Government Will Take Almost Half Your Paycheck in 2013

Does that include state and local taxes? Property taxes? Read before you comment:eusa_eh:

State, yes. Local, no.

Now, answer my question. Does your chart take into account the amount of your income that is exempted from taxes?

property tax?

You didn't answer my question.

Property taxes are local. I answered. My property taxes represent less than 1% of my total income.

Now answer my question. Does your chart take into account the amount of your income that is exempted from taxes?
How dare the Government take a portion of my money in order to provide services and goods that I use on a daily basis!

This is an OUTRAGE!

Government has always taken close to half your paycheck.

And yet somehow we've managed to survive.

We have a 1.3 trillion dollar defict We are not surviving much longer with that.

No, we will have to raise taxes which has been done in the past when taxes are cut, then fees and taxes in other areas are raised or new ones implemented.
Reagan raised taxes 11 times to offset his tax cuts and military spending which increase 4 fold. Clinton raised them and so did Bush jr, he raised fees mostly.
If Congress does not act on the Bush era tax cuts then we shall see taxes raised and 1 trillion in budget cuts.
This is nonsense. I'm looking at my pay stub. There is a total of 22% withheld from my check.

I am single, no dependents, so in my case I won't get any of the income tax portion of that back.

22% is not 50%. btw, I'm in NY so my state tax, which is included, is relatively high.

Again, this nonsense.

I should add that the above total deduction includes my share of my employer provided health insurance, so the percentage would be slightly lower.

PLUS, my income includes my employer's share of my healthcare, my employer's contribution to my retirement, my employer's share of my payroll tax, none of which is subjected to the taxes referred to but all of which is part of my income, i.e., my compensation for my job.

Humm...Is that an evil corporation? Do you have a premium healthcare policy? If so you'll be taxed more on that under Obama care

No. Don't change the subject.

Your calculation is bogus. Most of the numbers you're using are based on TAXABLE income. Do you understand that taxable income is a much lower number than your total income?
How dare the Government take a portion of my money in order to provide services and goods that I use on a daily basis!

This is an OUTRAGE!


Which ones are those?

Off the top of my head

Social security
Disability benefits
The military

The overall running and maintaining of our goverment.

you use all these on a daily basis? Really? What is your disability, and how much welfare and snap to you get daily?
How dare the Government take a portion of my money in order to provide services and goods that I use on a daily basis!

This is an OUTRAGE!


Which ones are those?

Public School
Social Security

Wait, are you that thin in the head? Do I really need to list them?

In addition, I have no problem with paying for services that I myself do not currently use. Medicare, SS, VA and all of those things that help those that are in a lesser state of health/living than myself.. But, I guess that is my "weakness".. Eh?
How dare the Government take a portion of my money in order to provide services and goods that I use on a daily basis!

This is an OUTRAGE!


Which ones are those?

Public School
Social Security

Wait, are you that thin in the head? Do I really need to list them?

In addition, I have no problem with paying for services that I myself do not currently use. Medicare, SS, VA and all of those things that help those that are in a lesser state of health/living than myself.. But, I guess that is my "weakness".. Eh?

The majority of what you listed is paid for via state, local, and property taxes, not federal.

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