Gov Scott signs Gun Bill

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!
Gun control is for pussies


Funny!!!!! Don't tell Trump. He will go out and grabbed some guns....
They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

Bullshit Moon Bat.

See the thread that I posted earlier today about the fucking Libtard assholes in the Illinois Legislature passing a bill to confiscate firearms.

This bill in Florida sure as hell contains confiscation if some government jerk off thinks you may possibly be a threat.

Snowflake there are idiots on the extremes of both sides of this issue. They are not gonna take your GGGGGUUUUUUUNNNNNNNZZZZZZ!
Gun control is for pussies


Funny!!!!! Don't tell Trump. He will go out and grabbed some guns....

Good point, or Ray cuz well you know.
The bill includes language on procedures that would allow some teachers and staff to carry guns on campus. It also imposes a three-day waiting period for any gun purchase, raises the minimum legal age for buying all guns in Florida from 18 to 21, and prohibits those with mental health problems from owning a gun.
Doesn’t really seem like there is anything earth shattering here.

So what are "mental health problems" and who gets to define them?
My guess would be bi-polar disorder schizophrenia things of that nature and you would have to have been diagnosed with them by a mental health professional. To me this seems like they are just reworking laws that are already out there.

And if allowed to stay, do you think that Democrats won't want to add to that list?

For instance, what if you have depression? What about bipolar? Anxiety attacks?

DumBama made a law that if you are on SS and can't manage your financial affairs, you are banned from owning a gun. The liberals are constantly saying that people on the No Fly List should be banned from owning a firearm.

How many people have participated in mass murders who were old people on SS or somebody on the No Fly List?

You and I both know how Democrats are. There is no stopping them once you light the fuse. Democrats are not to be trusted. Look at how they used the IRS and FBI to attack political opponents!
They could try but if they try and push to far public opinion will turn against them and they will get voted out of office just like has happened in the past if they try anything other than minor changes on the margins they will lose big.
The bill includes language on procedures that would allow some teachers and staff to carry guns on campus. It also imposes a three-day waiting period for any gun purchase, raises the minimum legal age for buying all guns in Florida from 18 to 21, and prohibits those with mental health problems from owning a gun.
Doesn’t really seem like there is anything earth shattering here.

So what are "mental health problems" and who gets to define them?
My guess would be bi-polar disorder schizophrenia things of that nature and you would have to have been diagnosed with them by a mental health professional. To me this seems like they are just reworking laws that are already out there.

And if allowed to stay, do you think that Democrats won't want to add to that list?

For instance, what if you have depression? What about bipolar? Anxiety attacks?

DumBama made a law that if you are on SS and can't manage your financial affairs, you are banned from owning a gun. The liberals are constantly saying that people on the No Fly List should be banned from owning a firearm.

How many people have participated in mass murders who were old people on SS or somebody on the No Fly List?

You and I both know how Democrats are. There is no stopping them once you light the fuse. Democrats are not to be trusted. Look at how they used the IRS and FBI to attack political opponents!
They could try but if they try and push to far public opinion will turn against them and they will get voted out of office just like has happened in the past if they try anything other than minor changes on the margins they will lose big.

Public opinion us changing but not in the direction u are saying. Stay Tuned!
"It's not going to stop mass shootings." itself it won't stop them all. But if it keeps one kid....your kid....from being shot to is a good thing.

The hard right gun nuts can argue all day that "they are taking your guns" and it is not and never will be true

But u won't stop cause half of you are either Bots or NRA plants.

The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

As long as representatives can legislate age limits on constitutional rights, what would you think if you couldn't vote in Florida until the age of 21? I bet the ACLU would be having conventions in Florida preparing their lawsuits.

Unconstitutional laws MUST be challenged. Hack politicians and gun control morons have a legal path to enacting gun control, amend the U.S. constitution. But because they can't muster the votes they pass unconstitutional laws to go around the constitution. If this goes unchallenged pretty soon the constitution is meaningless.
The only two things stopping the commies from taking our guns is the Constitution and the judges that protect it. If not or that, they would be going door to door collecting them tomorrow:

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

Oh, and from the commies in my state:

Senate Bill 260 was introduced Feb. 20, six days after 17 people were gunned down in a Florida high school by a former student using an AR-15 rifle. The bill is in two general parts, one of which would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms that are built with or accept magazines with a capacity of 10 rounds or more. The other section would instruct the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to establish a statewide database to track the transfer of all firearms and ammunition.

Ohio firearms bill sparks strong views | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times

But oh, nobody is coming for your guns.

They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

As long as representatives can legislate age limits on constitutional rights, what would you think if you couldn't vote in Florida until the age of 21? I bet the ACLU would be having conventions in Florida preparing their lawsuits.

Unconstitutional laws MUST be challenged. Hack politicians and gun control morons have a legal path to enacting gun control, amend the U.S. constitution. But because they can't muster the votes they pass unconstitutional laws to go around the constitution. If this goes unchallenged pretty soon the constitution is meaningless.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy here. The left could care less about constitutional rights when it's rights they don't like. When it's rights that benefit them, all of a sudden they become constitutionalists.

The left also understands they have the kid vote wrapped up. Younger people vote Democrat until they get out in the real world, pay taxes, and see their money going to buy votes for the Democrat party. They see their raises go right out the window because of medical insurance costs and regulation after regulation that costs their company money; money that might otherwise go to them.

So they have told us, rights come with the ability to be regulated.
They are gonna take my GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ, take my wife and my children but you must leave me my Guuuuuuunnnnnzzzzzzz! WTF is wrong with you fucking nuts. Nobody is coming for your damn GUUUUUUUNNNNNZZZZZZZ!

You couldn't possibly be more wrong.
You couldn't possibly be more ridiculous and ignorant.

No one advocates for ‘confiscating’ firearms – to claim otherwise is a lie.

Any measure authorizing ‘confiscation’ would be invalidated by the courts as a violation of the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

Conservatives’ propensity for demagoguery and is as pervasive as their propensity for lying.

It is just an old tired NRA talking point...

If it were just a talking point, you loons would clutch your pearls so violently at each utterance.

At least we have pearls. We don't need to hide behind guns...

Sure, Margaret.


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