Government Employees Are Not Accountable: In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm

There has to be more to it than just pushing a wrong button.

Of course there is. Nothing so important as a missile defense alert system for an entire state is so callously designed to go unnoticed all this time until now. Someone got the idea to do this as a prank knowing that with all the tensions, it would be taken seriously as if WWIII had finally broken out, hoping to lay an egg of bad publicity in Trump's lap because of the way the Media covers everything. And true to form in typical knee-jerk fashion, we get the likes of Jim Carey announcing he crapped his pants doing a line of coke on his wife's belly and it is all the maniac's fault, Trump, for HIM bringing us so close to the brink of war! In other words, things would be just fine if we were all still just talking nice to Little Kim and putting a few sanctions on him as we had already been doing for the past 60 years with the whole world singing kumbaya and just getting along. Don't you know we all had peace and love until Trump came along and discovered everything really sucks?!
Melania tweeted about MLK Day in a positive way and got pounced. They will stop at NOTHING. I mean NOTHING, to get a war going just so they can TRY to get a dem in the WH. No, I would not put it past them to do this hawaii thing ON PURPOSE.
republican govts never make any mistakes?....
You usually don't have a bunch of "RESIST" assholes inside the government when Democrats are running things.
that didnt answer my question.....
This sort of thing seems to be going on alot ever since Hillary and Obama became ex-government officials and are now running a resistance.
Expect this kind of thing to happen whenever Trump looks like he's about to change the minds of most of the public.
It's like all of these reports of IRS agents in Cincinnati going rouge....or some low level agent releasing somebody's divorce records to the media. Or every civil service employee's personal information accidentally stolen by unknown hackers.
Classic communist tactics.
you dance around questions as good as dean does....
You're a liar too.
dam you are even a better dancer than did i lie?...
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....

Comparable to this? I can't recall any.
we already covered that ray....i asked a simple question....when republicans are in charge,do they ever fuck up?...

No, we didn't cover it. What did any Republican administration do comparable to scaring all these people on islands because they were told they were going to die within minutes?
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....

Comparable to this? I can't recall any.
we already covered that ray....i asked a simple question....when republicans are in charge,do they ever fuck up?...
Yes.....they have historically fucked up by trusting Democrats on deals.

This Shithole scandal is a prime example.
Not only did Dick Durbin make it all up but he knew running to cameras and saying terrible things about Trump would implode any deal they were going to make.

Trump was at a private meeting with them after the televised meeting saying he would sign any POS agreement they came up with and Democrats set him up. They dumped a POS agreement on his desk they knew he couldn't sign and then lied about his reaction to it.

That's the fuck up that Republicans have done. Trusting these criminal Democrats in Congress.

It seems that Democrats can't grab their asses with both hands free. They're either pathetic fuckups or intentionally trying to screw everything up. Either way, they're dangerous and cannot be trusted.
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the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....

Comparable to this? I can't recall any.
we already covered that ray....i asked a simple question....when republicans are in charge,do they ever fuck up?...

No, we didn't cover it. What did any Republican administration do comparable to scaring all these people on islands because they were told they were going to die within minutes?
yea we did ray post 49.....
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....

Comparable to this? I can't recall any.
we already covered that ray....i asked a simple question....when republicans are in charge,do they ever fuck up?...
Yes.....they have historically fucked up by trusting Democrats on deals.

This Shithole scandal is a prime example.
Not only did Dick Durbin make it all up but he knew running to cameras and saying terrible things about Trump would implode any deal they were going to make.

Trump was at a private meeting with them after the televised meeting saying he would sign any POS agreement they came up with and Democrats set him up. They dumped a POS agreement on his desk they knew he couldn't sign and then lied about his reaction to it.

That's the fuck up that Republicans have done. Trusting these criminal Democrats in Congress.

It seems that Democrats can't grab their asses with both hands free. They're either pathetic fuckups or intentionally trying to screw everything up. Either way, they're dangerous and cannot be trusted.
so you are saying a govt with republicans in charge have never fucked up? one ever gets fucked over by republicans?...
PRACTICAL , dems did this 'nuke death alert' trick and that knowledge is the same as having the dems by the nutz so might as well advertise as squeeze is being done Harry .
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....

Comparable to this? I can't recall any.
we already covered that ray....i asked a simple question....when republicans are in charge,do they ever fuck up?...
Yes.....they have historically fucked up by trusting Democrats on deals.

This Shithole scandal is a prime example.
Not only did Dick Durbin make it all up but he knew running to cameras and saying terrible things about Trump would implode any deal they were going to make.

Trump was at a private meeting with them after the televised meeting saying he would sign any POS agreement they came up with and Democrats set him up. They dumped a POS agreement on his desk they knew he couldn't sign and then lied about his reaction to it.

That's the fuck up that Republicans have done. Trusting these criminal Democrats in Congress.

It seems that Democrats can't grab their asses with both hands free. They're either pathetic fuckups or intentionally trying to screw everything up. Either way, they're dangerous and cannot be trusted.
so you are saying a govt with republicans in charge have never fucked up? one ever gets fucked over by republicans?...
----------------------------------------- feck repub rino , i have no use for them either Harry .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....

Comparable to this? I can't recall any.
we already covered that ray....i asked a simple question....when republicans are in charge,do they ever fuck up?...
Yes.....they have historically fucked up by trusting Democrats on deals.

This Shithole scandal is a prime example.
Not only did Dick Durbin make it all up but he knew running to cameras and saying terrible things about Trump would implode any deal they were going to make.

Trump was at a private meeting with them after the televised meeting saying he would sign any POS agreement they came up with and Democrats set him up. They dumped a POS agreement on his desk they knew he couldn't sign and then lied about his reaction to it.

That's the fuck up that Republicans have done. Trusting these criminal Democrats in Congress.

It seems that Democrats can't grab their asses with both hands free. They're either pathetic fuckups or intentionally trying to screw everything up. Either way, they're dangerous and cannot be trusted.
so you are saying a govt with republicans in charge have never fucked up? one ever gets fucked over by republicans?...
----------------------------------------- feck repub rino , i have no use for them either Harry .
yea no use for someone who can actually get along with someone who has the gall and audacity to have a different opinion....
WHO is this Someone else that is supposed to be gotten along with and Who are you talking to Harry ??
Anyone who was the least bit awake during the Animas River chemical spill and its aftermath knows that fact all too well.

In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm
Do you have any idea how hard it is to fire a govenment employee if they are in a non classified job. Unless you have them on some sort of crime like theft, it is not worth the hassle! One of the many things that are fucked up about the way we run things. Did you ever notice driving around a city in the summer how they set up a million construction sites and most the time you see no one working there? Then winter comes along and none of the sites are finished and the roads are more torn up than they were before. Do you know why that is?
Anyone who was the least bit awake during the Animas River chemical spill and its aftermath knows that fact all too well.

In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm
Do you have any idea how hard it is to fire a govenment employee if they are in a non classified job. Unless you have them on some sort of crime like theft, it is not worth the hassle! One of the many things that are fucked up about the way we run things. Did you ever notice driving around a city in the summer how they set up a million construction sites and most the time you see no one working there? Then winter comes along and none of the sites are finished and the roads are more torn up than they were before. Do you know why that is?

To keep the guys working as long as they can. Construction zones are more for the workers than they are the motorists. They would rather keep 50 guys working for two years than 200 guys working for six months and then have to lay them all off because the project is complete.
Anyone who was the least bit awake during the Animas River chemical spill and its aftermath knows that fact all too well.

In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm
Do you have any idea how hard it is to fire a govenment employee if they are in a non classified job. Unless you have them on some sort of crime like theft, it is not worth the hassle! One of the many things that are fucked up about the way we run things. Did you ever notice driving around a city in the summer how they set up a million construction sites and most the time you see no one working there? Then winter comes along and none of the sites are finished and the roads are more torn up than they were before. Do you know why that is?

To keep the guys working as long as they can. Construction zones are more for the workers than they are the motorists. They would rather keep 50 guys working for two years than 200 guys working for six months and then have to lay them all off because the project is complete.
Roman coliseum in Rome was built in 5 years 2,000 years ago.
Anyone who was the least bit awake during the Animas River chemical spill and its aftermath knows that fact all too well.

In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm
Do you have any idea how hard it is to fire a govenment employee if they are in a non classified job. Unless you have them on some sort of crime like theft, it is not worth the hassle! One of the many things that are fucked up about the way we run things. Did you ever notice driving around a city in the summer how they set up a million construction sites and most the time you see no one working there? Then winter comes along and none of the sites are finished and the roads are more torn up than they were before. Do you know why that is?
All of the VA execs who lied and caused patients to die so they could get bigger bonuses are still employed by the VA.
Anyone who was the least bit awake during the Animas River chemical spill and its aftermath knows that fact all too well.

In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm
Do you have any idea how hard it is to fire a govenment employee if they are in a non classified job. Unless you have them on some sort of crime like theft, it is not worth the hassle! One of the many things that are fucked up about the way we run things. Did you ever notice driving around a city in the summer how they set up a million construction sites and most the time you see no one working there? Then winter comes along and none of the sites are finished and the roads are more torn up than they were before. Do you know why that is?

To keep the guys working as long as they can. Construction zones are more for the workers than they are the motorists. They would rather keep 50 guys working for two years than 200 guys working for six months and then have to lay them all off because the project is complete.
That is part of it.It is mainly for matching funds from the feds and the states. Instead of merit or need base matching funds are based on number of projects going on and how those project's fit what the described money is for. So if you have a project that does not fit what the matching fund is for you add that to the project whether it is needed or not. Also this forces you to open up project's that may or may not be needed in order to get your matching funds for the project you are working on. they then just move the workers from project to project in order to full fill the number of jobs requirements and instead of getting the work done in a timely fashion they are moving from job to job geting very little done at one given site. Of course this makes renting out orange barrels a very lucrative buisness. I am not sure who all benifits from this shell game, but this I sure as hell can tell you it does not benifit the guy trying to coordinate all of the work. Nor does it benefit the driving public with all the torn up roads and traffic jams.

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