Gov Scott signs Gun Bill takes rights away from Americans.

What rights does the law take away?

The right to keep and bear arms. Go look it up. It shall not be infringed.

No need to look it up, I exercise it everyday. I do not see where the law denies that right. Perhaps you could show me the part of the law that does that...
You are confused about this.

If you can't buy arms then the filthy government has denied you the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government can confiscate your arms without due process when you haven't committed a crime then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government denies you the right to carry an arm to protect yourself then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

This despicable bill does all three of those infringements.
/——/ My Guess is that they passed the bill knowing full well it will be struck down by the courts. Just a CYA so they can say they did something.
Last edited: takes rights away from Americans.

What rights does the law take away?

The right to keep and bear arms. Go look it up. It shall not be infringed.

No need to look it up, I exercise it everyday. I do not see where the law denies that right. Perhaps you could show me the part of the law that does that...
You are confused about this.

If you can't buy arms then the filthy government has denied you the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government can confiscate your arms without due process when you haven't committed a crime then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government denies you the right to carry an arm to protect yourself then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

This despicable bill does all three of those infringements.
/——/ My Guess is that they passed the bill knowing full well it will never struck down by the courts. Just a CYA so they can say they did something.

Not everybody. My elected Republican representative voted against it.
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!

I'm so sorry. Your affliction must be quite a heavy burden.

Nothing has been to heavy for me, how about you snowflake? takes rights away from Americans.

What rights does the law take away?

The right to keep and bear arms. Go look it up. It shall not be infringed.

No need to look it up, I exercise it everyday. I do not see where the law denies that right. Perhaps you could show me the part of the law that does that...
You are confused about this.

If you can't buy arms then the filthy government has denied you the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government can confiscate your arms without due process when you haven't committed a crime then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government denies you the right to carry an arm to protect yourself then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

This despicable bill does all three of those infringements.

And you've read the law? You've seen the wording the omits due process? I have not read the law, I've only read the news reports and none of them mention anything about circumventing due process. Until such a time that I am able to read the actual wording of the law, I will reserve judgement. Now, should it come to pass that the denial of a citizen to purchase a firearm is indeed determined by anything other than a court and due process, then I'll have a problem with it.
The NRA filed a Federal Law Suit against the Law Rick Scott signed
NRA sues state over gun bill minutes ago
The National Rifle Association filed a federal lawsuit this afternoon against the state to block a law just signed by Gov. Rick Scott this afternoon that prohibits gun sales to anyone between the ages of 18 and 21. "We filed a lawsuit against the state for violating the constitutional rights of 18 to 21 year olds," ...
The suit seeks to enjoin the provision of the law prohibiting adults under 21 from purchasing a firearm as a violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.

Do adults under 21 constitute a suspect or protected class of persons?

it seems we'll find out.
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

It is just an old tired NRA talking point... takes rights away from Americans.

What rights does the law take away?

The right to keep and bear arms. Go look it up. It shall not be infringed.

No need to look it up, I exercise it everyday. I do not see where the law denies that right. Perhaps you could show me the part of the law that does that...
You are confused about this.

If you can't buy arms then the filthy government has denied you the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government can confiscate your arms without due process when you haven't committed a crime then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

If the filthy government denies you the right to carry an arm to protect yourself then you have been denied the right to keep and bear arms.

This despicable bill does all three of those infringements.

And you've read the law? You've seen the wording the omits due process? I have not read the law, I've only read the news reports and none of them mention anything about circumventing due process. Until such a time that I am able to read the actual wording of the law, I will reserve judgement. Now, should it come to pass that the denial of a citizen to purchase a firearm is indeed determined by anything other than a court and due process, then I'll have a problem with it.

Yes I have read it. You not reading probably is the reason you are confused. Either that you don't give a shit about individual rights or due process or you are one of these imbeciles that trust the government.

It allows the filthy ass government to arrest,confine and confiscate on just the mere whim of an accusation and that is despicable.

There will be lots of abuse of that authority and it is contrary to the American concept of due process.

I suspect the most abuse will come from vindictive girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, neighbors etc or anybody with a grudge.

Just tell an asshole in authority like the Sheriff of Broward County that somebody is a potential threat then rights go out the window.

You know, like the Democrats using the FISA laws to spy on Trump and there being no accountability but this will be worse.
The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!

I'm so sorry. Your affliction must be quite a heavy burden.

Nothing has been to heavy for me, how about you snowflake?

Clearly proper spelling, grammar and punctuation are a bridge too far for you, bub.
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

It is just an old tired NRA talking point...

If it were just a talking point, you loons would clutch your pearls so violently at each utterance.
They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!

I'm so sorry. Your affliction must be quite a heavy burden.

Nothing has been to heavy for me, how about you snowflake?

Clearly proper spelling, grammar and punctuation are a bridge too far for you, bub.

As cognitive thought is for ewe!
The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

It is just an old tired NRA talking point...

If it were just a talking point, you loons would clutch your pearls so violently at each utterance.

At least we have pearls. We don't need to hide behind guns...
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!
Gun control is for pussies
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

As long as representatives can legislate age limits on constitutional rights, what would you think if you couldn't vote in Florida until the age of 21? I bet the ACLU would be having conventions in Florida preparing their lawsuits.
More states will be coming with similar fire arm restrictions. Mainly because the GOP in DC has been bought and sold by the NRA.

You act as if the NRA contributes a ton of money to the Republicans every year. Did it ever cross your mind that Republicans just respect the Constitution more than you on the left; that they represent gun owners because we are a huge constituency?
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!
Gun control is for pussies

The bill includes language on procedures that would allow some teachers and staff to carry guns on campus. It also imposes a three-day waiting period for any gun purchase, raises the minimum legal age for buying all guns in Florida from 18 to 21, and prohibits those with mental health problems from owning a gun.
Doesn’t really seem like there is anything earth shattering here.

So what are "mental health problems" and who gets to define them?
My guess would be bi-polar disorder schizophrenia things of that nature and you would have to have been diagnosed with them by a mental health professional. To me this seems like they are just reworking laws that are already out there.

And if allowed to stay, do you think that Democrats won't want to add to that list?

For instance, what if you have depression? What about bipolar? Anxiety attacks?

DumBama made a law that if you are on SS and can't manage your financial affairs, you are banned from owning a gun. The liberals are constantly saying that people on the No Fly List should be banned from owning a firearm.

How many people have participated in mass murders who were old people on SS or somebody on the No Fly List?

You and I both know how Democrats are. There is no stopping them once you light the fuse. Democrats are not to be trusted. Look at how they used the IRS and FBI to attack political opponents!
More states will be coming with similar fire arm restrictions. Mainly because the GOP in DC has been bought and sold by the NRA.

You act as if the NRA contributes a ton of money to the Republicans every year. Did it ever cross your mind that Republicans just respect the Constitution more than you on the left; that they represent gun owners because we are a huge constituency?

No no no only Democrats can represent their constituents. Have you noticed every time Dem's get control of congress they start in immediately with the people have spoken crap and Rep's should not obstruct. Yet when Rep's have control Dem's don't honor the will of the people, they have no problem obstructing.
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Only because they can't. If they could, they would. That's why we should never have Democrat leadership anywhere in this country.

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