Government now claims catastrophic wildfires are natural and good for wildlife...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Except when they aren't.

When they AREN'T is when ranchers or farmers have the unmitigated gall to start their own.

Eastern Oregon Ranchers Convicted of Arson Resentenced to Five Years in Prison

When they ARE is when the public starts to notice that the fires are bigger, and worse, than anything that ever took place before government management of our resources, because of the government strategy to increase and preserve the fire load and to engage in "prescribed burns" of their own at the peak of fire season.

"BLM fire crews are filmed here lighting all kinds of fire on private land, they claim as back fire, but they are being lit upwind. If this is standard BLM procedure, no wonder the people of Colorado lost so many homes, and the ranchers along Hwy 95 have lost hundreds of cattle. There needs to be a federal investigation into BLM and their fire fighting tactics. They are now working at burning out any remaining feed in every field, as well as more supposed "back fire" operations.":

Rural Oregonians (as well as rural Montana and Washington residents) are currently enraged over the catastrophic wildfires that are ravaging the countryside. Resources that they are not allowed to touch or control in any way, shape or form are literally going up in smoke, thanks to the government *management* practices that have created a huge, and unnatural, fire load.

Homes, lives, culture and the economy of rural areas have been destroyed and are now being burned, while the government agencies smugly insist that the fires are *natural* and *healthy* for the land and the animals.

Oregon authorities say wildfires 'can be good for wildlife'
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Yeah it's more than that.

They are actively over planting, and piling fodder, while at the same time restricting all use and harvest of any of the same, for the express purpose of creating catastrophic fires.

And the objective isn't for the health of the planet. It's specifically to destroy economies, culture and lives of the people who live there.
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Yeah it's more than that.

They are actively over planting, and piling fodder, while at the same time restricting all use and harvest of any of the same, for the express purpose of creating catastrophic fires.

And the objective isn't for the health of the planet. It's specifically to destroy economies, culture and lives of the people who live there.
I always thought it was self indulgent, do gooder, nonsense. There seems to be no point to what they are doing. None.

Remember the war on forest fires? Smokey the Bear "Only you can prevent forest fires", with Iron Eyes Cody shedding tears in the back ground. Those children grew up to the destructive liberals.

The forests in the San Bernardino mountains have been devastated by the Bark Beetle. They killed tree after tree. But it was against the law to destroy the natural dead tree habitat of the Bark Beetle, and certainly extermination of this indigenous insect would not be permitted. The farmland of the central valley was destroyed because of the snail darter fish. So the Bark Beetle was killing off tree after tree.

A friend of mine owned a cabin in Crestline. The fire marshal from the forestry service gave her a citation and ordered her to clear all the dead brush and dead trees surrounding her cabin. She did. At her own expense. The EPA quickly followed that up with a citation of their own stating that she had destroyed natural habitat and removed the habitat of the Bark Beetle. She was fined for removing the dead trees and ordered to restore all the dead brush that had been cleared away. She fought it in court thinking that the notice from the Fire Marshal would protect her. Not quite. She was still fighting it out in court when a tremendous forest fire swept through the region and burned her cabin to the ground. She collected the insurance, paid off the the fines and then just walked away. Abandoned the property. After a few years it was auctioned off for back taxes.
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Yeah it's more than that.

They are actively over planting, and piling fodder, while at the same time restricting all use and harvest of any of the same, for the express purpose of creating catastrophic fires.

And the objective isn't for the health of the planet. It's specifically to destroy economies, culture and lives of the people who live there.
I always thought it was self indulgent, do gooder, nonsense. There seems to be no point to what they are doing. None.

Remember the war on forest fires? Smokey the Bear "Only you can prevent forest fires", with Iron Eyes Cody shedding tears in the back ground. Those children grew up to the destructive liberals.

The forests in the San Bernardino mountains have been devastated by the Bark Beetle. They killed tree after tree. But it was against the law to destroy the natural dead tree habitat of the Bark Beetle, and certainly extermination of this indigenous insect would not be permitted. The farmland of the central valley was destroyed because of the snail darter fish. So the Bark Beetle was killing off tree after tree.

A friend of mine owned a cabin in Crestline. The fire marshal from the forestry service gave her a citation and ordered her to clear all the dead brush and dead trees surrounding her cabin. She did. At her own expense. The EPA quickly followed that up with a citation of their own stating that she had destroyed natural habitat and removed the habitat of the Bark Beetle. She was fined for removing the dead trees and ordered to restore all the dead brush that had been cleared away. She fought it in court thinking that the notice from the Fire Marshal would protect her. Not quite. She was still fighting it out in court when a tremendous forest fire swept through the region and burned her cabin to the ground. She collected the insurance, paid off the the fines and then just walked away. Abandoned the property. After a few years it was auctioned off for back taxes.
It's calculated to have just that result.
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Yeah it's more than that.

They are actively over planting, and piling fodder, while at the same time restricting all use and harvest of any of the same, for the express purpose of creating catastrophic fires.

And the objective isn't for the health of the planet. It's specifically to destroy economies, culture and lives of the people who live there.

Hyperbole much?
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Yeah it's more than that.

They are actively over planting, and piling fodder, while at the same time restricting all use and harvest of any of the same, for the express purpose of creating catastrophic fires.

And the objective isn't for the health of the planet. It's specifically to destroy economies, culture and lives of the people who live there.

Hyperbole much?

It's not hyperbole at all.
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.

But would you want the GOOBERMINT doing the fires next to YOUR home?
Healthy forests periodically have fires. Some seeds cannot germinate unless burned. The dead brush gets burned off so the healthy vegetation can grow strong. That's a healthy forest.

The idiots in government has interfered to run in and stop every little puff of smoke. This means that when there is a fire it is hotter, bigger, and far more destructive.

In some of the worst California fires you find out that the area hasn't burned in 40 or more years.
Yeah it's more than that.

They are actively over planting, and piling fodder, while at the same time restricting all use and harvest of any of the same, for the express purpose of creating catastrophic fires.

And the objective isn't for the health of the planet. It's specifically to destroy economies, culture and lives of the people who live there.

Hyperbole much?

"One of the most startling clues I’ve run across lately comes from a July 1, 1998 newspaper article in The Montanian, which is published in Libby, a tiny rural town in Northwest Montana.

Did She Just Say That?
In the article, Libby County Commissioner, Rita Windom, informs us that she and other commissioners were approached by Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) state land manager, Darlene Edge, with a proposal to cooperate in driving rural residents out of the Montana countryside into cities. When commissioners responded with horror, Windom says Edge replied

“Can’t you see we are doing you a favor by forcing people to move from rural areas into the urban areas. That way you can close roads…Why don’t you work with us and move these people out of the rural areas and into the urban areas so cities can shoulder more of the responsibilities and the county can save money?”
Telling on Themselves: Rural Cleansing in Idaho and Montana
" The Wildlands Project calls for humans to be removed from one-half of the American land mass, and to create uninhabited corridors for wildlife to move freely from Alaska to Yellowstone Park, or farther south. It was written by radical environmentalists working in United Nations nongovernmental organizations with the full knowledge and aid of U.S. federal agencies such as U.S. Forest Service, BLM, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, EPA and others.

"It appears that the Wildlands Project is now being implemented, under another name, in Idaho and the West through the Western Governors Association’s Wildlife Corridors Initiative (WCI). "

Telling on Themselves: Rural Cleansing in Idaho and Montana

The Wildlands Project changes its name every few years, so it is difficult to track... now it's the Wildlands Network:

Collaborative Partners - Wildlands Network

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