Government Failed and Guns Prevailed!


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Okay, so in light of the tragedy in Texas, the Left just can't wait for us to even mourn the loss of innocent lives before politicizing and grandstanding with their typical gun control narrative. When the classless and uncouth virtue signalers are told, "now is not the time," they retort... "Well, when IS the time?"

You'd think maybe people could at least bury their dead kids before we have this conversation but the Left tastes blood in the water and can't control themselves. "It's time to stop praying and start legislating!" quipped one such lefty. Okay, you want this conversation now... you got it!

Let's start with what we KNOW about this madman. He was a devout Atheist blogger, much like the low life shitstains we see at USMB every day. For all we know, he could've been one of them! He was a repeat offender of domestic violence, dishonorably discharged from the military because of it. It was THE GOVERNMENT who failed to properly report this scumbag so that his name would come up in a database when trying to purchase firearms. The LAWS were there! GOVERNMENT failed!

It does not matter what kind of legislation you have if the GOVERNMENT FAILS to enforce the laws! The Obama justice department was duplicitous in routinely turning a blind eye to situations such as this. Over 14,000 illegal firearms purchases were made under Obama and only 44 were ever prosecuted. That's the ones who WERE properly reported by the GOVERNMENT authorities. More often than not, the liberal judges appointed by Obama & Company would simply hand out a slap on the wrist and release the offenders with little to no punishment for flagrant violations of the law. And who knows how many like this one are out there?

Let's have the conversation about mental health in America! Back around the mid 1970s, the Left rallied around "the cause" over what they viewed as unfair incarceration of the mentally ill. Movies like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest were successful in swaying public opinion. Here were these poor individuals, locked up in mental institutions by their relatives, through no real fault of their own.... it was a travesty... something HAD to be done and the Left wouldn't shut up until it was. So we basically overturned laws regarding involuntary institutionalization, and the nuts were turned loose in society. It practically takes an act of congress to have someone committed against their will these days, thanks to the LEFT and LEFT-WING LEGISLATION!

The shooter in Texas was armed to the hilt and prepared to do battle. When he finished executing parishioners at the Baptist church, he was likely headed for another down the road. There is literally no telling how many people this degenerate would have executed if not for the action of one good man with a gun who stopped him. If the gun control fanatics had their way, this maniac might still be out there shooting innocent people. Oh by the way, he was shot with a legally purchased AR-15 by an NRA member. Government failed, guns prevailed!

And THIS is exactly why we have a 2nd Amendment. Government and laws are unable to properly protect "We The People" at all times and in all cases. Governments fail, laws are broken, criminals have no regard for legislation. So when you're emoting about what the government can do to prevent such tragedies in the future, remember this... they can reinforce the 2nd Amendment! They can STOP this silly nonsensical left-wing gun control rhetoric and focus on things like mental health and left-wing attacks on religious freedom by the creeping secular Atheist misfits who perpetrate such violent acts.
Okay, so in light of the tragedy in Texas, the Left just can't wait for us to even mourn the loss of innocent lives before politicizing and grandstanding with their typical gun control narrative. When the classless and uncouth virtue signalers are told, "now is not the time," they retort... "Well, when IS the time?"

You'd think maybe people could at least bury their dead kids before we have this conversation but the Left tastes blood in the water and can't control themselves. "It's time to stop praying and start legislating!" quipped one such lefty. Okay, you want this conversation now... you got it!

Let's start with what we KNOW about this madman. He was a devout Atheist blogger, much like the low life shitstains we see at USMB every day. For all we know, he could've been one of them! He was a repeat offender of domestic violence, dishonorably discharged from the military because of it. It was THE GOVERNMENT who failed to properly report this scumbag so that his name would come up in a database when trying to purchase firearms. The LAWS were there! GOVERNMENT failed!

It does not matter what kind of legislation you have if the GOVERNMENT FAILS to enforce the laws! The Obama justice department was duplicitous in routinely turning a blind eye to situations such as this. Over 14,000 illegal firearms purchases were made under Obama and only 44 were ever prosecuted. That's the ones who WERE properly reported by the GOVERNMENT authorities. More often than not, the liberal judges appointed by Obama & Company would simply hand out a slap on the wrist and release the offenders with little to no punishment for flagrant violations of the law. And who knows how many like this one are out there?

Let's have the conversation about mental health in America! Back around the mid 1970s, the Left rallied around "the cause" over what they viewed as unfair incarceration of the mentally ill. Movies like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest were successful in swaying public opinion. Here were these poor individuals, locked up in mental institutions by their relatives, through no real fault of their own.... it was a travesty... something HAD to be done and the Left wouldn't shut up until it was. So we basically overturned laws regarding involuntary institutionalization, and the nuts were turned loose in society. It practically takes an act of congress to have someone committed against their will these days, thanks to the LEFT and LEFT-WING LEGISLATION!

The shooter in Texas was armed to the hilt and prepared to do battle. When he finished executing parishioners at the Baptist church, he was likely headed for another down the road. There is literally no telling how many people this degenerate would have executed if not for the action of one good man with a gun who stopped him. If the gun control fanatics had their way, this maniac might still be out there shooting innocent people. Oh by the way, he was shot with a legally purchased AR-15 by an NRA member. Government failed, guns prevailed!

And THIS is exactly why we have a 2nd Amendment. Government and laws are unable to properly protect "We The People" at all times and in all cases. Governments fail, laws are broken, criminals have no regard for legislation. So when you're emoting about what the government can do to prevent such tragedies in the future, remember this... they can reinforce the 2nd Amendment! They can STOP this silly nonsensical left-wing gun control rhetoric and focus on things like mental health and left-wing attacks on religious freedom by the creeping secular Atheist misfits who perpetrate such violent acts.
That is what at the end of the day is so ironic here......the bozo progressives want to put everything in the hands of government to make the world all right.:gay: No need to elaborate..........
Okay, so in light of the tragedy in Texas, the Left just can't wait for us to even mourn the loss of innocent lives before politicizing and grandstanding with their typical gun control narrative. When the classless and uncouth virtue signalers are told, "now is not the time," they retort... "Well, when IS the time?"

You'd think maybe people could at least bury their dead kids before we have this conversation but the Left tastes blood in the water and can't control themselves. "It's time to stop praying and start legislating!" quipped one such lefty. Okay, you want this conversation now... you got it!

Let's start with what we KNOW about this madman. He was a devout Atheist blogger, much like the low life shitstains we see at USMB every day. For all we know, he could've been one of them! He was a repeat offender of domestic violence, dishonorably discharged from the military because of it. It was THE GOVERNMENT who failed to properly report this scumbag so that his name would come up in a database when trying to purchase firearms. The LAWS were there! GOVERNMENT failed!

It does not matter what kind of legislation you have if the GOVERNMENT FAILS to enforce the laws! The Obama justice department was duplicitous in routinely turning a blind eye to situations such as this. Over 14,000 illegal firearms purchases were made under Obama and only 44 were ever prosecuted. That's the ones who WERE properly reported by the GOVERNMENT authorities. More often than not, the liberal judges appointed by Obama & Company would simply hand out a slap on the wrist and release the offenders with little to no punishment for flagrant violations of the law. And who knows how many like this one are out there?

Let's have the conversation about mental health in America! Back around the mid 1970s, the Left rallied around "the cause" over what they viewed as unfair incarceration of the mentally ill. Movies like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest were successful in swaying public opinion. Here were these poor individuals, locked up in mental institutions by their relatives, through no real fault of their own.... it was a travesty... something HAD to be done and the Left wouldn't shut up until it was. So we basically overturned laws regarding involuntary institutionalization, and the nuts were turned loose in society. It practically takes an act of congress to have someone committed against their will these days, thanks to the LEFT and LEFT-WING LEGISLATION!

The shooter in Texas was armed to the hilt and prepared to do battle. When he finished executing parishioners at the Baptist church, he was likely headed for another down the road. There is literally no telling how many people this degenerate would have executed if not for the action of one good man with a gun who stopped him. If the gun control fanatics had their way, this maniac might still be out there shooting innocent people. Oh by the way, he was shot with a legally purchased AR-15 by an NRA member. Government failed, guns prevailed!

And THIS is exactly why we have a 2nd Amendment. Government and laws are unable to properly protect "We The People" at all times and in all cases. Governments fail, laws are broken, criminals have no regard for legislation. So when you're emoting about what the government can do to prevent such tragedies in the future, remember this... they can reinforce the 2nd Amendment! They can STOP this silly nonsensical left-wing gun control rhetoric and focus on things like mental health and left-wing attacks on religious freedom by the creeping secular Atheist misfits who perpetrate such violent acts.

Fantastic OP! Keep them that short from now on and I'll read moar!

You have to balance the points you want to make with length.

Yes! The Mental Health Hospitals need to open back up!

Yes! America needs to turn away from the atheistic heathens and get back to God!

No! More gun restrictions are not the answer, if anything, arm more people!
I have a plan to reduce mass-shooting incidents wayyy down!

There is a government solution, it's not banning guns.

Put prayer back in schools.

Stop teaching "subjective morality" humanism in schools.

Re-introduce corporal punishment in the homes and schools.

Re-open State Mental Hospitals.

Review drugs given to psych patients.

America needs more Jesus.
Okay, so in light of the tragedy in Texas, the Left just can't wait for us to even mourn the loss of innocent lives before politicizing and grandstanding with their typical gun control narrative. When the classless and uncouth virtue signalers are told, "now is not the time," they retort... "Well, when IS the time?"

You'd think maybe people could at least bury their dead kids before we have this conversation but the Left tastes blood in the water and can't control themselves. "It's time to stop praying and start legislating!" quipped one such lefty. Okay, you want this conversation now... you got it!

Let's start with what we KNOW about this madman. He was a devout Atheist blogger, much like the low life shitstains we see at USMB every day. For all we know, he could've been one of them! He was a repeat offender of domestic violence, dishonorably discharged from the military because of it. It was THE GOVERNMENT who failed to properly report this scumbag so that his name would come up in a database when trying to purchase firearms. The LAWS were there! GOVERNMENT failed!

It does not matter what kind of legislation you have if the GOVERNMENT FAILS to enforce the laws! The Obama justice department was duplicitous in routinely turning a blind eye to situations such as this. Over 14,000 illegal firearms purchases were made under Obama and only 44 were ever prosecuted. That's the ones who WERE properly reported by the GOVERNMENT authorities. More often than not, the liberal judges appointed by Obama & Company would simply hand out a slap on the wrist and release the offenders with little to no punishment for flagrant violations of the law. And who knows how many like this one are out there?

Let's have the conversation about mental health in America! Back around the mid 1970s, the Left rallied around "the cause" over what they viewed as unfair incarceration of the mentally ill. Movies like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest were successful in swaying public opinion. Here were these poor individuals, locked up in mental institutions by their relatives, through no real fault of their own.... it was a travesty... something HAD to be done and the Left wouldn't shut up until it was. So we basically overturned laws regarding involuntary institutionalization, and the nuts were turned loose in society. It practically takes an act of congress to have someone committed against their will these days, thanks to the LEFT and LEFT-WING LEGISLATION!

The shooter in Texas was armed to the hilt and prepared to do battle. When he finished executing parishioners at the Baptist church, he was likely headed for another down the road. There is literally no telling how many people this degenerate would have executed if not for the action of one good man with a gun who stopped him. If the gun control fanatics had their way, this maniac might still be out there shooting innocent people. Oh by the way, he was shot with a legally purchased AR-15 by an NRA member. Government failed, guns prevailed!

And THIS is exactly why we have a 2nd Amendment. Government and laws are unable to properly protect "We The People" at all times and in all cases. Governments fail, laws are broken, criminals have no regard for legislation. So when you're emoting about what the government can do to prevent such tragedies in the future, remember this... they can reinforce the 2nd Amendment! They can STOP this silly nonsensical left-wing gun control rhetoric and focus on things like mental health and left-wing attacks on religious freedom by the creeping secular Atheist misfits who perpetrate such violent acts.

Fantastic OP! Keep them that short from now on and I'll read moar!

You have to balance the points you want to make with length.

Yes! The Mental Health Hospitals need to open back up!

Yes! America needs to turn away from the atheistic heathens and get back to God!

No! More gun restrictions are not the answer, if anything, arm more people!
It's a complex idea, I'm glad he took the time, I'm too lazy.

This problem has been long in the making.

We pay for an enormous, yet hugely inefficient government that spends more time spying and abusing us, then helping or protecting us.

It's awful.

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