Governor Abbots Deploys Texas State Guard to defend against Federal Operation Jade Helm

Does this send a strong message to the Federal Government?

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While I do believe the moonbat messiah would be the equivalent of stalin if he could get away with it, and liquidate all opposition I'm not espqcially concerned about Jade Helm. Most troops hold obozo in contempt and wouldn't follow an illegal order. The SF guys are for the most part conservative and dedicated to their oath.

Considering the guy who's raised most hell about it is that Alex Jones clown, who has about %2.7 credibility with me, I don't see much cause for alarm. I'm glad the Governor is showing concern towards the fears raised by tin foil hat malcontents, and rather than trust the feds he's keeping an eye on them. I think there is just as much potential for some "patriot" to do something stupid and create a problem, as there is for the feds to do something nefarious like collecting intel on civilians.


More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

Yeah, they be sent to Baltimore, amiright?

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

Yeah, they be sent to Baltimore, amiright?

Are you stupid?
It has to do with a governor making an ass out of himself.

The Governor is doing no such thing. You forget, this is happening in Texas. What would be making an ass out of yourself anywhere else is simply morning tea in Texas.

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

Yeah, they be sent to Baltimore, amiright?

Are you stupid?

What are you so worried about?

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

Yeah, they be sent to Baltimore, amiright?

Are you stupid?

What are you so worried about?

Nobody is worried. Perhaps a little amused at right wing silliness, but that gets a little tedious occasionally.

Only the Governor of Texas would go so far to pander to the most gullible people on the internet.

Oh yes, I'm sure the Governor made such a dramatic political calculation that can result in bloodshed between Texas and the Feds to satisfy a petty political urge.

Only a fucking moron could say that with a straight face and believe it.

Drama queen much? He just asked the command staff to monitor the op, nothing more.

And what other command did he give them? To inform and protect the liberties of Texans.

But hey, now I know you're a left-wing sleeper.

Only the Governor of Texas would go so far to pander to the most gullible people on the internet.

No one trusts the Federal Government:

View attachment 40534 Trust in Government Gallup Historical Trends

By comparison, 62% trust their state government.

View attachment 40534
Americans Still Trust Local Government More Than State

Ok. What's your point?

Are you under the impression that those statistics somehow make the whole conspiracy theory that the OP (and the Governor's pandering) any less bullshit?

Of course. It is the lack of faith in government that foments those beliefs. When a government is caught hiding the fact that they are spying on it's own citizens emails, phone calls and search histories, what else are they capable of hiding?

Watch Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Repeatedly Deny NSA Spying On Americans Over The Last Year Videos - Forbes (2013)

The fact that people don't trust the government is not evidence that the government is lying.

People believing something doesn't make it true.

You just shattered the entire premise behind the Tea Party?

They are radically opposed to the government that exists only in their head.

You should go to Dearborn Michigan and ask a local baker to bake a cake for your fag wedding. Just tell them you're Muslim just like they are and they'll be tolerant of your lifestyle choice. After all, Muslims are known for their tolerance toward gays.
It's nice to see a Texas Governor supporting our troops.

Oh, wait...
“Operation Jade Helm will bring the U.S. military's most elite soldiers, including the Green Berets and Navy SEALS, to Texas for simulated special operations in a hostile territory. But plans for the exercise have roused fears in many Texans of a federal occupation.”

"This just in: Texans shitting their pants in record numbers..."
Q: Why do Texans wear big belt buckles?

A: Tombstone for a dead dick.

Are you under the impression that those statistics somehow make the whole conspiracy theory that the OP (and the Governor's pandering) any less bullshit?

"Conspiracy Theory" is a code word for investigative journalism. What, are we supposed to wait for MSNBC to confirm or deny what's happening?[/QUOTE]

So when do you expect the bloody battles to begin? Are you saying everybody should start taking pot shots at anybody in a military uniform now, or should we just keep our tinfoil hats tight and wait for your signal?
Those Texans are tough. I think it would take as many as ten Navy SEALS to take over the state.
"Conspiracy Theory" is a code word for investigative journalism. What, are we supposed to wait for MSNBC to confirm or deny what's happening?

Yeah, we've learned that 'conspiracy theories' seldom pan out when it comes to the scum of the earth dimocrap party.

Why, just today we discovered THOUSANDS of emails that dimocrap scum at the IRS said weren't there....

IRS watchdog recovers thousands of missing Lois Lerner emails Fox News

Afterall, didn't the object of dimocrap homo-erotic dreams, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, say there wasn't a 'smidgen' of corruption at the IRS?

Isn't that good enough?

Meanwhile, remember how the criminal dimocrap whore Lois Lerner was found in Contempt of Congress?

dimocrap scum won't, but Patriots will.

Do any of you remember what happened to those charges?

Do you?

Here's what happened....

Feds won t pursue contempt charges against Lerner for not testifying before House Fox News

But..... WAIT!!!

Know WHY they won't pursue charges?


Because rather than taking the charge to a Grand Jury, AS WAS HIS DUTY, he dismissed the charges and resigned immediately.

He resigned because the House and the Senate would have IMPEACHED him in days, not weeks, days.

You gotta watch out for those 'conspiracy theories'

especially when it comes to the scum of the fucking earth dimocrap filth party
The message coming from USMB Lefties: The Feds should be able to parade armed Soliders about your town and city for "training exercises" whenever and however they want. Now sit down and shut up slave.

The way it normally works is the local community is informed a training exercise is going on and generally ignores it

But since we have another moron as Texas Governor, he has to turn it into a federal invasion force

Ok. What's your point?

Are you under the impression that those statistics somehow make the whole conspiracy theory that the OP (and the Governor's pandering) any less bullshit?

Of course. It is the lack of faith in government that foments those beliefs. When a government is caught hiding the fact that they are spying on it's own citizens emails, phone calls and search histories, what else are they capable of hiding?

Watch Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Repeatedly Deny NSA Spying On Americans Over The Last Year Videos - Forbes (2013)

The fact that people don't trust the government is not evidence that the government is lying.

People believing something doesn't make it true.

You just shattered the entire premise behind the Tea Party?

They are radically opposed to the government that exists only in their head.

You should go to Dearborn Michigan and ask a local baker to bake a cake for your fag wedding. Just tell them you're Muslim just like they are and they'll be tolerant of your lifestyle choice. After all, Muslims are known for their tolerance toward gays.

That picture is not from Dearborn, Michigan.

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