Government of, by and for The People...


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

The problem is we have government of, by and for the corporations.

Thirty thousand coporate lobbiests in Washington all getting their cut of the corporate welfare. The quid pro quo of campaign donations for favorable legislation is so obvious that to call it anything other than prostitution is to lie.

We the people are not the problem.

Now with unlimited money from corporations for politicial campaigns The People will be drowned out. Only the corporations will be heard.

We are really at a tipping point now. The entire Republican Party is corporatly owned and at least half of the Democratic party has been bought.

Concentrated big money will completly wipe away our government and there will be no way to bring it back.

Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!
We are really at a tipping point now. The entire Republican Party is corporatly owned and at least half of the Democratic party has been bought.
Yeah, right....Not a shred of personal political bias there! :rolleyes:
Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

The problem is we have government of, by and for the corporations.

Thirty thousand coporate lobbiests in Washington all getting their cut of the corporate welfare. The quid pro quo of campaign donations for favorable legislation is so obvious that to call it anything other than prostitution is to lie.

We the people are not the problem.

Now with unlimited money from corporations for politicial campaigns The People will be drowned out. Only the corporations will be heard.

We are really at a tipping point now. The entire Republican Party is corporatly owned and at least half of the Democratic party has been bought.

Concentrated big money will completly wipe away our government and there will be no way to bring it back.

Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

Yes wonderful to see were trading it for Government of by and for Liberals.
"As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality."

George Washington
"Liberal" meant libertarian, not Fabian socialist progressive, when Washington said that.

"Liberal" meant libertarian, not Fabian socialist progressive, when Washington said that.



Is not our public Education wonderful.

Liberals today actually think they are following the Washington's footsteps. To rich. If Washington was alive today he would raise an army and take DC.
The USA is a perfect democracy.

It features government of the money, by the money, for the money.

One Dollah: one Vote. Amen.
That's true to an extent, but behind every multinational corporation stand millions of American capitalist sycophants
Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

The problem is we have government of, by and for the corporations.

Thirty thousand coporate lobbiests in Washington all getting their cut of the corporate welfare. The quid pro quo of campaign donations for favorable legislation is so obvious that to call it anything other than prostitution is to lie.

We the people are not the problem.

Now with unlimited money from corporations for politicial campaigns The People will be drowned out. Only the corporations will be heard.

We are really at a tipping point now. The entire Republican Party is corporatly owned and at least half of the Democratic party has been bought.

Concentrated big money will completly wipe away our government and there will be no way to bring it back.

Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

Ron Paul
Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

The problem is we have government of, by and for the corporations.

Thirty thousand coporate lobbiests in Washington all getting their cut of the corporate welfare. The quid pro quo of campaign donations for favorable legislation is so obvious that to call it anything other than prostitution is to lie.

We the people are not the problem.

Now with unlimited money from corporations for politicial campaigns The People will be drowned out. Only the corporations will be heard.

We are really at a tipping point now. The entire Republican Party is corporatly owned and at least half of the Democratic party has been bought.

Concentrated big money will completly wipe away our government and there will be no way to bring it back.

Government of, by and for The People...IS NOT THE PROBLEM!

When we started treating corporations like people.....

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