Gov. of Mass can't explain why de doesn't like Hillary.

That's it ?

The Nancy thing was obviously some dumb mistake from one of her handlers . You think she purposely lied to make dead Nancy look good ?

As for Wall Street . Where's the lie ?? If taking money from Wall Street makes u a liar then every big politician is a liar .

Listen, I got no issues with how Hillary or any of these politicians role.....but don't come to me as a voter and expect me to buy your anti this and that bullshit. Hillary proclaimed herself to be a progressive....BIGGEST GOTDAMN LIE EVER TOLD BY A DEMOCRAT OTHER THAN BERNIE AND THE LATE TED KENNEDY.....I WAS ACTUALLY FLOORED WHEN I HEARD HER PROCLAIM THIS. Both you and I could google lies Hillary has told over the years, especially the one about dodging enemy fire on a helicopter back in the day. But the lies she keeps telling over and over and over is the lies you gives to her stupid black supporters.....when they entered the white house, after pandering endlessly for the nigga vote, I challenge you to name one thing they did while in office to help blacks? Just name on thing???? I don't mind any president not giving a shit about black people, but gotdmit, she has got to stop saying all this shit she did, that simply doesn't exist. Every chance she had as senator, as first lady, rendered minorities NOTHING...AND THAT IS JUST FACT AND NO ONE CAN COME UP WITH ONE SINGLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION THAT HILLARY PASSED THAT HELPED ANYBODY BUT THE RICH AND HERSELF....NOT ONE.
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .

Ran across the Tarmac under fire, was broke when they left the White House, the embassy was attacked because of a video..........

There is no end to it.
Word .

25 years of character assassination have taken their toll.

If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.

An "easy" google search will indict anyone. You have entire industries on the right and left targeting politicians for character assassination whether factual or not they show up in google search results. Probably many wingnuts here that have their racist views coddled are counted in those numbers of results along with Free Republic, Storm Front and any other loon site.

If you want to attack a politician, have at it, they all have open festering sores, but to pretend a generic google search result actually means anything is lazy.
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .

Ran across the Tarmac under fire, was broke when they left the White House, the embassy was attacked because of a video..........

There is no end to it.

OMG...I never thought I'd see the day, I'd agree the local USMB stalker...this is a first and last I hope!!
If Hitlery treats the people that are put there to help her like shit (which this is well documented) what the fuck makes you think she would give a shit about you? Seriously, you need to wake the fuck up.

Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.

An "easy" google search will indict anyone. You have entire industries on the right and left targeting politicians for character assassination whether factual or not they show up in google search results. Probably many wingnuts here that have their racist views coddled are counted in those numbers of results along with Free Republic, Storm Front and any other loon site.

If you want to attack a politician, have at it, they all have open festering sores, but to pretend a generic google search result actually means anything is lazy.

Dude to be honest with you, the few incidents I listed are fresh memories I google needed. You are the one asking for actual lies and I'm telling you, they're there. But that's not the issue...Hillary is messy. Both she and Bill have always always always been a messy political couple. I for one, will never ever ever ever forgive her or her messy husband for trying to verbally assassinate then candidate Obama. The shit they said about this guy, not shutting down the muslim bullshit, calling him a slick gansta and Bill was the worst...... no way in hell will I ever support, defend or vote for a Clinton, not ever!!
Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.

An "easy" google search will indict anyone. You have entire industries on the right and left targeting politicians for character assassination whether factual or not they show up in google search results. Probably many wingnuts here that have their racist views coddled are counted in those numbers of results along with Free Republic, Storm Front and any other loon site.

If you want to attack a politician, have at it, they all have open festering sores, but to pretend a generic google search result actually means anything is lazy.

Dude to be honest with you, the few incidents I listed are fresh memories I google needed. You are the one asking for actual lies and I'm telling you, they're there. But that's not the issue...Hillary is messy. Both she and Bill have always always always been a messy political couple. I for one, will never ever ever ever forgive her or her messy husband for trying to verbally assassinate then candidate Obama. The shit they said about this guy, not shutting down the muslim bullshit, calling him a slick gansta and Bill was the worst...... no way in hell will I ever support, defend or vote for a Clinton, not ever!!

You're clearly trolling as a pretend Democrat.

I wasn't directly responding to you either.

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.

An "easy" google search will indict anyone. You have entire industries on the right and left targeting politicians for character assassination whether factual or not they show up in google search results. Probably many wingnuts here that have their racist views coddled are counted in those numbers of results along with Free Republic, Storm Front and any other loon site.

If you want to attack a politician, have at it, they all have open festering sores, but to pretend a generic google search result actually means anything is lazy.

Dude to be honest with you, the few incidents I listed are fresh memories I google needed. You are the one asking for actual lies and I'm telling you, they're there. But that's not the issue...Hillary is messy. Both she and Bill have always always always been a messy political couple. I for one, will never ever ever ever forgive her or her messy husband for trying to verbally assassinate then candidate Obama. The shit they said about this guy, not shutting down the muslim bullshit, calling him a slick gansta and Bill was the worst...... no way in hell will I ever support, defend or vote for a Clinton, not ever!!

You're clearly trolling as a pretend Democrat.

I wasn't directly responding to you either.

And? Since when does one follow the chain of etiquette around don't like my responding to all means, put a period behind it, keep it movin!!
Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.

An "easy" google search will indict anyone. You have entire industries on the right and left targeting politicians for character assassination whether factual or not they show up in google search results. Probably many wingnuts here that have their racist views coddled are counted in those numbers of results along with Free Republic, Storm Front and any other loon site.

If you want to attack a politician, have at it, they all have open festering sores, but to pretend a generic google search result actually means anything is lazy.

Dude to be honest with you, the few incidents I listed are fresh memories I google needed. You are the one asking for actual lies and I'm telling you, they're there. But that's not the issue...Hillary is messy. Both she and Bill have always always always been a messy political couple. I for one, will never ever ever ever forgive her or her messy husband for trying to verbally assassinate then candidate Obama. The shit they said about this guy, not shutting down the muslim bullshit, calling him a slick gansta and Bill was the worst...... no way in hell will I ever support, defend or vote for a Clinton, not ever!!

You're clearly trolling as a pretend Democrat.

I wasn't directly responding to you either.

And? Since when does one follow the chain of etiquette around don't like my responding to all means, put a period behind it, keep it movin!!

By pretending I'm responding to you, you are taking my post out of context.
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .

Ran across the Tarmac under fire, was broke when they left the White House, the embassy was attacked because of a video..........

There is no end to it.

But they were broke when they left the White House. Remember all those legal bills. Sure they made a lot of money after leaving the White House but she's correct when she says they were broke.

The video thing may have been a mistake but that doesn't mean it's a lie. For example when Bush said we would be greeted as heroes that was definitely a mistake but would you call that a lie?
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .

Ran across the Tarmac under fire, was broke when they left the White House, the embassy was attacked because of a video..........

There is no end to it.

But they were broke when they left the White House. Remember all those legal bills. Sure they made a lot of money after leaving the White House but she's correct when she says they were broke.

The video thing may have been a mistake but that doesn't mean it's a lie. For example when Bush said we would be greeted as heroes that was definitely a mistake but would you call that a lie?

Have some self respect, you shameless apologist.
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .

So what

I don't like broccoli and I can't explain that to someone who does.

Maybe she leaves a bad taste in his mouth
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .

Ran across the Tarmac under fire, was broke when they left the White House, the embassy was attacked because of a video..........

There is no end to it.

But they were broke when they left the White House. Remember all those legal bills. Sure they made a lot of money after leaving the White House but she's correct when she says they were broke.

The video thing may have been a mistake but that doesn't mean it's a lie. For example when Bush said we would be greeted as heroes that was definitely a mistake but would you call that a lie?

Have some self respect, you shameless apologist.

Were they not broke ?
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .

So what

I don't like broccoli and I can't explain that to someone who does.

Maybe she leaves a bad taste in his mouth

You should be able to articulate . Especially if u are a major politician .

I don't like ted Cruz . I think he's a phony playing off of peoples religious beliefs and fears .
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .
I don't think even a mother could like a hildabeast... Some animals eat their young... Lol
for those who don't know, the people republics of Massachusetts have a Reoublican Govenor. Charlie Baker .

He was on a radio show the other week and he was asked about Trump. He said he didn't care for him, but then also through in "I don't like HILLARY Clinton either ." The show host asked a simple follow up "why don't you like her ?" Silence followed , then Charlie replied "I have to think about that". A few seconds later he came up with "I don't think she's honest".

Typical republican. All they do is bash hillary, they have for 25 years . Calling her a liar over and over . Number one rule of propaganda : if u say a lie enough times , it becomes the truth .

So what

I don't like broccoli and I can't explain that to someone who does.

Maybe she leaves a bad taste in his mouth

You should be able to articulate . Especially if u are a major politician .

I don't like ted Cruz . I think he's a phony playing off of peoples religious beliefs and fears .

Some of us realize that opinions are like assholes

I don't really care why you don't like Cruz. I don't really care why people do or don't like Hilary.

Tell me would knowing why some guy doesn't like Hillary change your mind?

Sometimes you just don't like some people
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .

Ran across the Tarmac under fire, was broke when they left the White House, the embassy was attacked because of a video..........

There is no end to it.

But they were broke when they left the White House. Remember all those legal bills. Sure they made a lot of money after leaving the White House but she's correct when she says they were broke.

The video thing may have been a mistake but that doesn't mean it's a lie. For example when Bush said we would be greeted as heroes that was definitely a mistake but would you call that a lie?

Have some self respect, you shameless apologist.

Were they not broke ?

No. Nothing like it.
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?
Check out new polling by Quinnipiac University in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania -- the three biggest swing(ish) states in the country. Scroll all the way down to question #46, which asks, "Would you say that Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy or not?"

Thirty-two percent of respondents in Florida and Pennsylvania said she was; 34 percent of Ohioans said so. Just in case that's too much math for you: Only one in three voters in the three largest swing states in the country think that the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination is honest and trustworthy.

Hillary Clinton’s honesty problem just keeps getting worse

Who thinks any politician is honest and trustworthy?

If you find that person, no doubt they are stupid.
yes I get it . "Hillarys a liar". Heard it a thousand times .

How about some real proof ? Shouldn't be too hard since she lies all the time .
Abused women should be heard. Unless it's my husband you are talking about.

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