Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

What a bunch of shit...So, what the hell are we doing in here then?
Pretending to be outraged, obviously. Well, you are.

Cuomo should just call everyone else liars. Maybe ask China or Russia for some propaganda help. Why not? That's the new standard, courtesy of Trump and his cult. Does only the mentally ill orange slob get to play by these rules?

Dear supporters,

Whatever they say about me, just keeping talking about Trump. I appreciate the cover.

Gotta go, there's a chick in the lobby giving me "the eye". Wink, wink!


Andy C.
So Cuomo should just call everyone liars and maybe ask Russia and China for propaganda help...


That's what you're proposing, exactly as I said you would.

So...should Cuomo do that?

Well, he's already getting plenty of assistance from Russia. I mean, this is the person Biden appointed to bury the Cuomo story from the press:

I didn't ask you for the latest white wing blogger nuttery.

Good thing all you got was your fellow Democrat wearing a symbol of Soviet oppression while embracing Putin's goons.
Maybe now that it's out he hid the records of all the old people he killed, it was the straw that broke the camels back for her.

Wait, weren't you the guy who ran around and claimed that most of the people who died of Covid died of other things so the Hospitals could get more money?

Now you are claiming that Cuomo "hid" the records of all the old people he killed.
Yep. If you think Ray is going to care that two things he made up in his head and vomited on a message board contradict each other, then you haven't met Ray.
What a bunch of shit...So, what the hell are we doing in here then?
Pretending to be outraged, obviously. Well, you are.

Cuomo should just call everyone else liars. Maybe ask China or Russia for some propaganda help. Why not? That's the new standard, courtesy of Trump and his cult. Does only the mentally ill orange slob get to play by these rules?

Dear supporters,

Whatever they say about me, just keeping talking about Trump. I appreciate the cover.

Gotta go, there's a chick in the lobby giving me "the eye". Wink, wink!


Andy C.
So Cuomo should just call everyone liars and maybe ask Russia and China for propaganda help...


That's what you're proposing, exactly as I said you would.

So...should Cuomo do that?

Well, he's already getting plenty of assistance from Russia. I mean, this is the person Biden appointed to bury the Cuomo story from the press:

I didn't ask you for the latest white wing blogger nuttery.

Good thing all you got was your fellow Democrat wearing a symbol of Soviet oppression while embracing Putin's goons.
Yes, cry it all out. I only asked the question to watch you squirm, because i knew that is all you could or would do. We are done here.
What a bunch of shit...So, what the hell are we doing in here then?
Pretending to be outraged, obviously. Well, you are.

Cuomo should just call everyone else liars. Maybe ask China or Russia for some propaganda help. Why not? That's the new standard, courtesy of Trump and his cult. Does only the mentally ill orange slob get to play by these rules?

Dear supporters,

Whatever they say about me, just keeping talking about Trump. I appreciate the cover.

Gotta go, there's a chick in the lobby giving me "the eye". Wink, wink!


Andy C.
So Cuomo should just call everyone liars and maybe ask Russia and China for propaganda help...


That's what you're proposing, exactly as I said you would.

So...should Cuomo do that?

Well, he's already getting plenty of assistance from Russia. I mean, this is the person Biden appointed to bury the Cuomo story from the press:

I didn't ask you for the latest white wing blogger nuttery.

Good thing all you got was your fellow Democrat wearing a symbol of Soviet oppression while embracing Putin's goons.
Yes, cry it all out. I only asked the question to watch you squirm, because i knew that is all you could or would do. We are done here.

Sure thing comrade, give my regards to Natasha.
What a bunch of shit...So, what the hell are we doing in here then?
Pretending to be outraged, obviously. Well, you are.

Cuomo should just call everyone else liars. Maybe ask China or Russia for some propaganda help. Why not? That's the new standard, courtesy of Trump and his cult. Does only the mentally ill orange slob get to play by these rules?

Dear supporters,

Whatever they say about me, just keeping talking about Trump. I appreciate the cover.

Gotta go, there's a chick in the lobby giving me "the eye". Wink, wink!


Andy C.
So Cuomo should just call everyone liars and maybe ask Russia and China for propaganda help...


That's what you're proposing, exactly as I said you would.

So...should Cuomo do that?

Well, he's already getting plenty of assistance from Russia. I mean, this is the person Biden appointed to bury the Cuomo story from the press:

I didn't ask you for the latest white wing blogger nuttery.

Good thing all you got was your fellow Democrat wearing a symbol of Soviet oppression while embracing Putin's goons.
Yes, cry it all out. I only asked the question to watch you squirm, because i knew that is all you could or would do. We are done here.

Sure thing comrade, give my regards to Natasha.
Trump has really turned your brains to tapioca. You cant seem to snap out of fantasy mode anymore.
I thought I was clear
Then you thought wrong. Should he? Are you cool with it, the way you were cool with Trump doing it?

Don't worry. I know you will never answer. That's the point.
I said it was expected, I'm I highlighted the Dems have a long history of doing it, Obama, Biden, Clintons....I was pretty sure I told you I would expect it given the numerous people in your party that wrote the playbook.

You didn't seem to have a problem when they did it, so I am not sure why you aren't cool with Presidents or Govs that follow them playing by the same rules
What a bunch of shit...So, what the hell are we doing in here then?
Pretending to be outraged, obviously. Well, you are.

Cuomo should just call everyone else liars. Maybe ask China or Russia for some propaganda help. Why not? That's the new standard, courtesy of Trump and his cult. Does only the mentally ill orange slob get to play by these rules?

Dear supporters,

Whatever they say about me, just keeping talking about Trump. I appreciate the cover.

Gotta go, there's a chick in the lobby giving me "the eye". Wink, wink!


Andy C.
So Cuomo should just call everyone liars and maybe ask Russia and China for propaganda help...


That's what you're proposing, exactly as I said you would.

So...should Cuomo do that?

Well, he's already getting plenty of assistance from Russia. I mean, this is the person Biden appointed to bury the Cuomo story from the press:

I didn't ask you for the latest white wing blogger nuttery.

Good thing all you got was your fellow Democrat wearing a symbol of Soviet oppression while embracing Putin's goons.
Yes, cry it all out. I only asked the question to watch you squirm, because i knew that is all you could or would do. We are done here.

Sure thing comrade, give my regards to Natasha.
Trump has really turned your brains to tapioca. You cant seem to snap out of fantasy mode anymore.

You seem to be protesting a lot. Probably because you just got outed as a Russian agent.
Wait, weren't you the guy who ran around and claimed that most of the people who died of Covid died of other things so the Hospitals could get more money?

Now you are claiming that Cuomo "hid" the records of all the old people he killed.

Yep, that's what the charge is. It was revealed by one of his former aids. don't trust her either? Even the Justice department is getting involved in this one.
YOu mean as opposed to the guy who said, "Grab them by the pussy"?

Hey, new rule. How about both sides just declare this shit doesn't matter. Then Democrats don't have to pretend they care about women and Conservatives don't have to pretend they care about morals.

We can declare that, but the left never will. You are a good example. Trump said something, and Bill Clinton actually did something.

Since that ten year old tape came out, the leftists haven't stopped talking about it for over four years. Normal minded guys know it was just Trump trying to be impressive. We've all known guys like that. But it doesn't mean it actually happened.

And let's look at the Kavanaugh situation. Some dingbat came out with this phony story from 30 years ago, and the Democrats had a hearing on it; just for words. Forget the fact of all the lies she told. Forget the fact she couldn't tell us what street the house was on yet alone the address. Forget the fact that when she made up the story, she was making it up for today's day and age. She said she didn't remember who picked her up. Well sweetie, we didn't have cell phones back then. She would have had to use a neighbors phone or a payphone. Nobody could ever forget that. Plus of course we didn't have electronic phone books either. She would have had to have the number memorized, or in a phone book she carried.

In spite of all that and more, the Democrats still voted to reject a good honest man who had to study his ass off to make it to the top of the class in an ivy league school.

So you want us to stop, let them stop first.
Yep. If you think Ray is going to care that two things he made up in his head and vomited on a message board contradict each other, then you haven't met Ray.

Actually, I'm going to give Ray some credit. He's actually a lot more thoughtful than 90% of the wingnuts here who repeat whatever they heard on Hate Radio like they had an original idea.

(Boy, I hope he doesn't prove me wrong by saying dumb things....)

We can declare that, but the left never will. You are a good example. Trump said something, and Bill Clinton actually did something.

Since that ten year old tape came out, the leftists haven't stopped talking about it for over four years. Normal minded guys know it was just Trump trying to be impressive. We've all known guys like that. But it doesn't mean it actually happened.

Who was going to be "impressed" by a guy talking about assaulting women?

And let's look at the Kavanaugh situation. Some dingbat came out with this phony story from 30 years ago, and the Democrats had a hearing on it; just for words. Forget the fact of all the lies she told. Forget the fact she couldn't tell us what street the house was on yet alone the address. Forget the fact that when she made up the story, she was making it up for today's day and age. She said she didn't remember who picked her up. Well sweetie, we didn't have cell phones back then. She would have had to use a neighbors phone or a payphone. Nobody could ever forget that. Plus of course we didn't have electronic phone books either. She would have had to have the number memorized, or in a phone book she carried.

Frankly, there are a lot of details of things that happened to me 35 years ago, and I have a pretty darned good memory. I've forgotten the names of 90% of the people I went to High School with at this point.

Kavanaugh did a lot more than words. It actually sounded like a sexual assault.

In spite of all that and more, the Democrats still voted to reject a good honest man who had to study his ass off to make it to the top of the class in an ivy league school.

Um, yeah, if the guy was a sexual abuser, I'd hope so . Frankly, just the temper tantrums the man threw at the hearing should have been enough to disqualify him.

I have a question- how is it that you guys don't vet people like Thomas and Kavanaugh before you nominate them?
Who was going to be "impressed" by a guy talking about assaulting women?

More or less men don't look at that as assault. The way Trump explained it, they were compliant, and he thought that would be impressive to them if they actually believed his fish story. In other words, because he was such a stud, those women had no problem with his advances.

Frankly, there are a lot of details of things that happened to me 35 years ago, and I have a pretty darned good memory. I've forgotten the names of 90% of the people I went to High School with at this point.

Kavanaugh did a lot more than words. It actually sounded like a sexual assault.

Sounded is different than actually doing it. 30 years later and only then when he was nominated by the President she came out with it? Less suspicious if she didn't bleach bit the internet of her presence. Less suspicious if her former students didn't come forward to state they never heard her speak the way she did at the hearing where her fake acting made her sound like an innocent child. Less suspicious if she didn't spend her life as a commie activist, and a picture she didn't get to erase of her in a pussy hat wasn't put out there.

I don't remember some things 30 years ago either. I don't remember how I bowled in the second game of our playoffs in our league. I don't remember who my girlfriend was at the time. I don't recall all the songs I played in a band. I don't remember how much I was paying for rent before I bought this place. But I remember when my apartment was robbed, and my first gun purchase to kill the SOB"s if they came back.

Monumental things are always remembered for the rest of your life as if they happened yesterday.

Um, yeah, if the guy was a sexual abuser, I'd hope so . Frankly, just the temper tantrums the man threw at the hearing should have been enough to disqualify him.

I have a question- how is it that you guys don't vet people like Thomas and Kavanaugh before you nominate them?

They were totally vetted. The commies were able to get their activists to try and stop good people on the Republican side from getting on the Supreme Court.

To be honest, I'm the type of guy who needs empirical evidence to believe anything. But if the left wants to play their games like they have in the past, I'll play by their rules too. Believe the woman under any circumstance. What a President does on his own time is not only none of our business, but has nothing to do with his job. Yet when it's a Republican, their rules reverse.

Leftists are born hypocrites.
More or less men don't look at that as assault. The way Trump explained it, they were compliant, and he thought that would be impressive to them if they actually believed his fish story. In other words, because he was such a stud, those women had no problem with his advances.


I don't remember some things 30 years ago either. I don't remember how I bowled in the second game of our playoffs in our league. I don't remember who my girlfriend was at the time. I don't recall all the songs I played in a band. I don't remember how much I was paying for rent before I bought this place. But I remember when my apartment was robbed, and my first gun purchase to kill the SOB"s if they came back.

So it sounds like you remember stuff that was important to you... like your first gun wank.

She remembered being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh and his pal. She doesn't remember the street address of the party. That sounds... actually kind of reasonable.

To be honest, I'm the type of guy who needs empirical evidence to believe anything. But if the left wants to play their games like they have in the past, I'll play by their rules too. Believe the woman under any circumstance. What a President does on his own time is not only none of our business, but has nothing to do with his job. Yet when it's a Republican, their rules reverse.

You all tried that with Tara Raede, and it backfired in your face when her long history of felonies came to light.
Thanks Ray, call me shocked.

Demonicrats pulled that same shit with Clarence Thomas. They treated him like a NGR & same Kavanaugh. PROGS never learn, the Demonicrats will do it again & again. But you know, PROGS are on the side of edgeucation & fair & happy to tell you all about it.

It's the hypocrisy of it all is what gets me. When it's somebody on their side, they defend them for doing something in the same rage that somebody on our side supposedly did. When it's our guy, they attack him like he's the most evil person on the planet and should be locked up with the key thrown away.

I think it's that and "we" might have some differences what makes character & sense. Kavanaugh Vs Cuomo, hmm!

Yes Kavanaugh tried to attempted rape someone, very different.
YOu mean as opposed to the guy who said, "Grab them by the pussy"?

Hey, new rule. How about both sides just declare this shit doesn't matter. Then Democrats don't have to pretend they care about women and Conservatives don't have to pretend they care about morals.

We can declare that, but the left never will. You are a good example. Trump said something, and Bill Clinton actually did something.

Since that ten year old tape came out, the leftists haven't stopped talking about it for over four years. Normal minded guys know it was just Trump trying to be impressive. We've all known guys like that. But it doesn't mean it actually happened.

And let's look at the Kavanaugh situation. Some dingbat came out with this phony story from 30 years ago, and the Democrats had a hearing on it; just for words. Forget the fact of all the lies she told. Forget the fact she couldn't tell us what street the house was on yet alone the address. Forget the fact that when she made up the story, she was making it up for today's day and age. She said she didn't remember who picked her up. Well sweetie, we didn't have cell phones back then. She would have had to use a neighbors phone or a payphone. Nobody could ever forget that. Plus of course we didn't have electronic phone books either. She would have had to have the number memorized, or in a phone book she carried.

In spite of all that and more, the Democrats still voted to reject a good honest man who had to study his ass off to make it to the top of the class in an ivy league school.

So you want us to stop, let them stop first.

He (kavanaugh) attempted rape.
He (kavanaugh) attempted rape.

Right, because whatever the commies tell you, obey their commands even if it goes against all common sense.

So do you believe the things this former aid of granny killer is saying? Don't worry about saying what you think. We understand. You're a leftist so you were born a hypocrite.

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