Governor Christie Rises Above the Fray!

Yes, I did call you on an issue in my original reply to you and you won't address it. You are trying to lump me into those who called Christie RINO as a way to get out of my calling you out. I did not call Christie a RINO, if this is an issue with those who did call him a RINO, bring it up with them, not me. If you are not gonna address what I called you on, the don't even waste your time replying, because you are wasting my time.....SpinDoctor

What exactly do you think that you've "called me on"?

If you're talking about this:
When all else fails, play the homophobe, race and anti-Islam card. Classic leftist horseshit.

I was referring to a few well-publicized recent situations when Christie was criticized by people on the Right for appointing a Muslim Judge, saying nice things about gays, and not attacking Obama.

A few situations and you use that as a reason to assume anyone calling Christie a RINO to be homophobes, racists and anti-Islam. Have you ever stopped to think that they call him a RINO is because he is too far to the left for their likings? A few well publicized situations...a few...pffffff:eusa_whistle:

Can you give me an example of how Christie is "too far left"?

No one else has been able to.
What exactly do you think that you've "called me on"?

If you're talking about this:

I was referring to a few well-publicized recent situations when Christie was criticized by people on the Right for appointing a Muslim Judge, saying nice things about gays, and not attacking Obama.

A few situations and you use that as a reason to assume anyone calling Christie a RINO to be homophobes, racists and anti-Islam. Have you ever stopped to think that they call him a RINO is because he is too far to the left for their likings? A few well publicized situations...a few...pffffff:eusa_whistle:

Can you give me an example of how Christie is "too far left"?

No one else has been able to.

He's an avid supporter of gun control. That pretty much knocks him out right there.

He's an avid supporter of gun control. That pretty much knocks him out right there.

Maybe not.

Frankly, the best thing that could happen to the GOP is to have a Sister Souljah moment where your candidate stands up to the crazies who aren't going to go anywhere else, anyway.

The thing about pandering to the NRA is that it wasn't like they were going to go out and support the Democrat.

He's an avid supporter of gun control. That pretty much knocks him out right there.

Maybe not.

Frankly, the best thing that could happen to the GOP is to have a Sister Souljah moment where your candidate stands up to the crazies who aren't going to go anywhere else, anyway.

The thing about pandering to the NRA is that it wasn't like they were going to go out and support the Democrat.

Your opinion here is significant because?

He's an avid supporter of gun control. That pretty much knocks him out right there.

Maybe not.

Frankly, the best thing that could happen to the GOP is to have a Sister Souljah moment where your candidate stands up to the crazies who aren't going to go anywhere else, anyway.

The thing about pandering to the NRA is that it wasn't like they were going to go out and support the Democrat.

Your opinion here is significant because?

I'm right and you know it. You just live in fear that the GOP leadership will figure it out, too.
Maybe not.

Frankly, the best thing that could happen to the GOP is to have a Sister Souljah moment where your candidate stands up to the crazies who aren't going to go anywhere else, anyway.

The thing about pandering to the NRA is that it wasn't like they were going to go out and support the Democrat.

Your opinion here is significant because?

I'm right and you know it. You just live in fear that the GOP leadership will figure it out, too.

Your opinion is signficant because? Try again. And give an actual answer this time.
A few situations and you use that as a reason to assume anyone calling Christie a RINO to be homophobes, racists and anti-Islam. Have you ever stopped to think that they call him a RINO is because he is too far to the left for their likings? A few well publicized situations...a few...pffffff:eusa_whistle:

Can you give me an example of how Christie is "too far left"?

No one else has been able to.

He's an avid supporter of gun control. That pretty much knocks him out right there.

So is the majority of the electorate. The American voter is not thrilled to see the rate of deaths by firearms in this nation approaching, and soon surpassing, the rate of auto deaths.

32,162 deaths by firearms

15,962 homocides, 11,101 of those using guns.

And then there are actions of the crazies. War weapons in crowded theaters and malls, to say nothing of grade schools, are very effective in killing and injuring people in large numbers. At home, said weopons and handguns are very effective in the hands of small children in killing other small children, a weekly occurance in the USA.

However, the merchants of death are making a killing, so who cares?
Rabbi & Bigderp1775 prattle on about firesticks 24/7 & they wonder why they have been losing elections.

I havent run for anything ever. So I havent lost any elections, you smelly turd.
If you mean the GOP, I'd suggest checking to see which state governments are run by Republicans before you choke on your own stupidity again.
Turd Blossom (Rove) must be terrified especially if the rw'ers here are indicative of the Repub voters at large. How much secret money $$$ did he spend last election & STILL lost.
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