Goverment shut down

Judicial review

Gold Member
Oct 18, 2014
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
I wonder. You got fucked up your ass in 2012, shut down the govt the next fall, and then the GOP won in 2014 by kicking the social cons and neocons to the curb by reaching out to women and Hispanics.

The dems will try the same in 2016.

With 2 Dem to 18 GOP vulnerable seat up for grabs in 2016, we mainstream in the GOP will work hard for women and Hispanics, while stepping on the faces of the social cons and neocons.
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.

Sounds like you're whistling past the graveyard ......

or, making shit sandwiches, cuz that's all you got.
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.

Ah... Ask yourself 1 question - Do the Libs or GOP currently control the Senate? Also, the GOP will have 56 votes in the senate with the 2 independents, so they will just need 4 votes to send it over to Obama who happens to be a liberal. Beautiful!
It passed without Liberal democRATS or Conservative Republicans

It's all about passing bills and the people that prevent it from passing. This is squarely on the Libs should this happen.

I said this before and I will say it again the real fights are coming with the next congress and we will see balls from the GOP. With control comes balls. The most important thing for the GOP to do whether it's the establishment or conservatives the only thing they must do is show a functioning congress and pass bills to Obama, then 2016 is ours.
The Dems control the Senate, Ringle.

The mainstream GOP controls the House, Vigi, and you fucz have no power.

Let's see if the Demz are stupid enough to shut down the government.
The last "government shutdown" was not a government shutdown to start with, It was a 17% percent of our bloated government being temporarily shut down. The GOP didn't even do that. Obumbler and his lapdog Democratics did it because the GOP (House) had passed a budget bill which they would not agree to in the Senate. Obumbler said "no" and Reid dutifully sucked Obumbler's balls.

As to the next so-called government shutdown, it is merely an expression of the POWER of the purse. Congress holds that. Not fucking Presidunce Obumbler. Shut his proposed illegal actions down.

A tepid little so-called "government shutdown" is actually a good thing. The GOP ought to try being both faithful to the precepts of our Constitution AND having some gonads. Alas, Boehner is a spineless toady for Obumbler and other Statists.

So I am not applauding the current posturing. I doubt much will come of it.
If you want a snooze, read IM: he will put you to sleep in four seconds.

If the Dems do kill the bill, the GOP next year will pass the same bill without ACA and EO protected, and they will send it to the Pres.
If you want a snooze, read IM: he will put you to sleep in four seconds.

If the Dems do kill the bill, the GOP next year will pass the same bill without ACA and EO protected, and they will send it to the Pres.

Ah Fakey. When he has nothing important or honest to say, he posts again.

The "power of the purse" is a potentially potent weapon against the Constitutional transgressions of Obumbler -- transgressions which the liberal Democratic, Fakey, applauds (while simultaneously longing to suck Obumbler's cock). But it is only a potentially potent weapon when asswipe failures like Boehner act like Fakey -- which is to say, they act like liberal Democratics.
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blah blah blah . . . then . . . wah wah wah

You lost, wuckfit: move on.

I didn't lose anything and you are the fuckwit and a wholly dishonest one at that.

By the way, you liberal Democraps got your collective electoral ASSES kicked. Even a drooling asslicker such as you SHOULD be able to figure out that it was effectively a Referendum on Obumbler and his crap ObumblerCare program and his proposed actions on immigration.

Sadly, other liberals and RINOS (vermin like Boehner) who share your abject lack of fidelity to our Constitutional precepts are determined to give Obumbler and his liberal Democrat Parody a second and third and endless additional chances.

Fakey, everyone knows you are a fraud. Nobody believes you. What purpose is served by your futile phoniness? You utterly pathetic twat. :lol:
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.

Sounds like you're whistling past the graveyard ......

or, making shit sandwiches, cuz that's all you got.
Sure thing there Sparky.... have you considered actually using that thing you call a brain or is that an exercise in futility?
Look, I know the far right and the far left both think they represent the vast majority of the population, the rest of us (the vast majority) call it by what it is, delusional.......... :thup:
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.

Sounds like you're whistling past the graveyard ......

or, making shit sandwiches, cuz that's all you got.
Sure thing there Sparky.... have you considered actually using that thing you call a brain or is that an exercise in futility?
Look, I know the far right and the far left both think they represent the vast majority of the population, the rest of us (the vast majority) call it by what it is, delusional.......... :thup:

Exactly. The first party to show that they are obstructionists will lose in 2016.
The Dems control the Senate, Ringle.

The mainstream GOP controls the House, Vigi, and you fucz have no power.

Let's see if the Demz are stupid enough to shut down the government.
The Dems currently control the Senate but it appears with that soon to change when in January some of more moderate Dems rebelled against their hard left leadership so for all intent and purposes the GOP controls the Senate.
Now if the moderate Repubs can take the GOP leadership away from the hard right morons the Pubs will have a better chance of retaining power.
The Dems control the Senate, Ringle.

The mainstream GOP controls the House, Vigi, and you fucz have no power.

Let's see if the Demz are stupid enough to shut down the government.
The Dems currently control the Senate but it appears with that soon to change when in January some of more moderate Dems rebelled against their hard left leadership so for all intent and purposes the GOP controls the Senate.
Now if the moderate Repubs can take the GOP leadership away from the hard right morons the Pubs will have a better chance of retaining power.

This is what hard right conservative don't get. This leads us on a path to bipartisanship not 1 party rules all, which has been the only way to get things done in goverment. not what the founders intended at all, and not good leadership.
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.

Sounds like you're whistling past the graveyard ......

or, making shit sandwiches, cuz that's all you got.
Sure thing there Sparky.... have you considered actually using that thing you call a brain or is that an exercise in futility?
Look, I know the far right and the far left both think they represent the vast majority of the population, the rest of us (the vast majority) call it by what it is, delusional.......... :thup:

Exactly. The first party to show that they are obstructionists will lose in 2016.
No, the one that is perceived by the majority of voters as obstructionists are the ones who will lose. The Dems have generally been better at political propaganda then the pubs, maybe that is changing.
Perception, not reality is everything, especially in politics.
Should this happen due to Pelosi and Warren Democrats can kiss 2016 goodbye. You just got fucked up your ass by voters last month and now you act out by shutting the government down? LOL! Fucking morons.

The thing that stands out about this the most is that it's the rest of the Liberal Dems who will be back next year that are doing this. Due to this - now in 2016 I don't just expect a Presidential spanking by the GOP, I expect further gains in the senate to get us over 60 to prohibit veto and fillibuster, which would mean that if the 0.00000000000001% chance Hilary or Warren or biden wins they can't veto. Win win for the GOP.

I love how Obama dug his parties graves and now the liberals in congress are doing exactly that. Beautiful.
If there's another government shutdown with the GOP in control of both houses do you honestly believe the Dems will be blamed? You're joking, right? The Dems are hoping the GOP will institute a government shutdown, practically salivating over the possibility because they will do a sweep in both houses 2018 and the White House in 2016 if the GOP goes ahead with a shut down.
Remember there are more independents than far right or far left members of the population and the Boomers are still the biggest (aging) portion of the population, how many of them will "suffer" due to a shut down and vote accordingly?
If 2012 didn't teach the GOP anything then they get what they deserve.

Sounds like you're whistling past the graveyard ......

or, making shit sandwiches, cuz that's all you got.
Sure thing there Sparky.... have you considered actually using that thing you call a brain or is that an exercise in futility?
Look, I know the far right and the far left both think they represent the vast majority of the population, the rest of us (the vast majority) call it by what it is, delusional.......... :thup:

Exactly. The first party to show that they are obstructionists will lose in 2016.
No, the one that is perceived by the majority of voters as obstructionists are the ones who will lose. The Dems have generally been better at political propaganda then the pubs, maybe that is changing.
Perception, not reality is everything, especially in politics.

Being perceived is showing. We meant the same thing. Nice job on trying to 1 up me but I had all of this pegged years ago.
The Dems control the Senate, Ringle.

The mainstream GOP controls the House, Vigi, and you fucz have no power.

Let's see if the Demz are stupid enough to shut down the government.
The Dems currently control the Senate but it appears with that soon to change when in January some of more moderate Dems rebelled against their hard left leadership so for all intent and purposes the GOP controls the Senate.
Now if the moderate Repubs can take the GOP leadership away from the hard right morons the Pubs will have a better chance of retaining power.

This is what hard right conservative don't get. This leads us on a path to bipartisanship not 1 party rules all, which has been the only way to get things done in goverment. not what the founders intended at all, and not good leadership.
Fortunately or Unfortunately (depending on ones outlook) the leadership of both parties have been more towards the opposite poles for decades, even more so since Clinton took office.
I say fortunately because when both sides are constantly at an impasse they can't do too much damage to the American people......... :eusa_whistle:

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