Government By Tantrum: Trump Threatens To Declare Another Emergency To Expand His Power


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.
1. Your OP is wrong. Congress has the power to overrule the president's actions. The simple fact that Congress did not overrule Trump's declaration means that it's legal. The number of illegals apprehended shows that the National Emergency Act was in-fact warranted, and that Congress and the courts agreed, or they would have stopped it.

2. Trump is correct in reducing the income that China is using to develop its military.
Executive orders by Oboingo = Excellent!

Executive orders by Trump = ORANGE MAN BAD!

And another tree-fiddy in the pocket of the OP, for dispensing spam from Daily Kooks.

When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.
/——/ Tissue?
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

You have no problem with him trying to use power he doesn’t have?

That explains a lot.

1. Trump wants to stop funding China's militar7y buildup using the US as a "cash cow".
2. Economic Powers Act of 1977 does in-fact giove Trump that power

The Latest: Trump defends ordering companies to leave China
The law says the president is authorized “to regulate international commerce after declaring a national emergency” if there is an “extraordinary threat” to the nation.
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

That is because you are a big government statist that thinks the president should have all the power of a god, when the president is from your chosen party. Once again you put party before country.

At least you are consistent.
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.

Can ya say climate emergency...knew ya could
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

You have no problem with him trying to use power he doesn’t have?

That explains a lot.

1. Trump wants to stop funding China's militar7y buildup using the US as a "cash cow".
2. Economic Powers Act of 1977 does in-fact giove Trump that power

The Latest: Trump defends ordering companies to leave China
The law says the president is authorized “to regulate international commerce after declaring a national emergency” if there is an “extraordinary threat” to the nation.

There is no threat to the nation from international trade. You big government statist are enough to make a guy want to puke.

If you think we have too much freedom here in the US, more somewhere else, quit trying to take away more freedoms.
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

You have no problem with him trying to use power he doesn’t have?

That explains a lot.

1. Trump wants to stop funding China's militar7y buildup using the US as a "cash cow".
2. Economic Powers Act of 1977 does in-fact giove Trump that power

The Latest: Trump defends ordering companies to leave China
The law says the president is authorized “to regulate international commerce after declaring a national emergency” if there is an “extraordinary threat” to the nation.

Did you read your own link? Nobody but you mindless sheep think what is happening is a good thing

Small business owners are baffled by President Donald Trump’s suggestion that all U.S. businesses with operations in China find an alternative.


The NRF noted that its members have long been diversifying their supply chains but finding alternatives to China would be costly and take years.

“It is unrealistic for American retailers to move out of the world’s second largest economy,” said NRF Senior Vice President of Government Relations David French. He noted that retailers’ presence in China allows them to reach Chinese customers and also develop overseas markets.


Two trade associations representing auto companies say the escalating tariff fight between the Trump administration and China is bad for the industry.


The Consumer Technology Association, a trade group that runs the annual Consumer Electronics Show, says “enough is enough” when it comes to escalating tariffs in the U.S. trade war with China.
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.

Are ya skeered?
When Donald Trump couldn’t get the money he wanted through Congress to support his fiction of a border invasion, he dragged out the National Emergency Act and simply obtained that money … by taking it away from funds supposed to build housing, hospitals, and schools for U.S. troops and their families.

The Emergency Economic Powers Act was created to restrict the powers of the executive, which had been given carte blanche to lock down assets and restrict trade under the Trading With The Enemy Act that went back to World War I. This wasn’t an act to give the president more power over American companies. It was an act to give him less.

Government by tantrum: Trump threatens to declare another emergency to expand his power

Let’s see if Mr. guts and glory takes any unconstitutional actions against an American company.
I LOVE it!!!
There is no threat to the nation from international trade. .
I'm as big a free trader as you will find...That said, Murica's trade relationship with China has funded one of the most brutal and oppressive regimes in all of history....The Chinese have found that moving from outright communism to corporate fascism is far more profitable....It is this nation that has given them the funding for more street cameras than people in those streets and tyrannical "social credit scores". ..Their decades-long track record of currency manipulation is a global economic travesty, and has had horrible effects on its own people.

Though I don't necessarily approve of the tariffs and all the chest thumping on Twitter, Trump is the first politician -let alone president- who has acted as though this nation's economic health is more important than that of foreign adversaries....I used to believe that unilateral free trade would end up freeing the people, but in this case it's easy for me to see that this belief is in error.
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I'm as big a free trader as you will find...That said, Murica's trade relationship with China has funded one of the most brutal and oppressive regimes in all of history....The Chinese have found that moving from outright communism to corporate fascism is far more profitable....It is this nation that has given them the funding for more street cameras than people in those streets and tyrannical "social credit scores". ..Their decades-long track record of currency manipulation is a global economic travesty, and has had horrible effects on its own people.

We do trade with a lot of bad people, some of our strongest allies in the middle east, yet their abuses are never brought into discussion.

Though I don't necessarily approve of the tariffs and all the chest thumping on Twitter, Trump is the first politician -let alone president- who has acted as though this nation's economic health is more important than that of foreign adversaries....I used to believe that unilateral free trade would end up freeing the people but in this case, it's easy for me to see that this belief is in error.

The problem is that his actions are doing the damage to our economic health. Our current trade deals is what led us to the longest period of economic expansion in the countries history, they are what led to the longest period of positive job growth in our counties history, they are what led to record low unemployment and more open jobs than people to fill them.
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

That is because you are a big government statist that thinks the president should have all the power of a god, when the president is from your chosen party. Once again you put party before country.

At least you are consistent.

Democrats have turned traitor, allying with illegals and China. Be thankful Trump doesn't round you people up and confine you to prison camps.
Trump is fighting our enemies and Democrats so I have no problem with this.

That is because you are a big government statist that thinks the president should have all the power of a god, when the president is from your chosen party. Once again you put party before country.

At least you are consistent.

Democrats have turned traitor, allying with illegals and China. Be thankful Trump doesn't round you people up and confine you to prison camps.

One more thing a big government statist that thinks the president should have the power to do. You should watch what you hope for, sooner or later there will be a Dem back in the White House and all these things you think are so amazing under Trump will come back to bite you in the ass.

Once a door has been opened, there is no closing it for the next POTUS

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