Government Employees Are Not Accountable: In Hawaii, No Heads Roll over False Missile Alarm

My question is why it took 38 minutes of terror to figure out what happened? If it had been a missile from NK, it would have hit them inside of ten minutes.

Actually, if it is fired from North Korea, it takes around 20 min.
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....
------------------------------------- this event was done by hang loose 'hawaian dems' , might as well hurt them if possible Harry .
i dont want to hurt anyone pismoe....why do you?...
------------------------------------- no one was hurt as far as i am aware . if you mean hurt the dems , yeah , i'm all for that as i have no use for them . Course i mean , hurt the 'dems' politically , not talking violence but hurt the dems polically in 'washington' hawaii , USA and world wide . Yeah , I don't like the 'dems' Harry .
i dont care for the far left ones,but i knew lots of "normal" ones who were ok....
----------------------------------------- there are no normal dems that support democrat platform or who woulda voted for 'hilary' Harry .
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....
You usually don't have a bunch of "RESIST" assholes inside the government when Democrats are running things.
that didnt answer my question.....
This sort of thing seems to be going on alot ever since Hillary and Obama became ex-government officials and are now running a resistance.
Expect this kind of thing to happen whenever Trump looks like he's about to change the minds of most of the public.
It's like all of these reports of IRS agents in Cincinnati going rouge....or some low level agent releasing somebody's divorce records to the media. Or every civil service employee's personal information accidentally stolen by unknown hackers.
Classic communist tactics.
republican govts never make any mistakes?....
------------------------------------- this event was done by hang loose 'hawaian dems' , might as well hurt them if possible Harry .
i dont want to hurt anyone pismoe....why do you?...
------------------------------------- no one was hurt as far as i am aware . if you mean hurt the dems , yeah , i'm all for that as i have no use for them . Course i mean , hurt the 'dems' politically , not talking violence but hurt the dems polically in 'washington' hawaii , USA and world wide . Yeah , I don't like the 'dems' Harry .
i dont care for the far left ones,but i knew lots of "normal" ones who were ok....
----------------------------------------- there are no normal dems that support democrat platform or who woulda voted for 'hilary' Harry .
sure there think every democrat voted for hillary?...and many of them say the same thing about you righties....there are no normal republicans that support the republican platform or who voted for trump.....
the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....
You usually don't have a bunch of "RESIST" assholes inside the government when Democrats are running things.
that didnt answer my question.....
This sort of thing seems to be going on alot ever since Hillary and Obama became ex-government officials and are now running a resistance.
Expect this kind of thing to happen whenever Trump looks like he's about to change the minds of most of the public.
It's like all of these reports of IRS agents in Cincinnati going rouge....or some low level agent releasing somebody's divorce records to the media. Or every civil service employee's personal information accidentally stolen by unknown hackers.
Classic communist tactics.
you dance around questions as good as dean does....
any dem that is dem supports some form of gun control [for example] simply by being a dem Harry .
You know, instead of going into partisan bickering, how about actually talking about the subject?

Me? Well, dunno if the person who initiated the alarm should be fired, because this is a brand new system that Hawaii has just put in place. Maybe there is some more training and debugging of the system that needs to be done.

How about people focus on that, and not if there is a deep conspiracy against Trump?
I think we need to get to the bottom of what happened and why before we start talking about firing people.
You know, instead of going into partisan bickering, how about actually talking about the subject?

Me? Well, dunno if the person who initiated the alarm should be fired, because this is a brand new system that Hawaii has just put in place. Maybe there is some more training and debugging of the system that needs to be done.

How about people focus on that, and not if there is a deep conspiracy against Trump?
--------------------------------------------- go ahead , broaden the conversation , ok with me . As far as TRUMP , this was a dem caused FAKE emergency . 'hawaii' has a 'dem' governor in charge and he / she is responsible for 'hawaii' until something REALLY happens B.S. . [CHAIN OF COMMAND]
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the whole thing is no big deal , dem gov fault in my opinion and pretty funny imo .
republican govts never make any mistakes?....
You usually don't have a bunch of "RESIST" assholes inside the government when Democrats are running things.
that didnt answer my question.....
This sort of thing seems to be going on alot ever since Hillary and Obama became ex-government officials and are now running a resistance.
Expect this kind of thing to happen whenever Trump looks like he's about to change the minds of most of the public.
It's like all of these reports of IRS agents in Cincinnati going rouge....or some low level agent releasing somebody's divorce records to the media. Or every civil service employee's personal information accidentally stolen by unknown hackers.
Classic communist tactics.
you dance around questions as good as dean does....
You're a liar too.
You know, instead of going into partisan bickering, how about actually talking about the subject?

Me? Well, dunno if the person who initiated the alarm should be fired, because this is a brand new system that Hawaii has just put in place. Maybe there is some more training and debugging of the system that needs to be done.

How about people focus on that, and not if there is a deep conspiracy against Trump?
--------------------------------------------- go ahead , broaden the conversation , ok with me . As far as TRUMP , this was a dem caused FAKE emergency . 'hawaii' has a 'dem' governor in charge and he / she is responsible for 'hawaii' until something REALLY happens B.S. . [CHAIN OF COMMAND]

Ever think that the reason this happened wasn't because of some partisan bullcrap (we don't know what the politics of the people in the bunker were at the time, nor do we know if the governor told them to sound the alarm), but rather because it is a new system that needs to be debugged, or that because it's a new system, they haven't been trained sufficiently for it?

I'd like to find out what really went down before descending into the political bickering.
There has to be more to it than just pushing a wrong button. Aren't their many protocols that have to be followed before ANY button is pushed???
my view , its a 'dem' state full of 'dems' most likely a 'dem' did the deed and that good enough for me until this deal goes to a Court of Law which it never will . And I also want to add that the assumed 'dem' that did this trick is ASSUMED by me to be a 'Hawaiin dem doper' getting ready to go home and do the TIDE POD Challenge .
There has to be more to it than just pushing a wrong button. Aren't their many protocols that have to be followed before ANY button is pushed???

Probably not as many protocols for sounding alarms, because in many cases you want to get the word out as quickly as possible.
There has to be more to it than just pushing a wrong button. Aren't their many protocols that have to be followed before ANY button is pushed???

Probably not as many protocols for sounding alarms, because in many cases you want to get the word out as quickly as possible.
----------------------------------------------------- sounds kinda funny as this is a VERY SPECIAL kind of alarm B.S..
I read this article, What You Should Know About Hawaii's False Alarm, According To A Former Navy Emergency Manager on a U.S. vet site. Someone is bullshitting the public. It was NOT just an honest mistake of pressing one wrong button. As the article makes a strong case insofar that to trigger the alarm took a series of more complicated procedures that needed to be done first. I think, it was deliberate.

By the way, Trump had nothing to do with it.


Rush Limbaugh made a good point today. He said try erasing everything on your I-phone. It won't let you do it.

In order to reset your phone or erase all content. it makes you verify it at least three times; each time giving you a warning of what will happen if you continue. First off you have to punch in your password. Then you have to hit a confirm button, then you have to hit another confirm button. Then it gives you a countdown of when the process is going to start which also gives you the option to stop it.

He also said something else that I haven't verified, and that is the government took to Twitter to tell people it was a false alarm before telling the general public. I think he said they posted it 17 minutes after the alarm.
Personally, I think it was an anifa kinda person that WANTED to cause mass hysteria and to see if Trump would push a button on his desk. Yes, they would go that far. AND, I think the msm will cover it up as much as possible.

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