Governor Christie Rises Above the Fray!

As long as he ignores the tea party and continues putting his constituents before politics he'll be fine.

In my opinion, he put himself before his constituents.

ummm..... ok :eusa_eh: Thats why he told the Washington denizens to quit bickering & get the job done after Sandy.

The very fact that he put political partisanship aside to get help to people in the city he leads makes him a selfish RINO.

I think that's right anyway.
That's all good and well for him. But he is losing support among Republicans. Kind of important for his reelection effort or any future political endevours.

he will probably switch parties..see how they love him then..

Even if he doesn't change parties, the pubs will hate him because he did the one thing no other pub is willing to do -

His job.

While every other pub in the country is laying around sucking on the public teat, Christy actually does what he was elected to do. That's unforgivable.

He's still not presidential material though. He can't control his mouth - either what goes into it or what comes out. We can't afford a reactionary smart mouth in the White House.

He could have been the savior of the GObP but it won't happen. tsk tsk tsk
Christie is an example of a democrat who is too outspoken to run as a democrat so he has to pretend to be a republican. If the closed minded democrat party allowed some independent thinking we might get some intelligence out of the damned jackasses but for now we have to settle for pretend republicans.
In my opinion, he put himself before his constituents.

ummm..... ok :eusa_eh: Thats why he told the Washington denizens to quit bickering & get the job done after Sandy.

The very fact that he put political partisanship aside to get help to people in the city he leads makes him a selfish RINO.

I think that's right anyway.

What city would that be? I thought he governed a state.

I think that's right anyway.
ummm..... ok :eusa_eh: Thats why he told the Washington denizens to quit bickering & get the job done after Sandy.

I'm talking about the election.

What do you think he should have done? What would have been putting his constituents first?

He should have appointed an interim Senator and held the election either this November when his is or next November at the end of Lautenberg's term, which the law allowed. Instead he is costing the taxpayers $24 million to cover his own ass.
Christie would be a typical democrat if the democrat party didn't evolve into something monstrous. He is liberal on every issue that is important to democrats. The problem for Christie was that he couldn't get endorsed by the party because he is too outspoken and honest for the DNC to control so he ran as a republican. When he appoints a democrat to the senate it will be perfectly clear that Christie is a RINO in the truest sense. I would hope that the democrat party takes him back into the fold . It would be the best thing all around.
I'm talking about the election.

What do you think he should have done? What would have been putting his constituents first?

He should have appointed an interim Senator and held the election either this November when his is or next November at the end of Lautenberg's term, which the law allowed. Instead he is costing the taxpayers $24 million to cover his own ass.

I can agree with that, on an ethical level. But politics is about self-preservation, which is why he did what he did.

I can't fault a politician for playing politics, it's what we pay them to do.

As a side note, I want to point out that I'm not a Christie fan at all - in fact, I worked on Corzine's campaign in 2009.
Christie would be a typical democrat if the democrat party didn't evolve into something monstrous. He is liberal on every issue that is important to democrats. The problem for Christie was that he couldn't get endorsed by the party because he is too outspoken and honest for the DNC to control so he ran as a republican. When he appoints a democrat to the senate it will be perfectly clear that Christie is a RINO in the truest sense. I would hope that the democrat party takes him back into the fold . It would be the best thing all around.

Aside from not hating gays, Muslims and Obama, what policies of Christie's are "liberal"?
Deleted. My info was wrong.

Now all you need to do is delete everything you have posted!

theDoctorisIn said:
Christie is apparently a "RINO" because he doesn't hate gays, Muslims or Obama.

When all else fails, play the homophobe, race and anti-Islam card. Classic leftist horseshit.
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Christie would be a typical democrat if the democrat party didn't evolve into something monstrous. He is liberal on every issue that is important to democrats. The problem for Christie was that he couldn't get endorsed by the party because he is too outspoken and honest for the DNC to control so he ran as a republican. When he appoints a democrat to the senate it will be perfectly clear that Christie is a RINO in the truest sense. I would hope that the democrat party takes him back into the fold . It would be the best thing all around.

Chris Christie is a Republican in literally every sense of the word if the Republican party did not evolve into what it has today. Hell, you people would be calling Eisenhower a full on liberal you're that backwards. You are the kind of person who says if you give immigrants amnesty or raise taxes or increase government in certain parts, then you are a full on liberal. Then you realize that Ronald Reagan did all three of those things and you are left speechless. You have been blinded by the Limbaugh's of the world and it is sad.

I wish I was old enough to see what the Republican Party use to be. When its members understood that compromise and working with your counterparts was something to be valued, not condemned. Maybe one day we will get back to that type of Republican, the real Republicans, not these "libertarians" or "tea partiers" that run around under the garb of the GOP making us look silly.
Do you mean Dems whom are disenchanted w/ Obama whom would never admit they voted for him, even tho' they did?

Praytell, inquiring minds want to know.
I admit I voted for Obama in '08, but he was neither my first nor second choice. Kucinich and Gravel were. I held my nose and voted for Obama because the choice was him or McCain, who is a dull-witted war monger.

But Obama has been an increasingly severe disappointment who apparently has been installed by the financial shadow government to maintain the status quo as inconspicuously as possible.

The fact is I am so disgusted by and with Obama I didn't even vote last time around. That's how bad the situation seems to me. Given the choice of Obama or Romney was analogous to choosing between lung cancer or stomach cancer.

Now there are murmers of a possible Christie candidacy. Without getting into the details of this man's underlying autocratic nature --


-- is this what we wish to show to the world as America's leader? Is this the the best we can do? Or is he a reflection of exactly what we've become as a nation . . . ?
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Deleted. My info was wrong.

Now all you need to do is delete everything you have posted!

theDoctorisIn said:
Christie is apparently a "RINO" because he doesn't hate gays, Muslims or Obama.

When all else fails, play the homophobe, race and anti-Islam card. Classic leftist horseshit.

Then I'm sure you'll be able to explain exactly what makes Christie a "RINO", right?

I wish I was old enough to see what the Republican Party use to be. When its members understood that compromise and working with your counterparts was something to be valued, not condemned. Maybe one day we will get back to that type of Republican, the real Republicans, not these "libertarians" or "tea partiers" that run around under the garb of the GOP making us look silly.
I should mention I was a registered Republican going back to Barry Goldwater -- and a proud Conservative as well. But the disgraceful changes in the basic nature of those two designations forced me to re-register as a Democrat in '03. The only reason I went Democrat is there is no Independent Party in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.

While I am by no means a Republican in the present sense of that designation, I do not think of myself as a Democrat either.

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