Governor Abbots Deploys Texas State Guard to defend against Federal Operation Jade Helm

Does this send a strong message to the Federal Government?

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Those Texans are tough. I think it would take as many as ten Navy SEALS to take over the state.
The Texas Rangers are tougher than Navy Seals.

They both are pretty tough. They both are also smart enough to know that any stupid scenario where they are in military conflict with each other exists only in the minds of crazy conspiracy theorists.
Texas secession is a very real possibility. They have all the resources they need to operate as an independent country and they aren't filled with pussies like other states that whine about federal trespass but do nothing about it. They also have the bulk of U.S. military assets they can seize at any time.
I said they weren't Christians.

They most certainly were. Every religion is saddled with assholes who stain that religion.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

Let me spell it out for you, skid mark. Christianity does not teach this kind of thing. Islam does. All those people who persecuted and lynched colored people will go to hell. That's about as unchristian as you can get. Jesus sides with the oppressed, the downtrodden, the humble, not the aggressor, the proud, and the violent.
I said they weren't Christians. Hanging colored people is inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus. Hanging homosexuals is perfectly consistent with the teachings of Muhammad. (Piss Be Upon Him)

It has long fascinated me how bigots are able to compartmentalize their brains like this.

You are able to defend your own religion when it comes to the extremists in it and explain how these are not real Christians, and yet you plunge right into condemning ALL Muslims and all of Islam based on the behaviors of their own extremists.

Those Texans are tough. I think it would take as many as ten Navy SEALS to take over the state.
The Texas Rangers are tougher than Navy Seals.

lol, I'll bet even the Rangers themselves wouldn't make that claim.
Because Texas Rangers don't talk about how tough they are. They just are. My guess is they don't have any faggots.

boohoo, maybe you could re-apply.

I never applied to be a Texas Ranger.
I said they weren't Christians. Hanging colored people is inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus. Hanging homosexuals is perfectly consistent with the teachings of Muhammad. (Piss Be Upon Him)

It has long fascinated me how bigots are able to compartmentalize their brains like this.

You are able to defend your own religion when it comes to the extremists in it and explain how these are not real Christians, and yet you plunge right into condemning ALL Muslims and all of Islam based on the behaviors of their own extremists.


I didn't condemn all Muslims. In fact, I respect the peaceful Muslims far more than any Leftwat.
Those Texans are tough. I think it would take as many as ten Navy SEALS to take over the state.
The Texas Rangers are tougher than Navy Seals.

lol, I'll bet even the Rangers themselves wouldn't make that claim.
Because Texas Rangers don't talk about how tough they are. They just are. My guess is they don't have any faggots.

boohoo, maybe you could re-apply.

I never applied to be a Texas Ranger.

It would have been a waste of time if you had applied. They don't want anyone who is crazy enough to believe that Texas might secede. I'm sure they would have started a file on you though.
Those Texans are tough. I think it would take as many as ten Navy SEALS to take over the state.
The Texas Rangers are tougher than Navy Seals.


You realize this:


is fiction, right?

Ol' Chuck himself is from Oklahoma, and his roundhouse kicking abilities are of Asian descent. Sorry, no Texas.
The message coming from USMB Lefties: The Feds should be able to parade armed Soliders about your town and city for "training exercises" whenever and however they want. Now sit down and shut up slave.

I'm all for pulling all federal military operations out of Texas, closing the facilities, shutting off the flow of taxpayer money into the state.

Move them to states that will appreciate them and what they do.
11 military bases in Texas. You really think you're going to shut them down?


I said we ought to. We'll be shutting them down anyway after Texas secedes. Might as well get it over with.

Texas will patriate those bases upon secession. You have no idea what it takes to "shut down" an Army base.

Seems it will go the other way as Army Divisions based at Ft Hood and Ft Bliss expand outward backed by the Air Force

How could Texas stop them?

Only the Governor of Texas would go so far to pander to the most gullible people on the internet.

Oh yes, I'm sure the Governor made such a dramatic political calculation that can result in bloodshed between Texas and the Feds to satisfy a petty political urge.

Only a fucking moron could say that with a straight face and believe it.


The fact that you think this could possibly result in "bloodshed between Texas and the Feds" puts you rather definitively in the group of people I was referring to.
Texas holds eleven military bases that would be patriotated upon secession. That's among many reason you Leftwats fear that republic.

Those Texans are tough. I think it would take as many as ten Navy SEALS to take over the state.
The Texas Rangers are tougher than Navy Seals.

lol, I'll bet even the Rangers themselves wouldn't make that claim.
Because Texas Rangers don't talk about how tough they are. They just are. My guess is they don't have any faggots.

boohoo, maybe you could re-apply.

I never applied to be a Texas Ranger.

You obviously never took a joke-getting class either.
Again, the fact that something is believable is not evidence that it is true.

If we agree that it is indeed believable, isn't it prudent to provide oversight?


Emphatically no.

Texas has a right to monitor Federal Military operations inside its State.

On a Federal Reservation (Fort Bragg, Fort Sam, etc)? No. On State land? Not only 'yes' but 'Hell Yes!'

Should they? Close call. I see nothing wrong with it. I think it is prudent..... And they might be able to learn something for their own National Guard types

Remember, we are SUPPOSED to be a Confederation of States, not a single entity. Although we all know that went out the door several decades ago, the facade is still important to maintain

The Articles of Confederation are ancient history,

as are the Confederate States of America.

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