken shit GOP would be afraid to attack her life as an enabler for her husband but once the real campaign starts she will become a laughing stock despite her coughing fits.

Oh really? Who is the "they" that sent a spy? I heard that some guy rented the house next door, in hopes of writing a book about them, but I doubt that had any type organization supporting him. Paparazzi have been digging in celebrity's garbage for a long time trying to find info.

Some journalist writer, rented the house next door, write about a family that was inaccessible to the media at that time. However, public outcry and threats, ended his short brief attempts to write about white trash and family. Just for the record, there was no spying, the guy was doing interviews about it, that's what outted him...duh!!
Where has the freaking hypocrite left been? Sarah Palin is still under assault by the left. When she was a candidate the hysterical left attacked her husband and her family and they even sent a spy to rent a freaking house in the neighborhood and watch her through a telescope. The left knows that Hillary is an empty pants suit who enabled and supported her husband's abuse of women for her entire sorry adult life in exchange for reflected political power. Most of the chicken shit GOP would be afraid to attack her life as an enabler for her husband but once the real campaign starts she will become a laughing stock despite her coughing fits.

Oh really? Who is the "they" that sent a spy? I heard that some guy rented the house next door, in hopes of writing a book about them, but I doubt that had any type organization supporting him. Paparazzi have been digging in celebrity's garbage for a long time trying to find info.

Some journalist writer, rented the house next door, write about a family that was inaccessible to the media at that time. However, public outcry and threats, ended his short brief attempts to write about white trash and family. Just for the record, there was no spying, the guy was doing interviews about it, that's what outted him...duh!!

That was my point.Thanks for making it more clear.
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?

For the last time, everything about the Clintons were and are offensive to me. They took a very complex issue surrounding the black community, exploited it for votes and then presented stupid, childish and pathetic antidotes to address it. What has given the Clinton their creds is the housing and credit boom that sparked unprecedented jobs growth....only to be snatched away a decade later, those jobs along with their Clinton/Newt policies. Nafta being one of them and deregulating the housing industry....both of these policies devastated the black community.
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?

For the last time, everything about the Clintons were and are offensive to me. They took a very complex issue surrounding the black community, exploited it for votes and then presented stupid, childish and pathetic antidotes to address it. What has given the Clinton their creds is the housing and credit boom that sparked unprecedented jobs growth....only to be snatched away a decade later, those jobs along with their Clinton/Newt policies. Nafta being one of them and deregulating the housing industry....both of these policies devastated the black community.

Clinton is less than perfect, but do you think Trump or Cruz would be a better choice?
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .
In rightwing circles, it's the PC thing to do. You HAVE to declare and openly express your hatred for Hillary Clinton, otherwise you can't be in their club.

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Listen, you can bash Hillary and tell nothing but facts about this mop....what about this can't you morons understand...the woman is messy...already she's onto yet another lie about coal that they have her on record saying and she's claiming her comments were taken out of context???????WTF????? Its on tape and still she denies...the woman is a hopeless liar and the GOP are gonna eat this bitch for dinner, desert and a snack.....and tell nothing but the truth about her.

Democrats...we have got to began recruiting more people to run for public office, because thus far, all we have a liars and cowards!!
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .
Typical republican eh?

You're right. They do tend to be more respectful of others.

He could have spoke his mind and said she is a lying disrespectful bitch who only got where she is by carpet bagging & riding coattails.....BUT HE DIDN'T. Yet you still whine like a fucking pig about his response.
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?

For the last time, everything about the Clintons were and are offensive to me. They took a very complex issue surrounding the black community, exploited it for votes and then presented stupid, childish and pathetic antidotes to address it. What has given the Clinton their creds is the housing and credit boom that sparked unprecedented jobs growth....only to be snatched away a decade later, those jobs along with their Clinton/Newt policies. Nafta being one of them and deregulating the housing industry....both of these policies devastated the black community.

Clinton is less than perfect, but do you think Trump or Cruz would be a better choice?

Seriously? You can ask that with a straight face? Listen, I can not shove my head in the sand and pretend to like someone who has proven not only to be a middle of the road conservative, but has proven creds to back it up. She's no more a democrat than I am. So the question then becomes, which republican do I vote for....Trump or Hillary.
So, other than the tarmac lie, the Hilalry-hating mewlers haven't been able to come up with a single actual lie.And nobody ever claimed she was perfect. Everyone lies, Hillary less than most politicians.

Conclusion: The Hillary-haters here have been busted, again, for being pathologically dishonest cultists. That's how the morality of cults works. Cultists believe any sleaze is justified when they're attacking enemies of the cult. It's why you can't trust any of those far-right-kook-fringe cultsts on any topic, being they will always proudly lie to push their cult agenda.

And yes, we are going to keep hammering on the pathologically dishonest nature of the Hillary Derangement Syndrome crowd. The fact that they cry so delightfully about being exposed is a big bonus. Just get used to saying it, HDS losers, "Madame President".

Explain this newest bs she's trying to get of.....The Coal debate in W. Virginia...good luck!!
If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

And most have been shown to be just more bullshit. I guess an accusation is enough for right wingers because they believe anything they hear even long after it has been discredited.
You can deflect all you want, Pal...the proof is out there....please rethink your support for Hillary and support Bernie!!
Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

And most have been shown to be just more bullshit. I guess an accusation is enough for right wingers because they believe anything they hear even long after it has been discredited.
You can deflect all you want, Pal...the proof is out there....please rethink your support for Hillary and support Bernie!!
That boat has sailed
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?

For the last time, everything about the Clintons were and are offensive to me. They took a very complex issue surrounding the black community, exploited it for votes and then presented stupid, childish and pathetic antidotes to address it. What has given the Clinton their creds is the housing and credit boom that sparked unprecedented jobs growth....only to be snatched away a decade later, those jobs along with their Clinton/Newt policies. Nafta being one of them and deregulating the housing industry....both of these policies devastated the black community.

Clinton is less than perfect, but do you think Trump or Cruz would be a better choice?
I think all three of them are terrible with minimal differences.

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