Governor Christie (R) rises ABOVE politics AGAIN

About the ONLY way I would even consider voting for him is if he picks a solid Conservative as his running mate. Otherwise, two RINOs and forget it.

Why is it that, because someone doesn't agree with the GOP 100%, they're a RINO?
Are you telling me there's not one normally conservative thing you disagree with?

Not that I'd think he'd win the Republican primary anyway. But I'd still like to know.

What would be compelling is if after winning NH, Christie had the courage and political will to not make that hard right turn as the primaries move South, to defy the radical right, social conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists and pursue a campaign based on his values and priorities.
SOunds just like John McCain and Mitt Romney before either of them considered running.

But I'm surprised you support a union-basher like Christie.

he just has less stupid in him unlike you. Thats why you dont like him, till he runs against hillary or something and then you will vote for him anyways, because you lack principles.
While I don't believe he is president material, he does have the balls to tell the truth:


That's why the pubs and the rw's hate him.
Christie has not pandered to any liberal ideals. Do these words come to you on the fly or do you actually think about them?

He took Federal funds for disaster relief and said thanks. That set nutters off. He is a hard-ass when it comes to labor and he fucked Jersey on the much needed tunnel project.

He's no liberal. He'll have to earn independent votes.
About the ONLY way I would even consider voting for him is if he picks a solid Conservative as his running mate. Otherwise, two RINOs and forget it.

First off, Christie will never get the nomination. He isn't a Republican outside of the north east. He'a another Giuliani wing liberal Republican that Dems wow over until they have to vote for someone. He is anti gun. He doesn't follow the GOP on most issues. Yes, he kicks union butt but so what? In NJ that's hardly difficult.

When it comes down to brass tax, what will a democrat do? Will they vote for Hillary or Christie? As for conservatives, he has become toxic. That leaves a very small voting population for him.
About the ONLY way I would even consider voting for him is if he picks a solid Conservative as his running mate. Otherwise, two RINOs and forget it.

Why is it that, because someone doesn't agree with the GOP 100%, they're a RINO?
Are you telling me there's not one normally conservative thing you disagree with?

Not that I'd think he'd win the Republican primary anyway. But I'd still like to know.

What would be compelling is if after winning NH, Christie had the courage and political will to not make that hard right turn as the primaries move South, to defy the radical right, social conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists and pursue a campaign based on his values and priorities.

so do like the Democrat party would do much for that big tent thingy you all crow about
typical rightard deflection. :thup:

I didnt know you were a "rightard". You've never been wrong before, eh?

I never went "all-in" like you did before the guy even had one debate. That was pretty naive wasn't it?

PLUS, now you run around with an avie mocking the First Lady. How manly of you. :rolleyes: :clap2: NEWSFLASH asswipe!!! First Ladies aren't elected. Gawd but you're a butt hurt partisan tool :thup:

Translation: I've never stuck my neck out because I'm too stupid to see into the future. I'd rather insult people and make fact and argument free posts.

Yeah, we know all about you. You bleat the same shit over and over to the applause of the lefty echo chamber. Hey, guy whatever gets you off.
SOunds just like John McCain and Mitt Romney before either of them considered running.

But I'm surprised you support a union-basher like Christie.

he just has less stupid in him unlike you. Thats why you dont like him, till he runs against hillary or something and then you will vote for him anyways, because you lack principles.

I wouldn't be calling stupid if I had your track record on this forum: ass handed to him every thread.

Christie will never be nominated. The GOP cannot win with yet another northeastern RINO. But hey, if you support union bashing I can agree with that.
Since the days of "W", those on the left have continued to tell the GOP that their most moderate candidate will win, so they go out and get "maverick" McCan't and Romneycare.

Funny how that never works out for them.

Does anyone know the definition of insanity?
Since the days of "W", those on the left have continued to tell the GOP that their most moderate candidate will win, so they go out and get "maverick" McCan't and Romneycare.

Funny how that never works out for them.

Does anyone know the definition of insanity?

Thats true although by this point irrelevant. The Dems have discovered a winning formula and will stick with it: A clean articulate black man promising free gov't cheese to inner city Negroes in swing states. They'll win every time.
Christy doesn't do anything for me...he's just another politician nothing impressive about him in my book..
Christy doesn't do anything for me...he's just another politician nothing impressive about him in my book..
He's ok if you are looking for a blue dog democrat or a liberal republican. I think he does a good job representing the progressives in a progressive state. I'd vote for him over Hilary if they were the only two choices.

Since our voting system is so broken, I would not be surprised if we are given that sort of choice once more.
Christy doesn't do anything for me...he's just another politician nothing impressive about him in my book..

I have to say that you are wrong. One of his appeals is that he can cut through the crap at times. Instead of letting himself be a punching bag and try to make nice and be politically correct, he will get in the ring and take you down in front of the press.

I'm not saying that this is necessarily a good thing, but it certainly is refreshing at times.
Franco? Is that you?

Newt and Willie did well at working across the aisle.

Look around a bit.
Everyone's drifting to the Middle.
Our most recent "scandals" have managed to unite us there.

It's time we wake up and realize that unision and work to fix this train-wreck we used to call a Constitutional Republic

as much as some people hate Newt and Bubba, they did realize that the only way to get anything done was to work together---and deep down they were both interested in what was best for the country. I do not think Obama shares that goal.

So what did Newt and Bubba do that was good for the country?

restructured welfare and balanced the budget for a couple of years.

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