Governor Christie Rises Above the Fray!


I wish I was old enough to see what the Republican Party use to be. When its members understood that compromise and working with your counterparts was something to be valued, not condemned. Maybe one day we will get back to that type of Republican, the real Republicans, not these "libertarians" or "tea partiers" that run around under the garb of the GOP making us look silly.
I should mention I was a registered Republican going back to Barry Goldwater -- and a proud Conservative as well. But the disgraceful changes in the basic nature of those two designations forced me to re-register as a Democrat in '03. The only reason I went Democrat is there is no Independent Party in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.

While I am by no means a Republican in the present sense of that designation, I do not think of myself as a Democrat either.

Fellow New Jersian here as well. I couldn't be happier with Christy. He is my type of Republican and I consider him a true Republican. none of that crazy Michelle Bachman stuff, just a good old fashion, get it done type of guy.
Deleted. My info was wrong.

Now all you need to do is delete everything you have posted!

theDoctorisIn said:
Christie is apparently a "RINO" because he doesn't hate gays, Muslims or Obama.

When all else fails, play the homophobe, race and anti-Islam card. Classic leftist horseshit.

Then I'm sure you'll be able to explain exactly what makes Christie a "RINO", right?

Unlike you, I really don't care about Republican or Democrat. I am Libertarian, Christie is just a Republican statist/authoritarian as opposed to a Democrat statist/authoritarian. And, furthermore; where did I call Christie a RINO in my reply to you? You won't find it. I called you on a completely different issue and you are trying to divert this into a different direction.
Now all you need to do is delete everything you have posted!

When all else fails, play the homophobe, race and anti-Islam card. Classic leftist horseshit.

Then I'm sure you'll be able to explain exactly what makes Christie a "RINO", right?

Unlike you, I really don't care about Republican or Democrat. I am Libertarian, Christie is just a Republican statist/authoritarian as opposed to a Democrat statist/authoritarian. And, furthermore; where did I call Christie a RINO in my reply to you? You won't find it. I called you on a completely different issue and you are trying to divert this into a different direction.

No, you didn't "call me on a completely different issue". My post was a direct response to other posts in the thread that called Christie a "RINO".
Then I'm sure you'll be able to explain exactly what makes Christie a "RINO", right?

Unlike you, I really don't care about Republican or Democrat. I am Libertarian, Christie is just a Republican statist/authoritarian as opposed to a Democrat statist/authoritarian. And, furthermore; where did I call Christie a RINO in my reply to you? You won't find it. I called you on a completely different issue and you are trying to divert this into a different direction.

No, you didn't "call me on a completely different issue". My post was a direct response to other posts in the thread that called Christie a "RINO".

Yes, I did call you on an issue in my original reply to you and you won't address it. You are trying to lump me into those who called Christie RINO as a way to get out of my calling you out. I did not call Christie a RINO, if this is an issue with those who did call him a RINO, bring it up with them, not me. If you are not gonna address what I called you on, the don't even waste your time replying, because you are wasting my time.....SpinDoctor
Fellow New Jersian here as well. I couldn't be happier with Christy. He is my type of Republican and I consider him a true Republican. none of that crazy Michelle Bachman stuff, just a good old fashion, get it done type of guy.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is the embodiment of today's Republican Party and everything it has come to represent. You name it, Christie's got it: Disingenuous, smug, nasty? Check. Robotic servant of the corporate class, foisting its lobbyists' prefabricated laws on an unsuspecting public? Check. Hostile toward women? Double-check.

And last night he proved his bona fides as a Republican by proving he meets his party's other criterion, which is an absolute contempt toward the ordinary men and women who have been victimized by its policies. The night before the nation received its latest bad news on unemployment, Christie told a cheering Republican crowd that the nation's jobless were lazy examples of an entitlement mentality.

Needless to say, Chris Christie is now considered a leading Vice Presidential contender.

Richard (RJ) Eskow: Chris Christie: The Heartless, Smug, Bullying Embodiment of Today's Republican Party


I know there is nothing I or anyone else can say that will alter your partisan inclination or the impression Christie has skillfully imparted to you. But you might be interested in reading the linked article. And there's a lot more if you'd care to do a little Google research.
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Christie would be a typical democrat if the democrat party didn't evolve into something monstrous. He is liberal on every issue that is important to democrats. The problem for Christie was that he couldn't get endorsed by the party because he is too outspoken and honest for the DNC to control so he ran as a republican. When he appoints a democrat to the senate it will be perfectly clear that Christie is a RINO in the truest sense. I would hope that the democrat party takes him back into the fold . It would be the best thing all around.

He's trying to avoid appointing anybody, hence the election thing.

Look, Liability said it best on his OP: If he appointed anyone, Democrat or Republican, he'd be shooting himself in the foot. He's a Republican Governor in a Democrat state, and although I think he has the pull to survive appointing a Republican senator in the short term, I doubt he'd be reelected in his state.

I don't see how giving it to the people makes him a RINO. Does it make him spend tons of money his state doesn't have? Yeah. But that's your average politician so I don't see how that makes him different from any of the Left or the Right.

Like it or not, I think the GOP needs Christie far more than the Dems do... I mean, lets face it, the media's done a good job of making you look like the bad guys in everything. If Democrats like him, then that's a mark against the normal MSM propaganda. I'd take him over Romney or Obama for sure.

(Speaking of which, I've heard people accuse Rand Paul and Rubio of being RINOs too. What's up with that?)
Governor Christie is more a statesman as opposed to the wingnut pols in Washington

Uh no he fits in with them quite nicely.

In my opinion, he put himself before his constituents.

ummm..... ok :eusa_eh: Thats why he told the Washington denizens to quit bickering & get the job done after Sandy.

I'm talking about the election.

Well he'll be spending a good 20 mil of that money on the election. So they do go together.
Unlike you, I really don't care about Republican or Democrat. I am Libertarian, Christie is just a Republican statist/authoritarian as opposed to a Democrat statist/authoritarian. And, furthermore; where did I call Christie a RINO in my reply to you? You won't find it. I called you on a completely different issue and you are trying to divert this into a different direction.

No, you didn't "call me on a completely different issue". My post was a direct response to other posts in the thread that called Christie a "RINO".

Yes, I did call you on an issue in my original reply to you and you won't address it. You are trying to lump me into those who called Christie RINO as a way to get out of my calling you out. I did not call Christie a RINO, if this is an issue with those who did call him a RINO, bring it up with them, not me. If you are not gonna address what I called you on, the don't even waste your time replying, because you are wasting my time.....SpinDoctor

What exactly do you think that you've "called me on"?

If you're talking about this:
theDoctorisIn said:
Christie is apparently a "RINO" because he doesn't hate gays, Muslims or Obama.

When all else fails, play the homophobe, race and anti-Islam card. Classic leftist horseshit.

I was referring to a few well-publicized recent situations when Christie was criticized by people on the Right for appointing a Muslim Judge, saying nice things about gays, and not attacking Obama.
I do find it amusing that the same Wingnuts who were singing Christie's praises a couple years ago have now turned on him because he had nice words for Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy.

I'm still not a fan. Christie was happy to bash the very public sector workers who came up to the bat when Sandy hit.
I like Christie. Always have.

He's an in your face kinda guy. He doesn't give shit one what anyone thinks of him. I like that.

I find him refreshing after the asskissers that abound in politics.
Do you mean Dems whom are disenchanted w/ Obama whom would never admit they voted for him, even tho' they did?

Praytell, inquiring minds want to know.
I admit I voted for Obama in '08, but he was neither my first nor second choice. Kucinich and Gravel were. I held my nose and voted for Obama because the choice was him or McCain, who is a dull-witted war monger.

But Obama has been an increasingly severe disappointment who apparently has been installed by the financial shadow government to maintain the status quo as inconspicuously as possible.

The fact is I am so disgusted by and with Obama I didn't even vote last time around. That's how bad the situation seems to me. Given the choice of Obama or Romney was analogous to choosing between lung cancer or stomach cancer.

Now there are murmers of a possible Christie candidacy. Without getting into the details of this man's underlying autocratic nature --


-- is this what we wish to show to the world as America's leader? Is the the best we can do? Or is he a reflection of exactly what we've become . . . ?

No, but he's the best the GObP has to offer.
Christie would be a typical democrat if the democrat party didn't evolve into something monstrous. He is liberal on every issue that is important to democrats. The problem for Christie was that he couldn't get endorsed by the party because he is too outspoken and honest for the DNC to control so he ran as a republican. When he appoints a democrat to the senate it will be perfectly clear that Christie is a RINO in the truest sense. I would hope that the democrat party takes him back into the fold . It would be the best thing all around.

Chris Christie is a Republican in literally every sense of the word if the Republican party did not evolve into what it has today. Hell, you people would be calling Eisenhower a full on liberal you're that backwards. You are the kind of person who says if you give immigrants amnesty or raise taxes or increase government in certain parts, then you are a full on liberal. Then you realize that Ronald Reagan did all three of those things and you are left speechless. You have been blinded by the Limbaugh's of the world and it is sad.

I wish I was old enough to see what the Republican Party use to be. When its members understood that compromise and working with your counterparts was something to be valued, not condemned. Maybe one day we will get back to that type of Republican, the real Republicans, not these "libertarians" or "tea partiers" that run around under the garb of the GOP making us look silly.

I DO remember and ...

Its ironic to me that the very people who idolize the cancer that was Reagan would not allow him in their Clown Car Clubhouse today.

I wish I was old enough to see what the Republican Party use to be. When its members understood that compromise and working with your counterparts was something to be valued, not condemned. Maybe one day we will get back to that type of Republican, the real Republicans, not these "libertarians" or "tea partiers" that run around under the garb of the GOP making us look silly.
I should mention I was a registered Republican going back to Barry Goldwater -- and a proud Conservative as well. But the disgraceful changes in the basic nature of those two designations forced me to re-register as a Democrat in '03. The only reason I went Democrat is there is no Independent Party in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.

While I am by no means a Republican in the present sense of that designation, I do not think of myself as a Democrat either.

Fellow New Jersian here as well. I couldn't be happier with Christy. He is my type of Republican and I consider him a true Republican. none of that crazy Michelle Bachman stuff, just a good old fashion, get it done type of guy.

The fact that bimbo Bachmann won the last election by only 1% is a hopeful sign. Even with all the R gerrymandering, its unlikely she could have won again.
Do you mean Dems whom are disenchanted w/ Obama whom would never admit they voted for him, even tho' they did?

Praytell, inquiring minds want to know.
I admit I voted for Obama in '08, but he was neither my first nor second choice. Kucinich and Gravel were. I held my nose and voted for Obama because the choice was him or McCain, who is a dull-witted war monger.

But Obama has been an increasingly severe disappointment who apparently has been installed by the financial shadow government to maintain the status quo as inconspicuously as possible.

The fact is I am so disgusted by and with Obama I didn't even vote last time around. That's how bad the situation seems to me. Given the choice of Obama or Romney was analogous to choosing between lung cancer or stomach cancer.

Now there are murmers of a possible Christie candidacy. Without getting into the details of this man's underlying autocratic nature --


-- is this what we wish to show to the world as America's leader? Is the the best we can do? Or is he a reflection of exactly what we've become . . . ?

No, but he's the best the GObP has to offer.

I have always had a distrust of very obese people on the issue of selfcontrol. Yet, watching Christie before, during, and after Sandy, he did all that I would ask of any governor in that type of situation. Disagree with him on many issues, but right now, he comes through as someone you can trust to do the job when the chips are down. So much more so than the people that were in control in the GOP during Katrina.
Christie would be a typical democrat if the democrat party didn't evolve into something monstrous. He is liberal on every issue that is important to democrats. The problem for Christie was that he couldn't get endorsed by the party because he is too outspoken and honest for the DNC to control so he ran as a republican. When he appoints a democrat to the senate it will be perfectly clear that Christie is a RINO in the truest sense. I would hope that the democrat party takes him back into the fold . It would be the best thing all around.

He's trying to avoid appointing anybody, hence the election thing.

Look, Liability said it best on his OP: If he appointed anyone, Democrat or Republican, he'd be shooting himself in the foot. He's a Republican Governor in a Democrat state, and although I think he has the pull to survive appointing a Republican senator in the short term, I doubt he'd be reelected in his state.

I don't see how giving it to the people makes him a RINO. Does it make him spend tons of money his state doesn't have? Yeah. But that's your average politician so I don't see how that makes him different from any of the Left or the Right.

Like it or not, I think the GOP needs Christie far more than the Dems do... I mean, lets face it, the media's done a good job of making you look like the bad guys in everything. If Democrats like him, then that's a mark against the normal MSM propaganda. I'd take him over Romney or Obama for sure.

(Speaking of which, I've heard people accuse Rand Paul and Rubio of being RINOs too. What's up with that?)

They must have said something that sounded sane.
Conservatives don't trust Christie, so if the Republican run him in 2016 it's time to leave the Party

Don't worry... if fatass runs for president in '16, it will be as a democrat, and little snot nosed poser punks like the pretender youngrepublican will vote for him.

TRUE conservatives will be looking for someone like Dr. Ben Carson, Alan West or even Rand Paul to run.
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Conservatives don't trust Christie, so if the Republican run him in 2016 it's time to leave the Party

Don't worry... if fatass runs for president in '16, it will be as a democrat, and little snot nosed poser punks like the pretender youngrepublican will vote for him.

TRUE conservatives will be looking for someone like Dr. Ben Carson, Alan West or even Rand Paul to run.

Fat-ass is gonna jump ship soon over to the Dems

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