Governor Abbots Deploys Texas State Guard to defend against Federal Operation Jade Helm

Does this send a strong message to the Federal Government?

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Only the Governor of Texas would go so far to pander to the most gullible people on the internet.

Oh yes, I'm sure the Governor made such a dramatic political calculation that can result in bloodshed between Texas and the Feds to satisfy a petty political urge.

Only a fucking moron could say that with a straight face and believe it.


The fact that you think this could possibly result in "bloodshed between Texas and the Feds" puts you rather definitively in the group of people I was referring to.
Texas holds eleven military bases that would be patriotated upon secession. That's among many reason you Leftwats fear that republic.


I love the obsession these 'red blooded American' conservatives have with leaving America.

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

What fucking iceberg?

Cpt. Edward J. Smith
So what have we learned about Texans in this topic?

We have learned they shit their pants in fear when Navy SEALS come to town.

We have learned they do not support our troops.

We have learned when Christians hang negroes, it is not a reflection on Christendom, but when Muslims hang gays, it is a reflection on all Islam.

We have learned 1200 guys can take over 38 million people with one hand tied behind their backs.

We have learned if you support our troops, you and Satan dine on babies together.

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

What fucking iceberg?

Cpt. Edward J. Smith

"HMS" and "USS" are mutually exclusive.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have just learned that because the Captain of the "HMS USS Titanic" was wrong, every conspiracy theory is true.

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

What fucking iceberg?

Cpt. Edward J. Smith

Nope, no martial law, no massive gun confiscation, and no iceberg. You must be having some sort of hallucination.

More conspiracy theory crap. Why am I not surprised you would post this silly shit?

What fucking iceberg?

Cpt. Edward J. Smith

Nope, no martial law, no massive gun confiscation, and no iceberg. You must be having some sort of hallucination.


Just heeding George Santayana advice

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it",
The funniest thing about the conspiracy mindset is that when inevitably this turns out to be nothing at all, the conspiracy nuts will start claiming that they're the ones who "prevented" it from happening.
The funniest thing about the conspiracy mindset is that when inevitably this turns out to be nothing at all, the conspiracy nuts will start claiming that they're the ones who "prevented" it from happening.

I'm sure you have wanted some investigative journalists (oops I mean conspiracy theorists) about during Stalin's rise to power. Seems like MSM in those days simply kissed Stalin/Hitler/Castro/Mao's ass, just like they kiss Obabble's ass.
The funniest thing about the conspiracy mindset is that when inevitably this turns out to be nothing at all, the conspiracy nuts will start claiming that they're the ones who "prevented" it from happening.

I'm sure you have wanted some investigative journalists (oops I mean conspiracy theorists) about during Stalin's rise to power. Seems like MSM in those days simply kissed Stalin/Hitler/Castro/Mao's ass, just like they kiss Obabble's ass.


This board never lets me down. I couldn't write comedy this good.

Conspiracy theorists = "investigative journalist"

The funniest thing about the conspiracy mindset is that when inevitably this turns out to be nothing at all, the conspiracy nuts will start claiming that they're the ones who "prevented" it from happening.

The funniest thing about the government supremacist mindset is that when inevitably this turns out to be the imposition of total tyranny they will feel like fish in water. Misery loves company.
The funniest thing about the conspiracy mindset is that when inevitably this turns out to be nothing at all, the conspiracy nuts will start claiming that they're the ones who "prevented" it from happening.

I'm sure you have wanted some investigative journalists (oops I mean conspiracy theorists) about during Stalin's rise to power. Seems like MSM in those days simply kissed Stalin/Hitler/Castro/Mao's ass, just like they kiss Obabble's ass.


This board never lets me down. I couldn't write comedy this good.

Conspiracy theorists = "investigative journalist"


Give us an example of what you consider investigative journalism.

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