Gov. of Mass can't explain why de doesn't like Hillary.

That's it ?

The Nancy thing was obviously some dumb mistake from one of her handlers . You think she purposely lied to make dead Nancy look good ?

As for Wall Street . Where's the lie ?? If taking money from Wall Street makes u a liar then every big politician is a liar .

Listen, I got no issues with how Hillary or any of these politicians role.....but don't come to me as a voter and expect me to buy your anti this and that bullshit. Hillary proclaimed herself to be a progressive....BIGGEST GOTDAMN LIE EVER TOLD BY A DEMOCRAT OTHER THAN BERNIE AND THE LATE TED KENNEDY.....I WAS ACTUALLY FLOORED WHEN I HEARD HER PROCLAIM THIS. Both you and I could google lies Hillary has told over the years, especially the one about dodging enemy fire on a helicopter back in the day. But the lies she keeps telling over and over and over is the lies you gives to her stupid black supporters.....when they entered the white house, after pandering endlessly for the nigga vote, I challenge you to name one thing they did while in office to help blacks? Just name on thing???? I don't mind any president not giving a shit about black people, but gotdmit, she has got to stop saying all this shit she did, that simply doesn't exist. Every chance she had as senator, as first lady, rendered minorities NOTHING...AND THAT IS JUST FACT AND NO ONE CAN COME UP WITH ONE SINGLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION THAT HILLARY PASSED THAT HELPED ANYBODY BUT THE RICH AND HERSELF....NOT ONE.

The crime bill and welfare reform both passed while Bill was in office undoubtedly helped negros. Of course the hilarious part of that is today she regrets supporting those two items.

But yeah, Hillary is a known liar. Only a fool would deny that.
Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton, Bane of the Secret Service, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Well that proves me wrong . If u take the word of a rat secret service agent who betrays his duty by writing a tell all book. But hey , HE would have no rea$on to lie .

And the secret service has a stellar reputation ! Of getting drunk and fucking whores .

So how easy it is to disparage someones character?

An easy Google search will provide you with plenty of articles documenting how horribly the Clintons treated the White House staff and others when they were in the presidency. You will undoubtedly ignore all of this, however, because it's not what you want to hear.

An "easy" google search will indict anyone. You have entire industries on the right and left targeting politicians for character assassination whether factual or not they show up in google search results. Probably many wingnuts here that have their racist views coddled are counted in those numbers of results along with Free Republic, Storm Front and any other loon site.

If you want to attack a politician, have at it, they all have open festering sores, but to pretend a generic google search result actually means anything is lazy.

Dude to be honest with you, the few incidents I listed are fresh memories I google needed. You are the one asking for actual lies and I'm telling you, they're there. But that's not the issue...Hillary is messy. Both she and Bill have always always always been a messy political couple. I for one, will never ever ever ever forgive her or her messy husband for trying to verbally assassinate then candidate Obama. The shit they said about this guy, not shutting down the muslim bullshit, calling him a slick gansta and Bill was the worst...... no way in hell will I ever support, defend or vote for a Clinton, not ever!!

Hillary is also the original birther LOL
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?

For the last time, everything about the Clintons were and are offensive to me. They took a very complex issue surrounding the black community, exploited it for votes and then presented stupid, childish and pathetic antidotes to address it. What has given the Clinton their creds is the housing and credit boom that sparked unprecedented jobs growth....only to be snatched away a decade later, those jobs along with their Clinton/Newt policies. Nafta being one of them and deregulating the housing industry....both of these policies devastated the black community.

Clinton is less than perfect, but do you think Trump or Cruz would be a better choice?

Seriously? You can ask that with a straight face? Listen, I can not shove my head in the sand and pretend to like someone who has proven not only to be a middle of the road conservative, but has proven creds to back it up. She's no more a democrat than I am. So the question then becomes, which republican do I vote for....Trump or Hillary.

Yes, that was the question. Do you refer Trump or Hillary?
Well documented!? Well how about a documented link then?

You conservatives really do just make shit up all the time. .

Hillary Clinton's strengths and anger in White House revealed

Hillary Clinton 'beats her husband Bill', book claims

There are many more but the most damning was by a former democrat named Buzz Patterson that carried the nuclear football for Bill Clinton for two years and he saw firsthand what a evil bitch Hillary was and this book was written in 2003 long before Hitlery ever thought about making a run for the presidency. He was military and he laid it all out there....wanna call him a liar as well?

Sure. Lots of lies have been told about Hillary because right wingers will spend a fortune on books that agree with their unsupportable beliefs. With the thousands of accusations against her, why hasn't there ever been one proven? If she was guilty of 1/1000th of what the right claims, she would have been jail a long time ago.

The elite crowd don't do time. If it was just one or two people claiming that she is a hateful bitch, you might have plausible deniability but there are just too many that have come forward to speak about what she is really like when she isn't in front of a camera.

And most have been shown to be just more bullshit. I guess an accusation is enough for right wingers because they believe anything they hear even long after it has been discredited.
You can deflect all you want, Pal...the proof is out there....please rethink your support for Hillary and support Bernie!!

I prefer Hillary, but I won't be too disappointed if Bernie wins. Their goals are much the same. Either way, it helps nobody to make unfair and unproven right wing like accusations. I don't think Bernie would condone that.
omg omg omg. someone can't Explain why they can't stand the lying corrupted witch politician. Hillary. take them out and hang them. good grief
...I hate this bitch with a passion...and will never vote for her. I hated her husband when he was in office and will hate her if she wins.

Did you find the Clinton policy of funding MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL an insult to afro americans since it was supposed to get afro americans to commit fouls not crimes?

For the last time, everything about the Clintons were and are offensive to me. They took a very complex issue surrounding the black community, exploited it for votes and then presented stupid, childish and pathetic antidotes to address it. What has given the Clinton their creds is the housing and credit boom that sparked unprecedented jobs growth....only to be snatched away a decade later, those jobs along with their Clinton/Newt policies. Nafta being one of them and deregulating the housing industry....both of these policies devastated the black community.

Clinton is less than perfect, but do you think Trump or Cruz would be a better choice?

Seriously? You can ask that with a straight face? Listen, I can not shove my head in the sand and pretend to like someone who has proven not only to be a middle of the road conservative, but has proven creds to back it up. She's no more a democrat than I am. So the question then becomes, which republican do I vote for....Trump or Hillary.

You still didn't answer the question. If Hillary gets the nomination, will you be so butt hurt till you are willing to blow up everything by voting for Trump or Cruz? Those look to be the only choices.
That's it ?

The Nancy thing was obviously some dumb mistake from one of her handlers . You think she purposely lied to make dead Nancy look good ?

As for Wall Street . Where's the lie ?? If taking money from Wall Street makes u a liar then every big politician is a liar .

Listen, I got no issues with how Hillary or any of these politicians role.....but don't come to me as a voter and expect me to buy your anti this and that bullshit. Hillary proclaimed herself to be a progressive....BIGGEST GOTDAMN LIE EVER TOLD BY A DEMOCRAT OTHER THAN BERNIE AND THE LATE TED KENNEDY.....I WAS ACTUALLY FLOORED WHEN I HEARD HER PROCLAIM THIS. Both you and I could google lies Hillary has told over the years, especially the one about dodging enemy fire on a helicopter back in the day. But the lies she keeps telling over and over and over is the lies you gives to her stupid black supporters.....when they entered the white house, after pandering endlessly for the nigga vote, I challenge you to name one thing they did while in office to help blacks? Just name on thing???? I don't mind any president not giving a shit about black people, but gotdmit, she has got to stop saying all this shit she did, that simply doesn't exist. Every chance she had as senator, as first lady, rendered minorities NOTHING...AND THAT IS JUST FACT AND NO ONE CAN COME UP WITH ONE SINGLE PIECE OF LEGISLATION THAT HILLARY PASSED THAT HELPED ANYBODY BUT THE RICH AND HERSELF....NOT ONE.

The crime bill and welfare reform both passed while Bill was in office undoubtedly helped negros. Of course the hilarious part of that is today she regrets supporting those two items.

But yeah, Hillary is a known liar. Only a fool would deny that.

Did she say that? Cause I know she regretted parts of the act that had some unintended consequences .

I don't recall regretting the whole thing .

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